Things do get better šŸ„°

Good evening,

I just thought Iā€™d share part of my experience of my own grief journey to hopefully help others in similar situations. Things do get better :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So as many of you know my Andrew passed away unexpectedly on the 15th April after being together for 18 years, he was my world, soulmate, my absolute favourite person. I could go on forever but those who no know what we have all lost. I found myself at 37 completely robbed of our future šŸ©·

I was completely distraught and couldnā€™t see how I would ever feel any better. My world had changed it was a blur, surreal, there was no purpose to anything, I could barely get a shower, some days I didnā€™t. I couldnā€™t see anything in the future other than utter grief, dread, anxiety and loneliness. I ate utter crap and felt the worst pain imaginable.

Itā€™s been barely 3 months and I am in a completely different place, my mindset has changed and I can see that I am stronger than I ever thought I could be. Iā€™m no means were I want to be but I know I will get there. We as humans are so powerful we can get through anything, we really can. I want to feel excitement again, see the world and the beauty thats out their for the taking. I want to discover who I am as an ā€œIā€ and not as a ā€œweā€ because I lost half of me. I have decided to choose life. We have a choice and have a treacherous journey ahead of us but after what we have gone through we can navigate the 7 seas :hugs:

I still get wobbles and the awful feeling of dread that hits me but itā€™s not as intense as it was at the beginning. It comes and it goes and I deal with it.

Today I managed to return to work, I had a little wobble yesterday as it almost felt like I was ā€œmoving onā€ and it was final that my Andrew had gone forever. I was dreading him not checking in with me during the day, the I love yous, the howā€™s your day babe, thanks for dinner, missing you love, did you get to work ok beautiful, canā€™t wait for a snuggle when we get in.

Anyway I managed to get it together and go back to work today. I never in a million years thought I would say this but it was great. I loved interacting with real people and everyone was so thoughtful and kind. It is making me feel emotional writing this but not because I am sad with grief but because I know Iā€™ll be ok. Itā€™s really grounding discovering that.

Id also like to thank all of you who have been there for me on here. I honestly would be lost without all of your support, I mean that with all my heart. Thanks for listening to my insanity :rofl:

I hope this helps someone who is beginning their scary unimaginable journey!

Sending lots of love and big warm hugs to those who need one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Katyh that is so good to hear, I lost my David on the 14th May so I am about a month behind you, but I am slowly slowly starting to get a little better, I have met some new friends on Jollie Dollies widow group and been out for a coffee with them, I have been for a few walks and a couple of days out with family. I still have tears and the feelings of dread but as you say they are not as prolonged or as intense.
I too feel more hopeful of my future, I know I will always feel sad and miss David but I also know I will still live a good lifeā€¦which David would have wanted me to do.
Glad you are enjoying your life more and you are still very young, I am 64 so hopefully I still have 20 or 30 years left :slight_smile:



So glad your getting there to! I just thought Iā€™d share because things do actually get better. Youā€™d have never of thought it at the beginning. Iā€™m really amazed!

I think we have to push throughā€¦I could have easily just turned into a couch potato but I really forced myself to get out and about and have family or friends over when all I wanted to do was cry. The anxiety was so bad at the beginning but that has eased a lot, thankfully!

We will make a life for ourselves itā€™ll not be one we had planned but itā€™ll be fulfiling I am sure :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Thank you for your post. Itā€™s really helped me reading your words. Iā€™m only 3.5 weeks since losing my darling Gerard. To read your words and have hope is comforting.


Hi @zana

Sorry for your loss :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Iā€™m glad it helped! Youā€™ll get there, I promise xx


Thats great. I lost my husband in may after 54 years and this week i have been feeling good. I got a tattoo the other day, his name on my wrist with a heart and it makes me feel happyā€¦ i need to find the positive in things and i feel very thankful that we had so long together and he is not going to suffer any more


Hi @araenia

Love that you have been feeling good. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I was thinking of a tattoo maybe a little heart of something but never had one and canā€™t decide were :blush:

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Thank you Katyh for such a positive post. I lost my beloved partner suddenly on 21 April and I have been following your journey, as we are on a similar timeframe. Funnily enough I was thinking yesterday that you hadnā€™t posted recently and thought that was a good sign.
I go back to work tomorrow- Iā€™m partially retired so itā€™s not full time. I have mixed feelings as whilst Iā€™m looking forward to having something to occupy me other than continual grief, it does feel like Iā€™m moving on ( without him). Iā€™ll miss all the funny and loving texts from him but hope heā€™s cheering me on.
You have gladdened my heart this morning reading your post, as there appears to be a chink of light at the end of this long dark tunnel. Thank you :heart:



Aww bless you, youā€™ll honestly be fine going back. It really wasnā€™t as bad as I thought though, thankfully!

Yeah not been on much, as feel like Iā€™m getting into a better place :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thatā€™s why I thought Iā€™d share, cause at the beginning it felt like nothing would ever get better.

Letā€™s us know how you get on! Good luck xx


What a lovely positive post! I am also feeling much better. Iā€™m 18 months down the line and this time last year, I couldnā€™t even have imagined feeling like this. I have had dips of course, but on the whole, the bad days are fewer and not so all-encompassing with grief. There is hope. It doesnā€™t mean you have forgotten them or are leaving them behind. All you are left with is their love and thatā€™s what you hold on to. That will never leave you. Best wishes to you all.


I am retired and was Gordonā€™s carer until care home
I try to keep going by using the rollator into town to the gym
Also U3A groups. Still very lonely I hope to improve and I talk to Gordon


Good morning @kyberpast

It sounds like you are trying your best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Youā€™ll get there xx


Thank you for your support

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Hi @jody

How did it go? Hoping it went well xx

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Hi Katyh

It did thank you! Itā€™s bitter sweet really. Good to be thinking about something else but also felt a bit disrespectful as felt like Iā€™m moving on without him. He would say donā€™t be ridiculous! Heā€™d been widowed some years when I met him so he really recognised how you need to live life while you can.
I did find my concentration wasnā€™t great though. Thanks for remembering xx


Yr post was positive and encouraging- thank you.
I lost my partner 6 months ago, so about where you were this time last year.
Really trying to be positive and always busy but the heartache of losing him is so all consuming .



I know exactly how you feel! The Brain fog! Iā€™m usually pretty sharp :smile: but not at the moment.

Do you feel like you need to try new things and just not give a shit about anything? I do its strange xx


Yes Iā€™m really not bothered about anything much these days. I used to be really organised and get stuff done. Now I just think oh that can wait until tomorrow.
I have done some other things- going to different places with friends where I havenā€™t been before. But I just want to come home and tell him all about it and say we should go therešŸ˜”



We will get there :blush: just gotta keep muddling through Sundays are my worst day cause it was our day but donā€™t feel as sad anymore, more reflective xx


Yes thatā€™s all we can do sadly. Sundays the worst for me too. Everyone is busy doing things and itā€™s also the day he left me.
Someone said to me the other day ā€˜if you are going through hell then keep going as who would want to stay thereā€™.