Two weeks of widowhood.

Debsie Im the same as you so I can sympathise, I would always look to my husband for advice, and now having to make decisions without his input has been hard, but I hope he’s looking down and thinking “ she’s done better than I thought she would “ !
I do know he said to my brother-in-law he was worried about me coping when he was gone!
But even tho I am in tears daily at some point, I’m managing to deal with everything, finances etc !


Georgi - Mary would see her asking that through your husband as a prayer. Prayers do get answered even though sometimes not as expected.

I may have said this before, but a friend of mine, a devout Christian, had MS and was confined to a wheelchair. Mary and I saw him in that state and the new wet room and hoist they’d just built for him. A while later he went to bed , still wheelchair bound. A friend of his was ill and he prayed for his friend to be cured, and heard a voice saying no, I’m going to heal you. My friend argued but the voice said the same again. The next morning he got out of bed and walked without help. His medics were astounded and said he had no signs of MS any more. That was about 8 years ago, and he has been completely MS free and mobile ever since.

100% true story.


Debsie my husband liked Midsomer murders too, I never did watch it, not a fan :grinning:


Amazing story, thank you for that Nigel I feel some people think I am crazy when I tell them all that, and they just humour me xxx


Goodness its been an emotional afternoon after getting the news about my grandson and I am grateful once more to have had friends on here to talk to in the absence of my husband xxx


Georgi so sorry for your grandson. Lots of people get through these things so no reason why he can’t. We will all will him on. You hear bad stories but somehow don’t expect it to happen to you. Well I don’t anyway. I think thats why I just couldn’t believe that my husband had been taken away from me. There must be some mistake, bad things happen to other people not me.

I wish David would do something to show he is around. You’re right he would be surprised what I have achieved, I know I am. When my mum died the radios kept switching themselves on, or the volume turning up & down. Once the clock in my car went backwards on one day that I was particularly upset with something happening in my life. It used to make me feel so much better thinking she was there looking over me.

Lizzy you must be sick of things going wrong. My heart sinks if I think the car needs attention. I have a warning light but its been like that for over a year. Costs over £1000 to put right. Its for some safety thing to stop you rolling forward into something. We didn’t even know it had it so I can manage to live without it. The light isn’t always on anyway.

I have have been busy all day but achieved nothing. The two things on my to do list have not been done. But its been a good day so can’t complain.


Thank you Debsie I appreciate that. The worry is in America when he came round from the op he had had a stroke, my son in law his dad, had 2 strokes at 39 caused by a hole in the heart he had been unaware he had, so he knew as soon as Jack was coming round he had a stroke, but surgeon had said the CT scan did not show a stroke, he was hooked up to all sorts of machines so they had to wait a couple of days before he could have an MRI which yes showed a stroke,he has spent the last two years having intense physio every wk to get him back to walking and movement in his arm etc and has done amazingly well but its a worry if they decide to go in again, so I have my fingers crossed they can use radiotherapy instead xx


Wishing your grandson a very speedy and a full recovery. Such a huge worry for you and your family. X


How beautiful x


Thank you Mgb he has just msged me to say no way is he going through another op so lets hope the team think the radiotherapy will do the job !
I don’t blame him after what he went through with the first op xxx


Just how much more can they throw at you Georgi? It just doesn’t seem fair. :frowning:


Life is just like that sometimes I’m afraid, seems unfair but nothing we can do about it xxx


It has been a very sad and grey day. Richard should be here celebrating his 62nd birthday. I can’t believe it will be 7 months since I saw my lovely, kind and gentle man. Life wasn’t very exciting, it was comfortingly pleasant and we had everything we needed. His passing has been like a domino affect. The changes are awful. He was my best friend, he loved me unconditionally and my goodness I miss him so much. I live in an old 6 bed stone house, it hasn’t felt warm since he left. I can’t stay here without him. The winter has really brought me down. I have a dreadful cold again, I seem to pick up every bug. I need to find a purpose. X


Mgb so sorry to here that, birthdays and anniversaries are so very hard and its such a lonely life without them x
I speak to my husband a lot, I also speak to myself, the tv and my cat, I will never get used to living alone xxx


Mgb maybe setting things in motion to move to a smaller, warmer house is the purpose you need, and just the right time of year to start the ball rolling xxx


Is anyone on here squeamish, if not I could send a photo of the AVM they took out in 2023?

Maybe not I am very interested in stuff like that but thats the nurse in me, not everyone is like me and I tend to forget that at times xxx

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Mbg Yes anniversaries of any type are really difficult. And doesn’t time fly - almost three months since I lost Mary. Stone houses are often so cold - I’m currently in a 225 year old stone house and it’s impossible to heat when it’s been empty for 5 months.

It seems that now maybe the time to consider a move, unless, like me there are good reasons not to do that.

Much love. Nigel xxx


Nigel no way you can move you have the perfect neighbours next door :hugs:

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Does it ever end? Swamped with activity this am.

Trying to figure out taxes and everyone is at lunch. ooof.

A/C men came and fixed the bad unit. Will be back in 5 days to do something else - it’s a heat pump.

Mechanic came, got the SUV running, put in a new battery, topped off fluid, checked tires, etc., and returned it to me. He in fact does wear the same size shoes as my husband, so he will be back this afternoon to collect some stuff. Great guy.

The paint guy came and has a solution to the peeling paint. Ok.

Phone started ringing at 7am and hasn’t stopped. But, it is noon now and everyone is breaking for lunch, so I have an hour to relax a flipping minute. Up and down the stairs 1,000 times it seems.

I am shocked by the tax forms. Well, overwhelmed is a better word.

Georgi, I am praying for your baby grandson.

Taking a chill pill before my insides turn out. Stress from government BS.

Love to all.