
Thank you, Angie. x

Hi Shaun,

I don’t think it is a silly thing that you’re doing, I think it is a wonderful idea. It is your way of keeping your mum’s memory and legacy alive.

What I now do is save money. My dad was raised in a poor country, where he saw how poverty can cause death, and so he was always very careful with money. My brothers and I used to complain when we were kids just how tight he was, but now I cry when I realise he only saved money so he could leave it to us. So now I also save money when I can. For example, usually I would just buy my bottle of Lucozade from Wilko where it costs 1.50. Now, I walk to Poundland, and get it from there, as it costs 1.00. The 50p saving doesn’t mean anything to me personally, I would normally not be bothered, but I do it, because it is something my dad would have done.

Really hope you’re coping ok, and good luck for the week ahead, am going to read the rest of your posts and then send you a PM.

All the best.