Tired and can't concentrate since my husband died.

Hi Poppypop,
You are right, I was on the park. Tennis courts needed weeding!!
Nothing better than puppy cuddles. I have two rescue dogs and a 20 year old rescue cat. All of whom give me endless love. I don’t know what I’d have done without them.
Best wishes and look after all those little cats and dogs.

yes i am the same as you. my heart is broken,

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Sending hugs to help your broken heart. This is definitely the hardest thing i’ve ever dealt with.
With best wishes

Dear Macunian girl
I lost my husband of 36 years in May this year after 7 years of illness. Every day I feel as though I am going to see him walk in the door or ask me to fetch him something he needs. I still wake multiple times a night, can’t concentrate, and find myself forgetting the most random things. I was out a while ago and spent several minutes in the middle of the street holding back tears when I couldn’t remember where I had parked the car! I am told it will get easier to bear over time but feel that is a double edged sword as it also means I am letting him go… if turning back the clock was an option I know I wouldn’t do it as I wouldn’t want him to go through everything again but I miss him so much. I do hope things settle for us all though as this grief is so debilitating

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Dear E.
Please no that you are not on your own.
I live in Manchester and after lots of persuasion men my dear friend for tea at a big old shopping centre. After saying goodbye, I stood still and realised I hadn’t a clue where my car was. In floods of tears I walked up and down the rows until I found my old banger.
Yesterday I sold our lovely old caravan. After all our adventures I had to say goodbye. After the funeral, it was the saddest thing I’ve done.
Sending mancunian hugs your way. If you get that feeling again, think of it as being part of a club, the sad club that we all share with you.
Best wishes

Hi Lesley, I totally agree with you re platitudes - no- one understands the all encompassing grief we feel. I feel as though half of me is gone and the half I am left with is rubbish - all the best Wilma- D

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Hello Louise
I know how you feel about your caravan. I had to sell our motorhome and watched it being driven away on Monday. That was my saddest day since the funeral as well. We had so many great adventures like you. I try to remember the happy times we spent on all those lovely beaches with our dog, Toby but it makes me very sad to think we will never do it again. Take care and lots of hugs.
Poppy xx

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Hi Louise.
I am also in the process of selling my caravan. I found it so hard to tidy it out so many memories and things left in there from my partner. I will be so sad to see it go but outings in the van would never be the same without my partner. Its all so difficult and stirs up so many emotions. I’m trying as best as I can to count my blessings, and try to remain positive but it is no easy feat. Let’s hope time will heal I really hope so.
Best wishes

Heart break xx

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Omg Poppy, isn’t it amazing how we all share the same heartache.
I couldn’t sleep for worrying about what to do with it, could I sell it privately, would I be ripped off. Thankfully my son was on leave so was with me but I was dreading it. It was as heartbreaking as I thought it would be.
I just hope that some other family will enjoy it like we did.
Stay strong Poppy.
With best wishes

Dear heartbreak,
You are so right, under every seat, behind every cupboard door a million memories come flooding back.
My son couldn’t believe how much stuff we managed to square away.
All my stuff now fills my garage. What a nightmare.
Thinking of you and sending hugs.
With best wishes

You are right about half of you/me has gone, and that the half left is the worst half. I don’t think I personally will ever be he same again. I’m trying o keep going but to be honest it gets harder and harder to do.

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Dear Louise,
I feel the same as you let another family now enjoy it. I’m dreading the day I watch the van being towed away though. I’m thinking of you to take care

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I do everything we did together and yes I talk to my Soul mate love of my life every day lights that come on his photos as o he’s here with me, it’s horrific what we suffer from our loss, my brave face goes to friends they have no idea what devastating effects this causes, I’m lost lonely busy to cope, I miss him more than wanting to be alive but I have a daughter which I’m grateful I can help my life feels over but I’m grateful for having sixteen years of the love of my life seems pretty pointless now.