the unfairness of it all makes me even more sad and angry

Ahh, it is such a shame, and you must feel so robbed of what you had together. He sounded like a lovely person. But whatever happens on this road of grief were on, you will always have all those lovely memories you had with him, and nobody can take those away. Just try to take one day at a time and do what makes you feel happy at that time. :hugs:

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I was the same , brought my 3 kids up on my own until i met my husband . We were together for 13 years and got married December 2023. Then he passed away In April, suddenly . Mine was different though. He made me believe there were some decent ones out their. But since he died ive found out some things that have made me rethink our time togetherand that has really hurt me. On top of losing him so suddenly , i now have to deal with the deceit that was going on. Not to mention his one sister knew and has been funny with me because i called her out on it. Life is so hard and you just wonder why does it have to be. :hugs:


Oh no that is so sad :cry:
You think you know a person. Deceit is the worst… not so much the actual action, but being the last to find out.
Get it out of your mind… dont let it be the last thing you think about your husband.

All i worry about now is Nicks evil brother. Yesterday, i found out that they had a joint bank account ( not main one ) Nick had put 3 bills to come out and put 10k into the account… it was an old mortgage account and that was paid off.
Andy put nothing into it. Andy has that money now… he can choke on it.
All he went on about when we actually saw him was money!! Nick was scared because he only had his pension.
I work, i paid all the bills to take the strain off him.
On the day Nick actually passed away Andy was putting it just into his name.
Ive changed the 3 bills to mine and Nicks main account. It was such a ball ache doing it and took all day, because my name wasnt on account.
Andy, his brother… turned up to get Nicks ID on 28th April… so hes up to something.
I hope it is fraud and he goes to prison.
Sounds harsh, but the messages i saw on Nicks phone.
Nick pleading with Andy to sort financial things out and Andy ignored him.
Nick actually wrote, i haven’t slept for 5 days and my head is banging like never before.
Andy ignored him. I was in work… but i knew Nick was worrying :worried: i kept telling him to have a sleep, stop worrying.
I cried all weekend reading those txts.

The last time i spoke to Andy he said him and Nick had made peace.
No way, Nick didnt forgive him.

Ive got to stay strong in the funeral. Im not going to talk to anyone :confused:
Not going to the wake. Its best if i dont.

Im heartbroken :broken_heart: thats its come down to money. Andy beat Nick up years ago… said he was going to break him physically and financially :sleepy:
Now it seems hes going to start on me.
My solicitor knows exactly whats gone on.
The will is being sent to the other executor on Monday. Im an executor too and know Nick has left me everything.

Do you know what though… if i had a choice id have Nick home, well with us in a camper van travelling round Europe… Andy could have had it all,for all i care.
But, ive got no Nick… this is our family home. Hes got a fight on his hands.
Im filled with anger and pain in my heart.


So sorry for your loss.
Be careful with planning solo holidays, I lost my soulmate in January this year. We had planned to go to the Maldives. When we were told his condition was terminal I wanted to cancel our plans but my husband insisted that I go on our dream holiday so much so he made me promise that I would go. Here I am in the most romantic place surrounded by couples. I have been in tears since I arrived. Devastated that Dave is not with me . It’s really difficult seeing everyone around me in love., and me on my own. I get pitying looks when in the restaurant, I can’t wait for this holiday to be over and I can be surrounded by familiarity. Not sure if I will ever travel on my own again but certainly not for a long time


Oh wow, I really feel for you, being so far from home and waiting to get back on that plane home!
I plan to go to Greece in September, alone, and noticed that some hotels are advertised as “Romantic”, will definitely be avoiding them.
I do hope you manage to get some kind of a break and relaxation time while you’re in the Maldives.

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Aww thats really sad :pensive:
Im going to Venice with my son in August, hopefully. It should have been me & Nick but its only 4 days.
Im thinking of a trip next year as in with a tour guide… more of a sightseeing, adventure holiday. Instead of a beach, romantic one.
But, ill wait and see…x

You are a very brave woman to have gone on holiday on your own after losing someone so close to you. Dont be disheartened! At least you tried, and maybe it was just a bit too early for you as this grief journey we are on, can be overwhelming and exhausting, at times. Big hugs for going for your loved one xx

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Only the good die young … so very true;( xx

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I lost my soulmate just over 12 months ago. We talked about going to the Maldives one day but never got a chance and lately I’ve been thinking about going for both of us sometime soon. Having read your post I don’t think I want to go now. I am sorry to hear what you had to experience while being so far away from home and alone while still grieving for your loss.
Sending big hugs xx