Two weeks of widowhood.


Amazing, well done, I was thinking about you.
Have a great day now xxx🤗


Oh KtG - wonderful. I’m sure your husband will be looking down on you and be just so proud of you.

Much love

Nigel xxx


Lizzy - at least you know where everything is now!


Lizzy that sounds like Mary’s sewing gear, so much of it and all completely foreign to me. There are so many bits - sewing feet galore and reels of cottons like they have gone out of fashion. Oh, wait - I bought her those!!! At least she was very tidy and labelled every box so I do know what goes with which machine at least. I think they’ll be my first task when I get home.


Love and best wishes. :two_hearts:


My god im so sorry for your loss…its just so lonely, i never thought i would have to do it twice in my life time…people are kind but have no idea what your going through unless they have been there too…thanku so much for your message …talking is good and im trying very hard to not have dark thoughts …Ive lost so many family members over the last few years it never stops…thinking of you :people_hugging:


Thanku its lovely to know someone is there to chat too big hug :people_hugging:


Yah!!! Lets hope thats the end of that!


Debsie my husband was the same he could build a fence outside on his own no probs anything to do with gardening but in the house not so much it was me who gave things a try, one thing I wouldn’t let him try was electrics & plumbing , no a professional it had to be for that!
But Ive done tiling and coving, things like that I will give it ago, I found tiling quite therapeutic ! Im lucky now cause I have a son in law who can turn his hand to anything diy !


I wish my sons and SILs could do that! One SIL is OK but has no tools and one daughter will turn her hand to anything. But they are trying to learn as I’ll not be here to help them forever.


That’s very true Nigel they should try xx
I learned from my mother in law cause she did all her own decorating too !
I was awake till 6 am today fell asleep till 8.30, you would think I would sleep well tonight but I won’t it’s a nightmare !
Combination of thinking about hubby & talking to him and 30 yrs on night shift, if I have to go into an old folks home in the future I will be the one parading about all night and having a cuppa with the night staff ( thats if they are nice night staff and not the type to make me go back to bed) :scream:


Well done Ktg what an achievement, sorry its a late response but my son is on holidays from work this week and he’s been having anxiety attacks he’s not slept for 3 nights, he phoned GP while here and has an appointment now at 4pm, he’s worried it will still be like that come Monday for work and he needs his wits about him as he drives a refuse lorry and he doesn’t want to cause an accident cause of lack of sleep!
But so proud of you and your family will be delighted :clap::clap::clap:


Nigel, my son is not handy at diy at all or he gets away asking for help every time he needs something. My daughter was on her own for a few years, bought her own house and only asked if she didn’t know how to do it, my husband made her up a tool box which she used a lot. She would phone my husband and ask advice all the time, he was more like a real dad to her than a step dad. I wish he had made me a tool box, I am picking bits and bobs up to put in one of his small tool boxes in case I need it. I wish there were some sort of classes for widows to learn how to do the basics. I u-tube a lot to find how to do things. I will try anything. If the boiler wasn’t up in our loft, I’d try and do the pressure, I’ve watched this guy a few times today and I think I could do it, I’m still having fears of that loft, I’ve never ventured as far as the boiler. Thank goodness I have an electric shower and only one dish to wash at night. Just made a big pot of chilli for dinner, first home made meal for a while. Xxx


Georgi, I could be joining you, we could be up all night together walking about. My lovely Grandson said he would look after me instead of going into a care home. Imagine an 11 year old saying that. I think because I’ve been looking at houses, he was thinking about where I am going to live.
I’ve always done the painting, my dad showed me how to decorate, I was his labourer but learned a lot from him.


Oh Georgi - that’s a horrible night’s sleep. I really hope it is better tonight. For some reason I’ve been sleeping quite well here, maybe it’s because I’ve been on my own here quite a lot over the years, and I also worked away from home during the week for about 5 years up to 2003.

Mary did most of the wallpapering and emulsion painting, especially here - she learnt from her uncle, when she had her own place after her divorce.

Have a good evening Georgi. Nigel xxx


Lizzy - what a lovely grandson you have - fancy thinking about all that at 11!

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Hi Annabelle68 you are right those who have not experienced it don’t really know how painful it is and it takes a long time to learn to be one instead of part of a couple! Personally I don’t think I ever will,I was married 47 yrs and lost him to cancer 1/5/23, this forum has been a godsend for me, everyone is lovely and so caring xxx


Good for your daughter! ‘Steps’ don’t really exist in our family despite there being quite a lot. My girls and boys are step, and my eldest son married a lady with three children, who are all changing their names to his surname as soon as they can do it without their dad’s consent (one already has, and two of them double barrel their names now).

I did a very small toolkit for Mary for when I was away, but she never used anything except a screwdriver and pliers!

I’d agree that climbing into the loft to do the boiler isn’t the best, even if you are really confident, although I reckon you could.

Oh, and well done on the chilli front!

Have a good evening and sleep. Nigel xxx


Awe how lovely bless him xx
Yeh Lizzy we could be the pair of old ladies up all night partying, lol who am I kidding Ive never been a party girl, Id much rather go out for lunch or a nice afternoon tea, that stems from going out every night to work, you appreciate evenings in all more xxx