Today - crying again and terrible sadness

Hi Sandra19531.

All we can do is do our best to keep going.

Keeping busy sometime helps but it depends on the task, if I’m working on the house, and there is lot to do on the house, as it was a work in progress when my Maureen passed away, it can be quite hard doing it by myself although I talk to her all the time I’m working.

Thank god that I have a wonderful family and friends.

Take care everyone and remember the love of the ones you have lost.


I really have to get started again on the house. My husband had done the the front room and fitted a new bathroom and we were going to start the kitchen. I just have no motivation but I know he would want me to get on with things. It helps talking on here. I haven’t been on for a while and have definitely struggled this week but I am trying to make positive changes. Thanks to you all for the support. It really does help. Xx


I know what you mean, it’s so hard sometimes to get motivated to do things either in the house or garden. I’ve been struggling recently, seems to come in waves, but have been out in the garden this morning doing a bit of sorting out then next week I will be tackling the small bedroom which needs decorating prior to people coming for Christmas. I’m also having a drive made out the front in the next couple of weeks with the idea that I will get a car in the new year, this was something we had decided to do so I thought it made sense plus having a car again will enable me to be more independent. The support on here is so good and has helped me on many occasions when everything seemed so dark. Just had a conversation with my mum, she’s nearly 92, and she was pleased that I seemed so positive, guess I must be having an okay day?! Take care and just listen to yourself, you should never beat yourself up if you don’t feel up to doing something as you can always do it another day. xx


My mum will be 96 in November, but still in fairly good health which is a blessing and I chat to her most nights.

I’ve just been to my wife’s grave and tidied fit up a bit more again, by cutting the grass. I’m Makepeace. I promise that I will just keep it tidy and her flowers on the grave and in the house as she loved flowers and was a wonderful flower arranger.

This morning, particularly hard, but I know it will get better as I see my mother and my family later.

Everyone I speak to who has l lost a loved one says the pain does get easier but never fully goes away and in my heart I don’t want the pain to disappear, as that will mean my love for her is fading as well and I never want that to happen.


It is so hard, my birthday was in July and 1st one without my darling hubby, my daughters sent me the most beautiful flowers with a card from him, saying he would never forget my birthday, it meant so much to me.