
Yeh thet gonna be going on about valentines all day on t.v. arent they ! X


Im going to the office, then the pub and then the Gym but will leave TV off today i think, or possibly just watch some ‘boy sh1t’ on Netflix as Elissa used to call it


Lol … dont blame you :slight_smile:

Thinking of everyone on Valentines Day
Sending love :two_hearts:
Lynne x


right back at you :heart:


My partner died early December 23 of terminal brain cancer I cared for him at home until the end my life will never be the same again x


Take care
Sending hugs :heart:
Lynne x

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So recent, I am so sorry.
Life will never be the same again, but it is not over.
Right now, it feels that it is, I know, I still have those feelings myself.
When I think of my lovely looking down, she loved me so much she would not want me to give up, the enormity of the grief is equal to the depth of the love.
Take each day hour by hour, set no timescales, and remember what they want for you now, it will take much time before you can think of anything positive or good, but you did meet him and share love with him, if you had never met you would not have those glorious beautiful memories, and those memories in your mind and the love in your heart mean they are still here, just not physically.
Be gentle, take your time, remember fondly and try to let go of the bad memories over time.
Sending you strength and courage
Big hug


Thank you so much means a lot. I’m trying to get through everyday and went back to work last Monday. It gave me a purpose to get up and get back into the big world again. I felt proud of myself for getting through the next hurdle x


I commend you for going back to work, you should feel proud.
Being amongst other people will help enormously.

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Yes everyone was lovely and I was so busy it went really quick. Bit sad when I came home as he wasn’t waiting for me with a kiss and a cuppa


Good that the time passed quickly for you.
I feel he was waiting for you with a kiss and a cuppa, but you have to feel it now, as none of us can see it without shutting our eyes.
He would be so pleased you braved it out at work, and I am pleased everyone was sensitive to your loss.


Debbie, I too lost my darling wife to a brain tumour only last month. I cared for her and watched her deteriorate until she sadly passed in my arms at the hospice.
I know what you must be going through; it’s just horrible and so unfair.
I’m really struggling this Valentine’s Day but I have bought her some beautiful flowers and told her how much I love and miss her in a card. I intend to keep the card and write a new message for her every year. It gives me solace.
I sincerely wish you well and hope you find your own way to cope. :broken_heart:


Thank you sorry for your loss we was on a fantastic holiday in August came back and he was really tired went docs sent him for mri then was told inoperable Glioblastoma grade 4. My world stood still. He then had a seizure at home where I had to do cpr on him. We was given 12/18 months then was told 2/3 months I really don’t know how I’ve got through last few months :smiling_face_with_tear:


Similar here, we returned to the UK from 2.5 years of travelling.
We were looking forward to being back in our home, and planning our next move somewhere warm to live and work.
Having been home 4 months she saw worrying signs, a lump, it took until December to be told that it was Metastatic Secondary breast cancer and she had a few months to live. During this time she had no medication. I was aghast and said "a few months!!!, surely 6 months, I was trying to extend it, knowing I would probably want to extend it again in 6 months. I had thought she might have cancer, but I didn’t expect he Doctor to say the word “Incurable”, that was the gut punch.
Christmas and New year 22 was crap of course, but in true style she was planning a trip, we went to Lanzarote February for her birthday. On return the weather was crap, she said “Darling, I don’t want to sit here looking at the shitty weather until I die”. We didn’t have the money, but she booked a trip to Australia, spending time in Thailand on the way there and back. I was so stressed, we could not get travel insurance with her diagnosis. The cost to repatriate was £160,000 to £200,000, and I could not afford that either, so we came to an agreement she would tell me if she felt she was getting worse.
Whilst it was stressful we enjoyed as best we can, and had many loving moments alone, and whilst I am still paying for it, I have no regrets. It made her happy to visit the last 2 places she had always wanted to go to, and that made it worth every penny, and more.
Watching her die in our lounge is the memory I am trying to block out, and pushing her around in a wheel chair for she couldn’t walk far.
She was stubborn, brave and courageous, and those qualities were but a few that I admired and adored her for.
So, I will raise a glass to her this evening


It really is cruel. Michelle was so full of life and happiness. She had just finished the Yorkshire three peaks challenge, April 2022. Now, less than two years later, she is gone forever. To witness a fit, beautiful, positive wife and mother in her prime brought down in this way is soul destroying. Like you say, your world is just shattered. Bloody brain tumours :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Effing Cancer!!
Why the hell are there so many people working on this without much success?
All the while the Pharmaceutical companies are making money out of treatment!
My Jessica was always active, she lit a room and she got on with things.
All that life and energy just gone, she got her wings sooner that either of us wanted, depsite her being pragmatic about it, bless.


So sad how wonderful you were to take her away :heart: made lovely memories. I can’t tell you how empty I feel all our plans for the future gone. I try not to go back to his death it was so traumatic I miss him so much everyday :smiling_face_with_tear:


Yes, we must not dwell on the bad moments, else they will become anchors that hold us in grief long term, it will serve us better to remember the positive, as they would wish us to, and as we must strive to do.
Yes, missing them, always :heart: