They all drift away ☹️

Oops drift along, I should have said. Cx

Hi Johnswife
My husband passed away Jan this year
It’s been exactly the same for me
I have felt lonely sometimes
I think after this lockdown, we should all meet up and make new friends
Start to build our lives again
Try to keep positive
You can always talk to any of us

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@Christie We would give anything to be doing that with them right now. Wonderful memories :butterfly::broken_heart:

@Krissy I think the virus has made it very hard for us this year. No one would choose to shut themselves away. It would be great to meet up. @PeterL was daydreaming about getting a big house so we could do just that. :butterfly::broken_heart:

I’m very sad to hear this. I sort of know how you’re feeling as my hubby passed away 18months ago. My son was only 19 and my daughter 24. I really think it’s affected my son badly. He isn’t the boy he was. I’ve given them time and you should to. Your family really don’t want to desert you but grief hits people in all ways. Just be kind to yourself. I’m here should you need a shoulder


@Lonely Six years. That seems a lifetime to me today. I can only admire your spirit and resolve. I don’t like my own company but will have to start trying to deal with it because I can see I will be on my own a lot. The hobbies we had we shared as John was the practical one and I the ideas one. I will take note of your idea to have a list of tradesmen as when I move there will certainly be plenty of jobs to do. Your story of friends vanishing is sad. It seems to happen all the time so the fact that we did everything together and didn’t have friends in the UK means I have been spared that sorrow. I will have to make some friends now to break up the lonely days. I won’t be sending any cards this Christmas and hope I do not receive any. My cousin asked if I was moving on after 11 weeks and when I told her I didn’t want to wake up each morning she didn’t reply. End of her I expect. I hope that in time the memories will get me through as they do you. Thank you Sheila for taking the time and care to tell me your story. xxx

@Daffy123 -Thanks for reposting the old mans answer -I haven’t seen it before and it just describes our grief so well and how sometimes we are just hanging on.x


@amelie_sgran- I love your analogy of the boat and @jonathan123 yours stating the despair but with hope as well x

Have just once more wandered into the forum and was quite shocked your post was found offensive.
Your comments were made with the best of intentions and from experience know just how easy it is to slip into despair and how hard it is to face the day.
It seems that if someone doesn’t agree with a post then that message is classed as offensive when there was no intent to either hurt or offend.
We are all struggling, some are at the start of grief, others learning to cope, but all grieving in our own way.
Please keep posting your experiences they will help some if not all.


@12remember May I point you to the posts that explain @Pattidot and myself have agreed to put this behind us and move on.

@Lonely Such a lovely saying thank you. I will love my John until the day I die and hope he is waiting to throw his arms around me again and for ever. Xx

I agree xxx


I agree wholeheartedly. We need a level playing field and this does not seem to be that.

@Johnswife. One day you will be together for eternity. We all will be with our loved ones.


@Jooles45 Thank you. You are a light in the midst of a storm :butterfly::broken_heart:

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Hello everyone,

This thread is getting a little heated, and I would ask you all to please remember that the primary purpose of this community is support. Our community guidelines ask everyone to be respectful and sensitive to each other.

To prevent the discussion becoming more problematic overnight, I’m going to temporarily lock this thread. The community manager will review this in the morning and unlock again if appropriate.

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