Peaches so sorry to hear about your aunt, its good she has her family around her though xx
Your right plumbing is best left to those who know what they are doing like Nigel & Lizzy!
What a difference the doggy class has made that was a long walk you had (shame about the rain) that you could not have done before the training, brilliant!
My grandson who had the op in Miami is down in Edinburgh just now for an angiogram so that Miami can check how things are, he has just messaged me to say there is still a tiny bit of the AVM left behind, now he was unconcerned but I know they can grow again, a bit worrying as the surgeon at the time was positive he had got it out as a whole ! Honestly always something else to worry about, isn’t there xxx
More like hunger last night lol!
Georgi, I’m having a tea break just now, I chickened out the loft, I can’t keep doing this but if my daughter comes down at the weekend I will get help lifting the stuff down, it’s mostly heavy stuff up there and I can’t figure how to get it down, don’t want to damage my floor. A lot of crystal glasses and china which I can’t throw down either. That’s my excuse anyway. I did divert and clear most of my lovely husbands wardrobe out. I’ve only got his kilt and jacket left. I did clear most of it out at the beginning, I don’t get too emotional over clothes as I do my own at the same time. I’ve moved some of my clothes into his so that it doesn’t look too bare. Just sold a lovely pair of fancy shoes on Vinted, I will go to dump and dispose of my 4 bags, one is full of coat hangers lol. Just kept the good ones. I’m a bag short today, my bags are really heavy today so maybe that will do for today. Post my parcel and go for tea bags, can’t believe I’ve ran out, that would never have happened if he was still here.
I hope your Grandson is ok. You never stop worrying about them. My grandson calls me every morning, he asks if I’m ok and said his phone didn’t charge last night so not to worry about him and he will call me later. He is a wee darling xxx
Hi there, I lost my husband very suddenly just over a year ago. The way you’re feeling sounds very familiar. I just want to share one piece of advice regarding all the sadmin you have to deal with. I got through it by doing just one thing per day. It feels overwhelming, but if you just do one thing per day you will get there. One phone call, one email, one piece of form-filling, whatever it might be. That’s how I got through it myself. Be kind to yourself and know that however you’re feeling, it’s okay to feel that way. We’re all very different and grief treats us all differently. Wishing you much love. Xx
Sarie, That’s exactly what it’s like, Tippex, I will be taking it into the bathroom later and spruce the tiles in there, what a great idea whoever invented it. Xx
Lizzy, with heavy stuff, in fact most stuff, I put it on the floor of the loft just inside where the ladder goes, then once I’m half way down the ladder I can bring the box over the top of the ladder and gently ease it down the steps, (using the ladder sides like a sort of slide). I find it easier holding a box above my head then in my arms. I guess you could also tie a rope to a box or basket and lower it down from the loft onto the floor? xxx
Siouxie, I’m sorry you lost your husband last year. I too lost my wife suddenly, in November at age 76, and yes the admin can be daunting. Thankfully I had access to all her financial and other admin things as we made each other aware of where to find things such as passwords etc. I find the phone calls the most difficult, as I inevitably end up crying - but most people are very understanding of course. It’s just the initial bit where they’re all bright and chatty when you have to explain your situation to them that I find hardest. I’ll try almost anything to prevent having to call, but sometimes there’s no other option.
Much love. Nigel xxx
Awe bless well Ive just had a msg from my grandson and Edinburgh will have a multi disciplinary meeting and decide the best option whether its radiotherapy or going in again which is scary cause he had a stroke after the main op in Miami and still doing rehab for that, he was 18 at that time same year his Granda died was a horrendous year 2023 and now this when he has not even got back to work yet, he will be 20 nxt month, he had a seizure just before his year was up after the stroke and was hoping to get back to driving but the seizure meant waiting another yr to be seizure free , they started him straight away on medication and so far so good, seizure caused by scarring on the brain from the op !
So sorry to hear you lost your husband, it is the same or similar process for all of us and we all get through the best we can but being on this forum is very helpful and informative too! I have been on here since Sep 2023, lost my husband in May 2023. It feels like I have made friends on here and it’s helped me a great deal, I still cry most nights but I can also smile now too. Its a hard road to travel on your own especially as in my case we were married 47 years and I hate living alone, never lived on my own before, married my husband at 18 straight from parents home. Take care and I hope you find this forum as healing as I have, nobody knows better how this feels than people who have gone or are going through this xxx
Georgi, I’m really sorry to hear this about your Grandson. I’ve grandchildren around that age, and I can only imagine the worry you and all the family must be going through. I’ll offer up my prayers for him, and will light a candle here for him too. Mary would be praying too. It’s good that they have started treatment without delay. Hopefully they can manage this setback by medication and radiotherapy.
