Tributes in Memorium - what’s yours?

Hi everyone,

I went to get a tattoo yesterday, in honour of my Mum who passed away 12 weeks today.

It’s a depiction of her favourite cup and saucer, which we would used to make a cup of tea for her even after she passed, we’d all take a sip whilst it sat at her table alongside candles and photographs.

I went to my aunties afterward for a cuppa… mums sister. And it felt so strange to talk about mum in the past tense…. I got home and it all hit me and I sobbed so heavily again.

Whats funny is that she hated my tattoos…. Being such a traditional elegant lady, born in the 40s and grew up in the 50s and 60s, in her words: “tattoos are for criminals and sailors!”

It makes me laugh every time I tell someone that. As much as I know she wouldn’t like it, I think she would secretly like that I’ve got her with me forever - never out of sight and never out of mind.

Does anyone else have any tributes to their loved ones? Tattoos, jewellery, garden installations?


I had an ashes ring made for Nigel. The resin with his ashes in is purple, his favourite colour.
I always thought something like that would be a bit weird, but in Nigel’s last weeks
l promised him I’d find a way for him to be with me when I went on our planned adventures., and this seemed to fit.
I don’t yet have the heart for those adventures but I will, and he’ll be with me.


I had been looking at those as well, they’re a beautiful way to carry out loved ones with us x


What an amazing thing to do!
I’d love to do something similar. I don’t have the funds for 10 acres but dedicating trees is on my list.

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That is a fantastic idea.
What a great thing to do!
Did you find the land yourself or through the woodland trust?

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I have a pendant with some of her ashes in that I wear and will wear everywhere we planned to go , so essentially she is coming with me .


I had a tattoo on my arm in memory of my son who I lost last March aged 35, gives me so much peace and I had another one done on my other arm with the symbol for strength and strongness symbol with a purple violet flower, my Mums middle name who sadly passed away Oct 2020, and the symbol is for my Dad who I lost in Dec 2021, his few last words to me were by strong, I thought the loss of my parents was bad but nothing compared to the loss of my son :heart:


I have a bracelet which contains some of Rogers ashes and a locket with our photos in.
The locket is very special to me but I won’t relate it here, it will take too long.

Love to everyone :two_hearts:

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I have pottery that my son made for me in the Garden,and painting that he done for me. He had special needs,and he made then for me at his classes.


My daughter had pendants made of my husband’s fingerprint. She and I wear our pendants all the time now. We’re also going to have a dedicated bench in our local ancient woodland, but that will take a while to be made and put in place. Still, it’s been put in train and we’ve found a beautiful quote from a poem to have engraved on it.


We are having some special words in a memorial book at the crematorium but I am also dedicating a tree thriugh an online site and have a silver ashes memorial ring, engraved with my mum’s words in her handwriting. And some framed photos if her at home. All little things to keep her close. And just before she died we ‘adopted’ online a hearing dog for the deaf for Mother’s Day which she really liked, and we will keep that sponsorship going.


My husband and dad were staunch evertonians so we have bought a memorial rick with theirs names together to go in the new stadium


Sorry brick


My husband had an appointment at one of the hospitals my late son Christopher was in before he died of Cancer.As we were going out of the hospital , there was a man getting people to sign up for the London air ambulance. We signed up for £10 per month, which includes a lottery, The air ambulance is a charity,and it saves so many peoples in road accidence etc .This was the London one, but I know there are so many others all over the country, More so in the more rural areas.


I and my family also planted two trees at my late husband’s favourite scout camping ground, it was where we first met as we were both scout leaders, I think it’s a lovely thing to do


Some really beautiful tributes here :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Why late wife was a supporter of the RNLI
so I had her name put on two boats
one is at Whitby ,which I visit when Iam feeling low and it reminds of her in happy times when she would drag me in to look at the lifeboats and donate to RNLI


These are such good causes to help lives.I think the London air ambulance are doing the same to raise money for two new helicopters. People can have their names put on them.


I have a bench by his headstone and his photo on a flower pot on his grave. The recreation ground was renamed with his name with a plaque there explaining why. I don’t have any ashes as he was buried but wish the hospital had given me the ashes of his amputated half leg and foot before he died.
Then I could have grown a rose with some bits and had a ring made.


That’s so lovely what a great way to remember her. I’m in the process of having a tattoo designed to remember my husband. Will be having it done in July.