Today - crying again and terrible sadness

@AnnieG1 sorry you are disappointed with your flowers but the idea is great. It’s our wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks and to be honest I’m dreading it! My husband always bought me flowers so who knows I might treat myself! J x


It is our wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks as well. I have decided to take the same type pink roses I had in my bouquet, to the crematorium and keep two for by his photograph,


I had foodstuff delivered (too heavy to carry and also to stock up my food cupboard) from Morrisons and they had the flowers on offer. I actually did not expect such a nice quality bunch of flowers and they are all my favourites. It is like my beloved husband sent it to me as a belated birthday present. I use occasionally Flowercard and Euroflorist and I have not had any problems with the flowers so far.


@Rome18 What a lovely idea! I still have my husbands ashes here with me! I had yellow roses and lilies! He always tried to get me something very similar if not alstroemeria as they are my favourite flower! He even had flowers sent to me from the hospital for Valentine’s Day! Oh how I miss him :frowning:! J x


It is sixteen months since I loss my Frances, it does not get easier I am crying all the time missing her so much. I feel so down without her she was my life for 57 years, and my soulmate. I have no motivation to move on. Anyone else like this?


Yep … not many days i dont cry nearly 10 months on … its just the emptiness … its so hard …he was so lovely and such a happy man and i miss that soooo much :frowning: why dont we lose all the horrible people ? Why is it my lovely husband ? Xx


@Deb5 I agree! My husband was the kindest man who would have done anything for anybody! J x


Yeh mine too and we left with all the horrible people ! Its not flipping fair !!! My parents are both 83 and they’re awful ! Why wasnt it them ??? X

@Jax2 mine was the same. A throughly nice man through and through and so loving. X


And that’s why we loved them and feel like we do! J x


It is almost eight months since my lovely husband died suddenly and unexpectedly. I am crying most of the time. Some days and nights are not too bad and some days and nights are just horrible. I am waiting for counseling from Mind Thurrock but there is a long waiting list. Everything seems to get harder now. Sending love and hugs.


Bereavment counselling helps you understand your grief @Annaessex but it doesnt take away all the pain and sadness im afraid … so dont expect too much ! We just have to keep working at it. My counsellor said if you want to cry just cry ! Dont keep it inside xxx


@Annaessex , Hi I have just started counselling with Mind Basildon. I have had 2 sessions with a lovely lady and cried through the first and a few tears through the second. I felt a bit better after getting a few things of my chest that I was concentrating on but dont know if it is helping yet.I guess I have to give it time as I know its not a quick fix and wont stop me grieving. take care. x



I’ve been having counselling since 3rd October 2022
Counsellor Claire ( my sister in law is also Clare)
I agree it is no quick fix but my counsellor Claire as all do I suppose shows compassion empathy and genuine hurt
She doesn’t preach she listens responds and guides
Has it helped ……
I feel it has not in coping with grief but life strategies
Like…… ditch negative friends
It’s ok to cry
It’s ok to feel like this 15 months on
I could be the same in another 15
Don’t beat yourself up
But…… at the very end of the day only me has to deal with my Paul not here
And that hurts like hell as all of you know


My story quite similar to yours my husband of 45 years diagnosed 2019 stage 4 cancer, he kept fairly well throughout his treatment and cancer was shrinking, he was off treatment for about 10 months as he was stable but his gremlin had other plans and had moved, he was due to start a new chemo a few weeks later, he was starting to have pain and always said he didn’t want to suffer. He was rushed into hospital on the Sat, we were told there was infection and he started to pick up once on antibiotics. On the Sunday he was a bit agitated I was told it was the medication, on the Sunday night he went down hill I was advised to call our daughters he had a driver put in and passed very peacefully at 3.20 am on the Monday morning. I was numb with shock it was a few days before Christmas and he always loved Christmas with family. I struggle Sun to Mon so much .


Aw … :frowning: similare story to me ! So quick isnt it :frowning: xx


Yes numb is a very good word to describe us
Numb from top to toe
Numb morning till night 24/7
Numb every second of every day
Folks just don’t get it / or want to get it / or engage

Ditch these folk
We need all the energy we can muster to get through every second of every day/ every week / every month/ every year


Dead right Beth


Hi Mopreston ,Sorry for the loss of your dear Wife, i know how you feel, I visited my.Husbands grave yesterday, and always feel sad when i leave, put fresh flowers on ,tidied it .up, i cant seem to, own, so go with one of my sons. Even after 14.months since i lost him, its still hard. Its an ongoing heartache, I try to keep busy ,for my family and Grandkids, best I can.
Its hard to see other couples holding hands looking so together , i tell myself dont be bitter, not their fault im without my Husband,
Lifes cruel.,but we do our best, we are all living with this awful loss, so be. Happy to know our loved.ones would be so.proud of us, Take Care. Of yourself,


I don’t know if we all are coping we are existing
Paul said once it’s harder for folks left
So true
Like you I keep busy at home tho
Going out is so so painful Paul died 24 th July 2022
Some ‘friends’ think I should be ‘normal’
How ?
A lifetime of loving …. Just gone
They’ll find out one day
I’ve got to be so careful not to become bitter Paul would’ve hated that
I so miss him …… constantly
Life means nothing now again Paul wouldn’t want me like this
I do try …. But