The Queen

Gentle waves
I do hope your cancer can be treated. I had breast cancer five years ago and I have been given the all clear. I had my cancer while my husband was alive and I really feel for you having to deal with it without your husband.
Best wishes to you


How very kind Jen. I agree I wouldn’t have wanted the Queen’s job. I am sure it has brought back memories for some people but I am lucky enough to have never connected my loss with the Queen. I wasn’t even going to watch the ceremony but I did put the TV on later and thought how magnificent the parade through the streets of London was.
I wonder if there is some significance in there being two rainbows sighted a few nights ago and then another one yesterday both over London.


Thank you x it is very scary and I know I would have coped better if my husband here, miss him so much x

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I will be :pray: for you and hope everything works out for the best and that you are okay

I’m sure the original poster did not intend this to be a place for what I feel are uncalled for comments. No one has been forced to watch this & personally I feel it’s been a wonderful celebration of the Queen’s life. The military procession was spectacular.
I have watched it because I wanted to but I have felt very alone in doing so because I missed my husband by my side. I raised a toast, poured 2 glasses one for him & one for me, to send her on her way. Now she’s reunited with her beloved Philip :heart:


Ive been feeling the same aswell. I decided not to watch the funeral as i was upset enough already. I lost my mum and the passing of the queen has brought that back up again.
I kept thinkin how bad i felt for her children, as they had so much to do aswell as grieve for her.

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It’s been a strange emotional day. Thought the coverage of the queens funeral on tv was very well done and everyone involved in the day did her proud.
It will be a year on Wednesday since my husband died and felt very alone today watching something so historic and emotional without him.


Ed9 I was feeling totally the same as you missing my son even more than ever…….not the Queen. Also it would have been my mums Birthday yesterday too, so it was such an emotional day for me. Take Care x

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Hi Sheila
How nice to hear from you.
I see that the funeral of the Queen has brought back sad memories for lots of people. I think I must be lucky as I have been able to seperate the two and don’t compare the loss of my husband with the Queen.
A weepy film and yes, I am in bits so I try not to watch them. I don’t compare their ages either as I don’t see any point there is nothing I can do about it.
I can see the dogs and pony would bring back memories as one of my dogs would only lie on her Dad’s chair in the dining room after he died and this went on for a year. If she saw a man dressed similar to my husband she would race over to them with her head high sniffing the air and then about three metres away she would obviously realise it wasn’t him.
I did the same as you and watched what I wanted and then went to something else so I haven’t felt overloaded with ‘the queen’. I did enjoy the procession though as it was so beautifully done and even the horses were walking in time to the drum beat. It did make me feel proud.
Pat xx


Hi Sheila
Your correct there. Watching it for once made me feel proud to be British.
I think they did the Queen proud and I hope that somehow she knew this.


Yes know how you feel . Our anniversary next week . Would have been 53 years . Hubby died a week before our Golden wedding ! Also lost our mum on 4 sept . She was born same year as the Queen and have her funeral tomorrow . Not a good time at the moment I’m afraid ,
Caring thoughts to all :cry:


Thinking of you and take care😃 and hugs Sent to you


I wish you the best of luck with the surgery, especially after you have had so much to cope with. If you feel up to it, please let us know how it goes. Hugs

Hi Sheila,
I so agree with what you said (but then, I usually do!). Losing the Queen, sad as it is, didn’t warrant hours and hours of tv coverage where the poor announcers were clearly struggling to find something fresh to say. I blame the media. They can never do anything without turning it into a circus.
The queen has died - at 96! Did some people expect her to live for ever? I would have given anything for my beloved husband to have lived to that age.
Hugs, Ann


The anniversaries are the worst, aren’t they? Silly really because they are no different from any other day.
55 years is such a great length of time. We managed 57 together, married for 54 of them. Still wasn’t anywhere near long enough. I try to think how very lucky we were to have had that long but it doesn’t really help, does it?
So we plod on.
Ann x


I so agree with you. Funnily we were together exactly the same amount of time and together the same time. I have just got through our second anniversary since my darling’s death. It was marginally better than the 55th. It’s now the second anniversary of his death in December I have to get through. I find I start dreading it weeks before it happens. Hopefully this year won’t be so bad. Last year I spent with my youngest son, this year it’s a Saturday so I hope I will see lots of my children and grandchildren. Best wishes to you and to everyone who is sad and lonely and missing their loved ones


Sorry for the delay in repying. I have had a health scare - a lump, so have not been able to think of much else.
Just as I thought that after the two years since my husband died, I ought to pick myself up and get on with stuff, that happens! Life really is a bitch sometimes and that’s a fact!
I wish you all the best, especially at Christmas


Thank you so much. Best wishes

Just read your post and I totally agree the higher ups didn’t care when my husband passed don’t get me wrong I have respect for the royals and the job they do but I couldn’t go and see or watch on TV anything to do with her death as my own grief is still so raw


Totally agree with your outlook and thoughts