All my love and thoughts to you and the family. xxx
Thank you Nigel I appreciate that, I have never been religious but I am grateful for your prayers, the saddest part is he has been through so much but he never complains, takes it all in his stride and is always smiling, let us hope his Granda is looking out for him too xxx
Nigel that’s a good idea, I did put the Christmas tree on my head going up the ladder but didn’t actually go into the loft then, I suppose I could do that in reverse.
Studying the hand book for the car, I’ve got two warning lights coming on, why can’t they just tell you what’s wrong instead of a pic that’s makes no sense. I’ve found what they mean now, the automatic start stop for the engine not working and the battery is not charging. Great! It was a new heavy duty battery that was put in last year, no idea if we kept the receipt for it or what month it was. That’s a job for my SIL, another one, I honestly don’t think I could lift the battery out the car and try and charge it, and I have no idea where the charger is in the man cave. Strange thing is, the car starts first time. Maybe it’s fed up going to the dump. Always something, There is a freezing cold wind here today, don’t fancy going back into the man cave again. I might have a day off tomorrow and go up and have coffee with my friends. Need to get some logs brought in, brrrr. Hope you have re-stocked. Take care xx
Georgi, I am so sorry to hear the news about your grandson, you must be so worried, I hope the MDT make a decision quickly, it’s the waiting that’s the worst bit as we all know.
Sending hugs
Yes, it was clear he’d been through a lot already Georgi. He’s young and strong by the sound of things, and that should help him through this.
When we first moved in here Mary had the house blessed, and then the local Nuns refurbished a 1 foot high statue of Jesus, with what is known to Catholics as the Sacred Heart (which He holds in His hands). They refurbished it and gave it to her after she’d gone to see if they had a small statue she could buy from their shop. So there’s a huge amount of love in this house, all of which is sent to you. Take care.
Nigel xxx
Good morning Peaches, I hope you have a good day today.
Love to you and The Beast! xxx
Thank you Nigel, that was lovely the nuns did that for Mary xx My husband was christened a catholic but was never practising, though he did have rosary beads.
Lizzy, the stop-start may have stopped working because it’s recognised the battery isn’t charging. If the car is still starting then the battery is still OK. It sounds more like the alternator - which is a generator which charges the battery when the engine is running. I reckon if that is checked by a car mechanic, and replaced if necessary, both the lights will likely go out. So don’t just buy a new battery, as that doesn’t sound like where the problem actually lies.
A day off and coffee with friends sounds like a great idea!
I brought in a dozen or so logs today but the log place was shut on Monday when I went past. I’ll have to look next time I go shopping, but I’ve enough to last a few days yet.
Nigel xxx
I sometimes feel we have been cursed as my youngest grandson who turns 1 on Sunday had a traumatic birth, his head got stuck coming out and they took quite a while to get him out in fact they had to send for the top doctor in the end and she did succeed but when they got him out he was limp and not breathing and he was whipped away to work on him, his mum was so badly torn inside that she was whisked to theatre to be stitched up and my son was literally left holding the baby !
But I am convinced when he basically had died that he met his Granda and other relatives because I have photos on the fridge of my mum &dad and my in laws as well his Granda and my other grandkids but when he started looking at fotos those on the fridge of the ones no longer with us were the ones he would love to look at and always with a smile !
It is comforting to think that xxx
I hope you all on here don’t think I am nuts by thinking that, because I will tell you another story, my son and his partner had been trying for a baby for about a year without success, and when my future daughter in law was sat with my dying husband on her own she asked if he could send a baby from heaven for them, they found out they were pregnant the day of his funeral and I promise I am not making this up, they never told me that story till some time after, I was in floods of tears and am again now xxx
That must have been so hard for your son and DIL. But how lovely is that about the photos Georgi. My own mum had an out of body experience when she was being operated on, and could recall all that went on, from a position in the corner of the ceiling! She also recalled a long tunnel and being turned back from going through it.
I’m convinced Mary was fighting some other force when she was in hospital. She was shouting and hitting out as if she was trying to fight something or someone off. Not like her usual nightmares - something quite different. At the time I said it was as if she was fighting the devil. Strange but true things happen!
Nigel xxx