Thankyou…you are so right…It’s a little bit of light in what feels like a world full of darkness x
My West Highland Terrier Sammy looking up at me wagging his tail with delight and so pleased to see me whenever I leave the house and come back home.
He is my little ray of sunshine in my darkest hours
My gorgeous girl makes me feel the same -Iovely walk along the Thames with her this afternoon-cold but bright .I wear a t-shirt which says 'In my darkest hour ,I put out a hand and found a paw '!
Aw Helen I want that t-shirt it is so true x
Every day when I give my very sick Dad his medication he grumbles and moans as he hates having to take it. Normally I am sympathetic but this morning I asked him “what would Mum have said about this??She’d have said now stop your moaning and get it down you!” And we both had a good laugh
Hi Ann/Annie
I privately call my house snowdrop, only moved here a few months ago. I brought a pot of them to put in the garden and I am waiting for them to flower. They are beautiful flowers, as you say they have hidden depths.
Thank you so much to everyone who has picked up this thread. I know that some days are so dark that it is difficult to find anything to bring a smile or ray of hope, but just reading these posts is so reassuring somehow. Have been really low lately with the dreaded flubug and have struggled to regain positivity but today the sun is shining and my little shih tsus are curled up in front of the fire which I made myself light this morning…and I feel a little more human!! Outside, the wild birds are singing and today does seem like a gift and not a penance. Take care everyone…thank you again for your posts.
Today 2 hares nibbled on the grass outside my mum’s home. They were so content and just getting on with things. It made me feel part of a much bigger "nature picture. Xx
Today I went for a walk in the Park, signs of new life were everywhere - baby ducks, geese and swans. The sun was shining on the lake making the water sparkle. Lots of people walking their dogs said “hello” and I bumped into some old friends who stopped to chat to me about my husband (Geoff). Made me feel good.
In Petersfield, where I exist, there is a little sanctuary called The Physic Gardens. This morning the sun was out and I decided to go inside for some peace. The last time I was there was with my husband, who died last June. I found a bench in the sun and spent an hour just looking at the beautiful spread of pale purple crocus, snowdrops and budding daffodils in front of me. It was so lovely, and lifted my spirits a little, although I did shed a tear or two thinking about the last time I went there. Eileen
Thank you so much for starting this Positive thread Amelie’sgran. My husband died suddenly ten weeks ago today. I am heartbroken. Very shortly after he died my granddaughter made each of us a Pop Box (she called him Pop) this included coloured paper inside to use for writing down happy memories of him as and when we thought of them. I thought I would pass this on.
Memory boxes and books are brilliant. I started a Memories of Mum book not long after she passed away. It is one of those ‘Adult Colouring Books’ so I colour in a doodle every so often when I add a memory in. Mum couldn’t see well enough to colour in neatly much to her shame but she did enjoy these books even so. I Told Mum’s sister about my book and she has given me a couple of her memories of Mum as a young person which are lovely. Writing down my thoughts of happy times with Mum have made me think and realise how blessed I am to have these memories which can never be taken from me.
My Mum’s camellia which I dug up and brought when I moved house has huge buds that will open soon. I can’t wait to see them.
Fabulous idea today I woke up kinda ok more ok than I have for awhile the sun was shining it felt nice like a hug
Do you live in England or Ireland?
I find it’s easier to focus on the moments of happiness when the sun is breaking through. Today the winter’s sun warmed me as I gazed at the early primroses and daffodils in my garden.
Like others here, the robin lifts my spirits with his song and his presence. He appeared on my fence as I lifted my face to the sun.
Tears arrived too, as he’s so tiny yet so uplifting, just when I needed it.
The sun helped me to get up this morning, out the door and run in the park. Beautiful sunny morning. Tears too for the beauty and loss.
Just got this from the reply you sent me , My nice and special today I change my 9 days old Grandsons Nappy for 1st time today he cried all the way through it until I got him in new clean cloths and then I feed him totally precious and then i walked my 16 week golden retriever and let him of his lead in a secure field for 1st time … yes I wish Stu was there with me but he gave me both these gifts to keep me going … stupid I know but that fact that Hugo was born the day before Stu was diagnoised is just to much coincidence x and the 1st time I picked Buddy up I had this big glow inside and i just felt this was Stu saying he’s for our home …and he’s made big difference in my life thank you for the idea of the post xx
Today I watched my baby Labrador bounce through the snowdrops, where I scattered my Chris’ ashes last year x
Just watched a programme about John Denver on TV. He has been such an important part of my life ever since I first saw him in 1971. My husband Geoff queued for hours to get tickets for his show at the Apollo Theatre ( even though he was 't a fan). That was when I knew he really loved me and I decided to marry him.
I got to meet John in the early 1980’s when he came to the television studios, where I worked, to record The Muppet Show. Geoff indulged my passion for the star by letting me play ‘John Denver singing Christmas Carols’ every Christmas for 40 years.
Such wonderful, happy memories of Geoff and John which made me feel good.
Today I went to a vineyard which was hosting a chocolate lovers fair. I last went to the vineyard with my Mum and after an initial feeling of sadness remembering that previous visit found it a happy experience. This could have something to do with all the samples of chocolate being handed out too!
Scorpio, reading your post has made me think about that lovely duet John Denver did with Placido Domingo ‘Perhaps Love’. A beautiful song, one of Mums and my favourites.