What do you do when you feel you’re not getting any support from anyone.

I am the same, Hope! I worry that something awful must have happened. I hear sirens and I start to feel panicky. I keep checking my phone. I have always been a bit paranoid about my children, even my adult son. My husband was more sensible and managed to reassure me. Now I feel even more inclined to think the worst if I don’t hear from people.
It’s awful being lonely. Xx

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Yes I so miss that reassurance from the one person who has your back.
I see it’s very early days for you though. I’m hoping you find this forum a support.
It’s twenty one months since I lost my hubby and I still find it helpful to come on here and vent my feelings. There’s always someone to talk to here to make you feel a bit better or give you some good advice. Take care.


Ty ivam hoping wecwill all feel a little better and more relaxed soon xxxx


Pushing myself really hard today.
Walked round the park first thing, then did some dead heading in the garden before taking myself round to the swimming pool to do a few lengths. (First time in a while).
Am going to take part in my first concert with the choir I recently joined this afternoon.
(As long as they put me at the back where people can’t see me forgetting all the words or hear me singing out of tune ) lol
It’s really hard to make yourself do these things but it is worth the effort.
Hope you all have some mini triumphs today xx

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Good luck this afternoon. I sat around feeling sorry for myself, reading this site, crying, writing in my journal. Then I thought that this won’t do. So, I got dressed in my old clothes, got my gardening stuff out. Guess what? The heavens opened and it started to pour! I took off my gardening coat, went to hang it in its usual place. Saw some of his stuff hanging there and put it in a bin bag. Now that all the gardening and his usual jobs are down to me I am going to need more space for my wellies, boots and scruffy clothes. I can’t jet wash and paint window frames in sparkly sandals and gypsy skirts. Now, where did I put that angle grinder, and what’s it for anyway?


Willow that angle grinder comment made me laugh. Thanks! Haven’t done that for such a long time xx

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Well done all for making the effort at the moment i am sat here in floods of tears. Cant see a point of much at the moment i have been showered so i have made a start. Xxx


@Willow112 @Hope2 Rome wasnt built in a day…slow and steady, bit by bit which seems to be what you’re both doing :slightly_smiling_face: PS. What’s an angle grinder :rofl:


Well done you :+1: You deserve a brownie point :slightly_smiling_face:x


Why, it grinds angles, Paul! :roll_eyes::thinking: Trouble is I don’t think I have any angles that need attention. It is in a very impressive case, though. I also have the world’s largest collection of ‘allen keys’, if that impresses anyone?


@Willow112 you got me at allen keys :nerd_face:

That does impress me lol
It also reminds me of the day I lost my hubby (his name was Alan).
I was sitting downstairs with my sister and she had just told me that he would find a way of getting in touch with me when we heard a big bang upstairs. A gust of wind had blown in through the window and knocked some stuff off my dressing table.
I went up to pick it all up and there laying on the floor was an Allen key !
We hadn’t been doing any DIY and I had no idea where it had come from.
My sister said there you are, I told you so :slightly_smiling_face:


This topic should be renamed Comedy Corner!

I really hope this done not offend anyone. The page on my IPad only shows the first few words of each post title. My eyes popped out of my head the first time I saw it on the list because it reads “What do you do when you’re not getting any” :flushed:


Thankyou @Willow112

You’ve just made me laugh

@Willow112 :rofl::rofl:

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I think you should open that page " what to do when you’re not getting any "!
“Widows Fire”! you did make me laugh , but then I wanted the answer to…What to do?? ha !


Yeh i didnt know about that … but read something a bit ago about it !! X


First time i have smiled today Ty Willow. Xx


Didn’t know what I’d started with this topic :joy::joy::joy:. Glad it seems to have cheered everyone up anyway lol