Very Down

I know honey … i feel your pain. Its utterly awful … :frowning: in ways you didn’t think were possible. I was married 35 years … life can be so cruel cant it ? And family’s … huh most of mine been totally useless ! I always knew my husband was the best xxx


You are all right
Paul knew me inside out backside first
I totally relied on him and he me his 100%’support’ was always just ‘there’
Now it’s just me
Physically the same…. Well apart from looking totally worn out lost bewildered I suppose
I went with Paul he once said it’s hardest for the folks left
Too bloody right
I’m not the same person I was no way
51 weeks tomorrow
Thank you all


PS Deb5
Paul’s music as we entered the church I chose
Tina turners simply the best
So so apt


Aw … thats cute :slight_smile: my husbands was lavender by marillion … he loved that song. Wheb he was younger he followed the band and went to loads of concerts … we even called my daughter “kayleigh” after one of their songs he loved xxx


My husband was brothers in arms going in and albatross at end. He always said that he wanted it at his funeral

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We came out of church with The Killers Human
Paul’s favourite would turn the volume up in the car his tractor
Hadn’t appreciated the words till I read the lyrics……
Again so very apt
When I hear both on the radio now I just stop listen and cry
51 weeks at 5.57 pm today
An eternity…… heartbreaking as you all know
Well tomorrow as date today by day


I am 7 months tomorrow since my darling husband passed, I struggle with grief all the time this week
has been particularly bad, it was my birthday and I had reached retirement age, although I stopped working last year to care for my hubby who had cancer, we had so many plans for out retirement, buying a motorhome and travelling being the main one, i feel so sad he is not here to allow us our dreams. I miss him so much and like you I find this my safe place as we are all the same.


Hi @Mary.Mac i am exactly 7 months today since my husbands passing … im same as you… have really bad weeks … sometimes im ok and sometimes im not … yes its good we all understand each other isnt it. Xx


So very sorry . For what it’s worth I do know how you are feeling . It’s just the worst feeling ever isn’t it. I am now two years down the line and no better. Does it ever get easier I wonder . We were together 56 years .
I wish you all the very best and send you a big caring hug x


Hi All
And folks say the first year is the worst
They have no idea
Yes our plans snatched from us
We bought our first caravan in 2001 I thought I was too young for one ( 45)
Paul’s family had always had one
Loved it didn’t go summer Paul a farmer
Changed to motorhome 2017 then changed her 16/10/21
She was the bees knees we both adored her
Had so many plans for when /if Paul ‘retired’ from farming
Paul passed 24/7/22
I reluctantly sold her just back to the deal ship we had bought her from
I could do everything with her but my sister in law said
Will you use her
The answer was no
She was ‘ours’
Life’s just shit
Love to you all


Where abouts in north Yorkshire are you @Bess1 ? I live on borders of west Yorkshire and north Yorkshire xxx

Morning Debs
We live near Northallerton
North Yorkshire


Anyone live near crewkerne?

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I live near skipton ! Is north allerton quite near ? Rubbish at geography ! Lol xx

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Morning everyone i live near saltburn im.half hour from whitby .Skipton and nortallerton i know but not sure pudding where you are xxx


I am other end of the country in Somerset where the cider apples grow.


Having a bad day today the tears wont stop xxxx Tracey


I know those days


Aw … i know :frowning: xx

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Write lists then tick them off one at a time. I found I was doing the same but if it was on a list then I wouldn’t stress. As I was told by a wise neighbour you don’t have to do everything at once. I have found most companies very supportive and helpful some going out of their way to reduce the amount you pay. Once something is on the list your brain can let go of it. Can you tell I was a project manager?