The smallest thing can start you crying

I was reasonably ok this morning.

Then I saw a label written by my husband.

So the crying started.


Just let the tears flow Rose.
It’s better to let them out I think.
Perhaps you can try do something to distract you and help you get through the day.
I’m trying to get moving today but no motivation. Need a rocket up my bum or I’ll end up sitting all day :frowning:
Take care and hope your day is as ok as it can be
M sending love, strength and a big hug. Xxx


I’m also having a bad day, despite going out earlier and trying to socialise. I woke up from a dream, where Steve and I were together and I told myself how lucky we were. Then I woke up.
I don’t think this weather is helping any of us, either.
X :people_hugging:


So sorry @SadGirlfriend .
Sending hugs xx


Thank you @roni52.

I had quite a cry.

Love hugs and positive vibes being sent to you for the best Tuesday you can have.

Rose xx


Hi Rose,
So sorry the label triggered yr tears… It really can be anything ,and at any moment.
Hope you are feeling a bit brighter.
Ellie xx


I’ve been really struggling yesterday & today the pain is just unbearable I can’t accept my husband has gone we were so in love he was my absolute world I just can’t deal with him not being here


Hi Ellie,

it is unpredictable isn’t it.

I hope you have had the Tuesday possible.

Rose xx

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I’m so sorry Rose.
I didn’t realise
But I do understand.
I’ve got a small scrap of paper with Rogers hand writing on.
It’s in his memory box.

Big hugs x x


So very sorry.

Sending a big hug.

Rose xx


Hi Rose,
Thank you.
I have had a good day today but so unpredictable, as you say.
Ellie x


I’ve been tidying in my husbands study (spare bedroom) today. It’s heartbreaking. All the things he’d kept, printed off. I just got a big folder and put in it everything with his writing on and another folder for things he’d been interested in. Got rid of all the paperwork related to the holidays we’ve had. That was really sad thinking of how happy we were.


Hi @Woolly

I understand. Its truly horrible.
Keep it.
For now anyway.

Big hugs
Liz x x


Hi Rose

It just creeps up on you unexpectedly and for me anyway it really is the slightest little things that take me by surprise not soo much the “big” things our brain kind of prepares us for them I think perhaps. You cry as much as you need to. It helps me but right now I’m in a “bit of a slump. Bit of an understatement really. I’ve been crying practically all day for the last 9 days. For seemingly stupid things. There must be a reason for it I suppose but I wish it would stop. I have a serious talk with myself and promise tomorrow will be better but it’s not. You take care of yourself and sending you a virtual hug xx


Hi Willy
How very brave but heartbreaking for you. Thinking of you. Love and hugs xx

I understand totally the comments made. I am needing to downsize and I am frozen by panic whenever I try to make a start. Suit jacket that still smells of him , bright shirt he took on every holiday for years. It’s not just getting rid of items that were his, it’s just doing anything related to this move . I think it is because I don’t want to move on, even though the house is sold and I must. I haven’t got a house to move to yet . subconsciously, I think I may have not taken a decision on which house, because a new life alone in a new home is scary. I just watch tv or mess with my phone, to reduce my panic levels and look forward to the end of the day , but feeling guilt for not achieving anything. I’ll be moving in with my daughter and her family with stuff in storage until I get a place. All scary stuff …. But eventually things will settle !


Big hug xx

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Sending a big hug xx

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I’ve been reasonably ok recently but started bereavement counselling last week, I had my second session this morning. I seem to get more upset and emotional after each one. I hope it gets better. Sending you all a big hug xx


Hi Victoria I’ve been thinking of counselling but I really don’t know yet what to do.
I believe they won’t accept you until it’s been at least 8 weeks in only just up to 4 weeks although it feels like yesterday and years ago weirdly

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