The madness of grief?

Ah ok , I’ve got propanolol too for my racing heart . I have one now and again .
Yes I have an assessment with sue Ryder next week . Also starting with Nhs talking mental health but they is a 10 week wait :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: xxx

@Laura8 I have the racing heart thing as well as just a horrible unease. Let me know if the Sue Ryder helps. I signed up to their grief support by text which helps a bit. Xx


Totally understand. My dad passed 2 1/2 years ago and I still can’t accept he’s not here and not around.
I presuming it’s all part of our grief and sometimes not sure how to get past this.
I was with my dad when he passed but still finding it so dreadfully hard to accept.
I say do anything you’re comfortable with if it helps.
Thoughts are with you x


Yes I have those too . I will let you know. It can’t hurt can it . Xx

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