Time not healing

Its 4 years ago today since I lost my husband from covid . They say time is a great healer but it feels worse today feel I just cant move on. I know i am shutting myself away from everyone but I just cant help it . I feel so lonely but I don’t want to be around anyone, how can I get out of this awful awful situation :cry::cry::cry:


I so sorry you are feeling this way ,I lost my husband in January this year Maybe you can think of what your husband would have wanted for you.I feel lonely all the time but i know my husband would have wanted to carry on for and think of the good memories we shared together. Maybe you can do this too.I hope this helps.


So sorry not sure what else to say but sending big hugs x


Dear @Marl
I’m so sorry.
19 months 2 weeks 3 days for me.
I understand. It’s all worse for me too.
You are so right whoever said 'time is a healer ’ clearly has never been where we are.
I hate every new day, another day further away, it’s so horrible.
So you are right time doesn’t heal , it does the opposite, it intensifies the grief.
The missing, loneliness, sadness … All of it :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:

Love hugs and strength to you my grieving friend


Hi, This is my third loss. I am suffering, but having been through this three times, I know things will improve for you. Unfortunately we have to strive to carry on. At the moment I still crave to be happy and content again. Time will tell

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I read this today a post by Dr. Nicole (Psychologist)
Time does not heal all wounds. That’s why many people in their 80s are miserable, regretful, and bitter. Having someone listen with empathy heals wounds. Taking steps outside your comfort zone heals wounds. Letting yourself cry heals wounds. Physical touch from someone you trust heals wounds.
I hope it is not inappropriate but may be take a step like learning a new skills, could be Yoga or vipassna meditation. Or counselling


I feel the same. It has been 8 months since my partner died. I am very lonely which gives me terrible depression. I am also told that it will get better but I am not so sure. I shall always be lonely as I do not like living alone. I have to force myself out of the house. If I do that I do sometimes feel a bit better. Sitting at home makes the depression worse. The only thing I can think of to help you would be to make a list of “things to do today” which includes some fresh air - whether it is go to a cafe or take a walk or whatever you feel you can manage. Also include a small thing to do in the house, like turn out a cupboard etc Just try a little bit more each day and then tick it off the list. I do that at it does give me some satisfaction that I have achieved something. I hope this is helpful.


Hi, I am doing all these things. I just hate being at home. I know this will pass but as this is my third loss am finding life very difficult


Hi I lost my husband after 51 years together May 1st last year 2023 making it the first anniversary since he passed next month and next Wednesday would have been his birthday we have arranged things to do on there two anniversaries as we always did something on our birthday’s, I plan each day so that I’m busy hate going out by myself but push myself to do it but get very emotional when I’m coming back to an empty house I cry every single day my heart :heart: literally aches for him I know the things I’m doing I should tap myself on the back but I walk about as though part of me has died and this terrible ache for him just wish I could move on I try so hard life is too short take care all of you


I feel the same. I hate going to an empty house. I am having to do things that I used to enjoy, like gardening, but have lost interest. I cry every day too and sometimes have to stop gardening and cry inside. It is awful. We are doing all the right things so I hope it will get better. I hate being alone.Don’t have a family and friends occasionally contact me but not often. It is a very lonely life.


I leave the radio on when I go out can’t stand the silence.I’m a gardener too and find it very therapeutic for me we both loved our garden and he had a sudden hear attack in our garden 11 months ago doing what he loved just pottering around.I find peace out there and a couple of times I have felt his presence behind me.


Hi flowergarden, LyndaK I do hope things will get better and your right it is a lonely life I get the impression from my family that after nearly a year I should have moved forward I feel I have slightly but it’s very hard don’t even think I’ve accepted he’s gone, this time last year my husband and I were sat in the conservative or if it was nice in the garden he’d sit while I pottered about in the garden but thank goodness I dog sit my daughters dog he’s very loving and keeps me company you both take care thank you for your reply


Thank you,you take care too.


U r not alone i lose my husband over 6 years ago & i got out & about with friends, but it dosent take the pain away, i still miss him every day. & it is very lonely.


Coming up to 12 months in a couple of weeks but the pain is still the same as the first day :broken_heart:.


Dear @Angel1309 and @PaulineM1
My darlin’ s , the same for me 19 months 3 weeks and 1 day…
Could be yesterday…
It all feels so long ago and so near all at the same time…
The missing and loneliness though just gets more and more intense :disappointed_relieved:

Love hugs and strength to you both and everyone


I find the loneliness hard. Everyone tells me give it time you will heal. But how do we heal when we have lost them?
I’m trying to do things that I love to pass the time but some times I struggle to do them, it’s hard filling time it’s empty and meaningless.
I’m only 38 and I feel like I have a lifetime of this.
It’s hard and I’m scared


I find the lonliness very hard too. I hate living on my own and do not like my own company. I have no family. I am 75 . Everyone tells me to give it time but I find it difficult to see how I will adjust to living alone. So I understand how you feel. I am also not intersted in doing things I used to enjoy. Just to make matters worse I have now got Shingles so in too much pain physically to do anything. Got medication so hope it gets better.


I’m sorry you have shingles, I hope that gets better soon.
I’m only 38, I find it gets easier every day. I’m staying at his aunt’s at the moment. But I went home last night. It was hard I could sence him there but he wasn’t there


So true, it doesn’t get any better does it!
It’s so hard and heartbreaking everyday - life’s so meaningless without our beloved :broken_heart:
Love hugs and strength back to you…& everyone x