Evening everyone,
Im sorry Mbg and Martin. Sorry you are on here.
It’s 46 weeks for me
My husband had a whole cupboard full of spices which I’ve kept and he absolutely adored. When you open that cupboard door the smell is amazing. We forget how Evocative many things can be and remind us of the smell of a person. They say it’s one of the very first senses that we get and here we were all talking about perfumes and how important they were to our memories. But spices in particular cinnamons which my husband loved. Make me think about him.
I met with a counsellor today and she was talking about how important it is to recognise two different types of days. Those days she called the days of loss which she said she should lead into and cry and do all those important things and the days of restoration I recognise that in all of us.
Thinking of your grandson, Georgie.
This is an interesting thing. And I’ve had some faith that sometimes in my life and no faith at other times in my life they did a study at the hospital in Edinburgh. They had three groups of people patients who were prayed for and knew they were prayed for, patients who were prayed for but didn’t know they were prayed for and patients that weren’t prayed for at all And supposedly the outcome was this those who will pray for and knew they were prayed for made best progress, those who were prayed for even though they didn’t know they were prayed for made next best progress.
So I made a decision one to greatly accept any prayers that were offered to me and two to pray to whoever whatever might be out there In order to help Others even through my current disbelief in God.
That said tomorrow will be celebrating my last day of radiotherapy and I’m gonna ring that bell - so you guys think of me about 9:30 tomorrow morning and listen carefully cause, I’m telling you, you’re gonna hear that bell clanging from all over the world because I’m gonna clang it that loudly.