What does everyone do on Sundays

Thankyou I really appreciate your response it has made me feel heeps better…
I have been exactly the same reading about everyone else journey makes me
Feel guilty for not crying everyday…
of course I miss him but I know he would want me to find some sort of happiness… he didn’t believe in spiritual stuff and believed we all only have one life…

Thankyou :slight_smile:

There is a profound saying : The length and depth of grieving isn’t a measure of how much we loved them.


Thankyou sometimes that’s exactly how I feel I did love him with all my heart and still do… there will never be another person who felt the way he felt about me and visa versa…
I appreciate that saying


Am I the first person to have celebrated a 52nd wedding anniversary with a bottle of beer made out of seaweed? I’m sure Penny would be shaking her head and tutting “whatever will he do next!”

I don’t know the answer to that, … Yet!


Lol … well thats unusual ! Never heard of that before beer made with seaweed !! Xxx

I read that as smoking weed after a dip in the sea lol
Hope you had some happy memories on your 52nd anniversary


Went to a National Trust property not too far from where I live yesterday. Had a nice time although it seemed a bit strange having a picnic on my own.


I invite somebody round for lunch. A friend or a relative. It’s someone to talk to, a different face for my daughter to look at. A reason to tidy up and make a decent meal, a reason to go shopping.
If it’s someone equally lonely, all the better.


Went to yoga class in the morning, then to the cemetery to change flowers and tidy up the grave & have the usual weekly chat with my angel - feeling so comforted on the way home as always :heart:… Spent the afternoon reading in the garden and then cooked another batch of food for the week.
Must admit I have been trying to embrace solitude and it seems to be working slowly - fingers crossed it lasts! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Last Sunday I went with my son to the local fair and firework display… This coming Sunday some time to myself :slight_smile:


Might go to the cinema this Sunday x


I feel it is a huge effort to invite strangers to lunch because my home is old and there’s is much nicer.
I wish their’s was just homely and not like a show home.
I am wary of being rejected I suppose.


@Enorac Please don’t ever be afraid of what others may think of your home. I have friends who live in shabby but very welcoming homes, and others in show houses, but the main thing is interacting and sharing what we all have. I bet that if you put invitations out there they will be snapped up or at the least you’ll get a counter offer.

Hi Lyn, I know exactly how you feel. Sundays are the absolute worst. The feeling of waking up and having absolutely nothing to do with the day is unbearable. I chose to take on a cleaning job in an office every Sunday afternoon. I don’t do it for the money, it’s only 2 hours every week. I do it to wake up with a small purpose for the day. It’s been nearly 7 months since he passed, and having that small something to do has helped me get through the year. This is my first post and it’s useful to know other people feel the same. Wishing you all the best.