Today again - crying

I know how you feel. 16 days here and existing is very much how I feel like things are right now.

I’m trying to keep going and get out and about each day, but I’m really struggling with being alone the last few days, even though lots of people are trying to get me to see them for coffee and walks and things.

Today I’ve not got out of bed. I showered and then went back in bed because it felt safe. I’ve not gone into the bedroom where my partner passed too much because it upsets me to stay in there and have been avoiding the living room too because I can’t cope sitting there not seeing him in his normal space.

I can’t get my head around the idea that this is my life now. He would have turned 47 on the 12 June and I’m 39. I never thought that our lives would change so dramatically so suddenly one Saturday morning.

Sending lots of hugs, @Joy72


Thankyou i feel i am among friends and am humble to share all your thoughts and feelings with me much love to you all :two_hearts:



So sorry :broken_heart: it’s such a horrendously difficult journey we are all facing . I’m 11 weeks in on Wednesday and cannot say it’s any easier unfortunately. I have the best friend and she’s amazing !!! She’s keeping me so busy and that does help for a while but once I’m in the house the tears come flooding back.

Bry passed very suddenly at 58, I’m 53. We had an amazing 35 years together and like you I’m so thankful for that , but I feel like I’ve been robbed too and cannot wait until I can be with him again .

Sending you big hugs & keep posting, everyone here is AMAZING XXX



So sorry :broken_heart: it’s so hard . I could stay in bed most days but my friend is amazing. She is here for whatever I needy, whenever I need , she has ber. My complete rock. Doesn’t t make the pain any less sadly but she’s a star & she loved my Bry just as much so she’s hurting too xxx

Big hugs xxx


I wish I could cry properly. I’m sure it would release some of my feelings.


I’m with you … I want yo be able to cry properly too.
I just started a new conversation about it. To see if there are others like us
Bug hugs to you @Magpie11 :hugs::hugs: