What does everyone do on Sundays

I find this the hardest day of the week, I work all week, Saturday is mainly shopping, housework and catching up with a couple of friends. Sunday’s I’m just lost. Walking on my own is not for me (I lost my dog 18mths ago) and I can’t get another one as I can’t go through that heartbreak again, he was 16 and my little soulmate).
What do you all do?


I do my grocery shopping on a Sunday ,the rest of the day i am lost for things to do


I hate Sundays too. They have always been the hardest day for me too.
I was sitting here watching rubbish TV. 9.45am …
Have been up since 4.45am … already walked my two dogs (I know I’m so lucky to have them - I’m so sorry you lost your little 4 legged soulmate)
and done some weeding and tidying up in the garden.
Wondering how I’d get through another day… When the sun is going to shine! And so everyone will think that should make us feel better… UUUGGHH!!!

And then my lovely friend just sent me a beautiful quote. It made me cry. But I thought it was beautiful.
I’ll post it here for you. And hope that you like it too.

Lots of love , hugs and strength to you my grieving friend


Hi. I’m retired, so have seven Sundays a week. I could suggest you make it a day for doing something you always wanted to do but never got around to. Make it a challenge for you to achieve, and dedicate your success to him. Make him proud.

My current challenge is learning to play the flute, which I’m really enjoying. A couple of months ago, I joined a 4 part harmony choir, another huge pleasure. Next month I’m going abseiling, and the month after that it’s potholing.

I’m sure my Penny will be with me in these things, probably tutting and saying “whatever next!!!”. But she’ll really be proud that I’m getting on with life. I’m proud thinking she’s proud of me.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m having a bit of trouble sharing it…I’ll keep trying xx


Hmm , it won’t let me… I’ll type it instead …

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I have no idea where to start…I don’t have any particular hobbies as such when I sit down and think about what I would like to do I just go blank…spent much of life looking after others and now have no family or children so completely alone aside from a few great friends but they have their own families, so guess over time lost who I am and what I want. I have retirement looming next year but it fills me with dread as to how I will cope with all that time on my hands, also think it’s more difficult for a female doing things alone.
I admire your motivation to do all these things. I have motivation but don’t know where to direct it?


@Cathphil I have no idea what gives me joy anymore, it’s sad isn’t it? I am a positive social person but doing things by myself I am struggling with…I have the energy, motivation but don’t have any direction for it if that makes sense? I’m trying to meet people who are free at weekends but finding that difficult as most people have a family. I just feel Sunday is wasted being stuck in a strange limbo and then it’s over?



Semi success … I had to print it out and take a photo…
So apologies that the quality is not great.
But the words are lovely


Hi @LynT . I know it’s difficult to get started. One of my best ideas was to find a local ukulele band, probably run by your local U3A group. Just wander in to a session, where you will almost certainly be made very welcome, they will probably lend you a uke, and before you leave the session, you will be strumming and singing along with them,.many of them bereaved and finding a challenge to recover from it. You don’t have to read music, you don’t need any musical aptitude (playing a ukulele has VERY little in common with music😆). It’s about making friends and having a laugh.
Alternatively, Google for a local U3A organizations, who run many different groups, pick one and take a leap into it.
I also bought a camera and decided to make a blog of all the wildlife who came into my garden. The weather hasn’t been warm enough yet for the insects, except whilst typing this, the first butterfly of the season came (but went before I could get my camera out😠)
Good luck, take a leap of faith

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I understand @LynT
I have little motivation, and no pleasure in anything.
I too thought I was a social person …
I do try to go out… See a few people … But I’m sad and lonely even when I’m with people …

There’s some lines in a song by Tanya Tucker called ’ Without You What do I do with Me’ that sum up how I feel …

" I don’t wanna go out but I just can’t stay home
I don’t need company but I sure don’t wanna be alone"



I lost my husband last March but although I am still grieving and probably always will, plus I have also had multiple losses over the last 5yrs, however, I am ready now to start over again and build a new life but I have no idea where to start.
I am not the type of person to live my life stagnating through loss of the pass so I am stronger and want to move forwards. I understand many don’t as it’s all very personal and individual but I have had enough of being sad, lonely and living with memories of the past, I want new memories, new friends and yes even the possibility of sharing my life with that someone special. I have reached that crossroads where I want to firmly put the past behind me. I can and will incorporate my loved ones into my new life. It’s a strange feeling being on the cusp but I find myself having a growing excitement for the future …


Dear @LynT
Well done my darlin’, for having the courage to know what you would like to do, and that you think you are ready to try. I commend you, and wish you well on your journey

Thank you for acknowledging and understanding that grief, and the paths we all individually tread are so very personal and different.


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I just have to find a starting point somewhere…
I have processed my loss, come to terms with it and ready now for my new life to begin, doesn’t mean I won’t have bad days, we all do and will still do but it doesn’t consume me now as it once did. I can’t live constantly in the past anymore, it’s almost like being a living ghost. I actually want to be happy, content and fulfilled so I do have a map but don’t yet have a path to lead me lol

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Went for a walk on my own. Going to a yoga class later.


@Victoria22 that looks lovely, what are the Yoga classes like? Well done for doing something, it’s a good start.
I have booked 2 holidays this year, luckily have friends to go with so that’s my start just need to fill my weekends with something nice, not sure what yet though

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Keep your mind open to new ideas, and one day a lightbulb will flash on, and your new, happier life will restart, I’m sure.

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@tykey I have just found a U3A 15 minutes away from me :slightly_smiling_face: thank you