The Queen

I know exactly what you mean I have been in floods of tears since the passing of the Queen I was improving but now back to square one I have fibromyalgia and it’s gone haywire and migraine doctors are sending me for an mri but I think they are due to to grief


Hello you !
If they send you to the Tower can I come please. I am sick and tired on listening and seeing stuff rehashed over and over again. Yes she was our Queen and yes I quite liked her but let’s be fair it’s a pretty dysfunctional family isn’t it. Even during this period of mourning certain members of the family are being pulled apart. It’s a shame it all has to be played out public but myself I cannot wait until Monday when all this is over.

It’s been almost eighteen months for me and some days it seems like yesterday so I don’t need reminding how sad Charles is losing his mum. I saw how my own boys suffered and still do losing their dad suddenly. This woman lived 30 years longer than my husband so let’s look at this clearly. We have all suffered one way or another and we don’t need a lecture on grief - we could write a book.

Keep going G we all have to soldier on and get past this. Much love to all xx



It doesn’t matter how long we have our loved one, it is never never enough.
They are so so special and will always be.
Every day I tell myself how lucky I was, has I live this life alone now…but I am glad I am suffering and he is not…the last thing I could do for him.
I loved him so much and always will. X


I feel exactly like you about my darling husband. It would have been our 56th anniversary yesterday and I got through it by thinking how he had been suffering and he suffers no more, love to all.


I selfishly think you didn’t know or care about my husbands death or my grieving it was only Easter when he died and now all this public display and TV coverage all day every day is heartbreaking just when you think you are settling g down a little I now feel as though it happened only yesterday for Mr too


Hello Grandma,
You have made me smile with your quote about getting sent to the tower and having some peace… I’m with you on that one.
I know that we can turn the TV off but the coverage takes up so much time and the newspapers are half full of it every day.
I do think that the Queens death has triggered memories for many people of their loved ones passing. I know it has for me, so see you in the tower!!
Love Jenny x


Looking forward to seeing everyone in the tower.

Specials thoughts for everyone tomorrow.

G. X


I understand.


@Kingfisher me and Grandma will be there in the Tower. Grandma’s bringing the Pringles and me the Prosecco and tub of Celebration. That should keep us going till they chop off our heads.

Much :heart:


I was collecting my husbands ashes as the Queen passed away. He was in the Grenadier Guards when a young man and was at Buckingham Palace and Windsor. He was proud that on a very hot day the Queen sent down a glass of orange juice and waved
As he served her in life i am sure he is serving her in heaven
I miss him so much i cry on my own
its only been two months i will never get over this😢


Yes you’re right you will never get over it, but do you really want to ? When someone you love is taken from you we’re never be the same but we do learn to live alongside our grief and instead of crying all the time there will be times you laugh out loud when you think of something that you both shared. Sadly the crying never stops and our. broken hearts never mend but we must carry on and just take each day as it comes. It’s a long journey but one we must all take if only in memory of those we have lost.

BIG hugs to you :heart:


I so agree with you. All this media trying to force grief on people day and night. I’m going out for a walk today and the TV will not be switched on. This last ten days has been awful for me and has brought back all my initial grief. This should not be happening for one person. I appreciate that she gave up her private life for a very public life, but lots of people give up the life they wanted to help other people and the environment, but they are anonymous . Spending millions on one human’s funeral is despicable. She had a good, privileged life, normal people shouldn’t have this thrust upon them.


I has been 5 months since my husband passed and I was getting a little better but since our Queen has passed away I am back at square one :broken_heart: :blue_heart: :cry:


It has been nearly 3 years since my darling husband died, my grief today is no different than it is every day since… … full of sorrow and tears, I miss him so much. X


My thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of you today aswell as the Royal family, regardless of people’s views they say their last goodbye to their mum, grandma, great grandma, aunt, God bless everyone :heart:


I agree I cannot understand why people are going to see coffin or grieving for someone they don’t know . I haven’t watched anything on Tv and have no interest. My husband passed away at 55 of a terrible cancer, he was so loyal, kind thoughtful, worked so hard never had a day off, didn’t smoke , drink had very high morals. I have recently been diagnosed with cancer ( which I wonder if grief has had anything to do with it) I need to have extensive surgery, hopefully I will survive I am 59


I am going to put my head in a noose or possibly a firing squad because I find some of the comments on this topic quite uncalled for.
I have been interested in the publics attitude to the loss of a Queen and have admired the people that queued for hours to say goodbye and pay tribute to a Queen of 70 years, I know I certainly couldn’t have done it.
People from all over the world have come here and supported each other and the ceremonies have really touched me with their splendour and magnitude. The armed forces and police were a great example of discipline and they were amazing. The Royals have shown the meaning of the word Duty and all this put together made me proud to be British for once. Kindness and dignity flowed through our country and this can’t be bad in such troubled times.
What was expected when a Queen so loved has died. She gave 70 years to her public surely we can give her a few days.
I haven’t sat glued to the TV, I have watched what I wanted but that is perhaps because I have learned where the off switch is on the remote.!!


Yes, don’t disagree with anything you have said or what anyone else has said. It is like anything else very personal choice if people watch tv also can’t help peoples feelings for their loved ones. That’s life people all different with what is important to them and opinions


Lovely words Pattidot so meaningful. X


Totally agree with you Pattidot I have found the comments on this topic uncalled for you don’t have to watch the TV there is an off switch. I have watched the funeral of HM the Queen and yes it brought back very sad memorys for me as my husband died during covid and we couldn’t have the funeral Peter deserved but it hasn’t made me mean about the Queens funeral she deserved a wonderful send off 70yrs on the throne doing a job none of us would want so God Bless you mam rest in peace with your Philip. X