Weight loss

I lost my appetite after my beautiful wife’s death and I’ve lost about a stone. I really need to eat better.

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Hi , I just drink coffee and smoke cigs . I don’t even like coffee and stopped smoking about forty year ago . I try and eat one thing a day now . But the first few months after hubby died . I only ate when I felt weak . Xtake care x

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You know when people say “take care of yourself” maybe that’s what they mean.

I noticed when my trousers nearly fell off.Ha ha! We really do have to take care of ourselves.

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Hi , sorry I am so past careing about myself . But maybe you should use a belt . You don’t need to be getting yourself into any bother . !!

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I’ve got a belt cariad, It’s gone up a few holes. To morrow I shall go to the village shop and buy myself a chocolate orange!


Hi hope you enjoy it . Maybe buy two .

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There’s a thought.

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Next month it is two years since my husband died. Saying it out loud is just so unbelievable. I have lost close to three stone since he died. I force myself to eat when I know one of the grandson’s is staying overnight, otherwise I find eating is now just a function. Cake and a chocolate bar tends to be the daily diet.

Take care.



Dear Broken2222

I understand where you are coming from. I just drink tea and have a chocolate bar. The night before I have one of the grandson’s I tend to force a ‘decent’ meal down my neck and I eat with him during the course of his stay. Otherwise sitting alone in the house every night there is no appeal in eating anything.

Take care. xxx


Hi . I have actually made a apple and blackberry crumble today . With blackberrys out of the garden that my hubby planted last year . It’s sitting on the bench , no one wants to eat it . I might just live on that for the next week . Cooking and eating food so pointless now . Like everything else . Xtake carex

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I used to really enjoy cooking for her, she said my dauphine potatoes were out of this world.

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Sounds scrumptious. I’d make a real egg custard for that and save the whites to make her meringues.

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Hi it kind of looks ok . But I’m not the best cook . I don’t like cooking either . Hubby was the better cook . We had been married 39 years and he always made the Xmas dinner . And it was lovely . He always joked that at least he got one good meal a year . So tin custard if I even bother .

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Its just so hard. I bought something from the local farm today, cooked it and then sat on the settee and could not eat it, so its in the bin. Chocolate bar with tea again. Me and husband always loved proper dinners but you can’t cook these same meals for one and although I have tried once I sit down alone the food just sticks in the throat, the tears flow and it goes in the bin. I can’t adapt - this was my life for approaching 39 years and then in an instance it was taken from me.

We also loved our puds, so apple and blackberry crumble would have been a must in our house. I can understand you probably just living on that.

I have both grandsons on Saturday while mam and dad are at work, so I will have to make a real effort tomorrow.

Take care. xx


I can smell it from here in Pembrokeshire!

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We are a traditional North East family. So the order of the day was always, mince and dumplings, dinners with yorkshire puds etc. I can make a chilli con carne from scratch but again there is no enjoyment and little point as most of it goes to waste. We never did ‘ready-meals’ and I strongly don’t believe in using them. But in anycase food just does not appeal anymore.

My husband could just about do toast, so your wife was a very lucky woman.


Hi I still have my son his girlfriend and his daughter living with me . And my daughter and her two sons come down on a Sunday . I try and make a Sunday dinner for them . And dish some for myself . But most of mine goes in bin . Son and his girlfriend cook for themselves . And granddaughter usually just gets money and makes herself something quick when she comes in . It’s not a family life now . The best part is missing . My hubby .


One small consolation is when I see her daughters I can see her in them and in our grandchildren and great grandchildren. So, I will see her again.


Totally understand. I have my mother every other Sunday and our son and grandson’s come round for Sunday dinner as well. I make the dinner and sometimes plate something up for me, but like yourself the majority finds its way to the bin. I know it upsets my mam and clearly son worries that I will not be fit enough to look after the kids, so I do make the effort as I say when I am caring for them. But as you also highlight, these were previously family occasions and one of the most important pieces of our life is gone.


Dear Nigel2

Our son and the eldest grandson are so much like my husband in terms of looks and some behaviours. Our son has lost his faith as a result of his dad’s accident, but I have to believe that I will be reunited otherwise there is little point in continuing on.