What does everyone do on Sundays

Wow @LynT thats a lot … i think i lost at least a stone and half although i dont really weigh myself that much but i can tell by my clothes as they’re much baggier … although tbh before i lost him i went other way and put weight on … isnt it strange how our bodys react ?,:frowning: xx

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I can’t seem to put it back on, even though I am now eating well but I’m not complaining as needed to lose some. I have had to buy a load of new clothes as gone from a size14 to 8 to 10 :see_no_evil: I bought a size 8 pr of shorts for my holiday, haven’t been that size since in my 20’s.
I think grief hits you both physically and mentally.
How’s your friend? :wink:

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It certainly does honey … hits u in both ways !!! Which friend ? My dog walker friend you mean ? Lol x

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Tell you what we should swop donate overmuch
weight to the underweight if only
Yes either way tough
We are all being brave
Courageous is what we are


Yes could paint the cat Reminds me when cat did walk in the paint
Poor thing


Just been doing the garden, I hate gardening. Had to mow the lawn and clear garden rubbish. I’d rather just sit quietly in the garden with a glass of wine :wine_glass: xx


I count sitting in the garden with a glass of wine as being part of gardening! Enjoy.


Ofcourse it is!
Enjoy your gardening this weekend :wink:


Been to the garden centre and I’m reading a book in the garden… Nothing much happens at the weekends it’s no fun being alone all the time…


Its not … try get out of you can ? I just spent an hour on the field talking to my dog walking pals ! Feel so much better now ! Xx


after 4 x 12 hour shifts with work today is recuperate day.


I have been out to Sunday lunch, sat outside in the sun, but on and off my thoughts drifted to me and him sat there with our Bobby (dog), as we all 3 of us spent may days/evenings in this pub so it was bittersweet. My Bobs passed just after my hubby :disappointed_relieved: I let the memories come and go but sometimes you really don’t want to let go…


I got up at 5.30am to take my girl to the airport. Then took my dog out foraging for nettle tips to dry to make tea; so many people stopped for a chat and to ask what I was doing. Did a bit of gardening. By 11am, I felt as if I’d been awake for 2 days! Early night tonight…


Oh god don’t the days drag especially now the days are lighter it’s 6 am I’m usually asleep now… but woken up by my dog barking so sat in bed drinking tea…
Nettle tea sounds interesting does it taste nice?

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Hi. I had some last night, tastes OK but smells like spinach! But I like spinach, and I think of the vitamin content. I may collect more today and cook it up with something.
I’m enjoying the long days and the sunshine is making me happier. Steve will have been gone for 100 days tomorrow. He would be getting fed up with me being unhappy by now, although he always supported me wholeheartedly in everything, he did worry about me, so I’m going to try hard to be positive, like he always was, despite all his health difficulties. He lived his life to the max and I feel that I need to now.
I hope that you manage to find some enjoyment in the day today. X


What a great attitude you have… my partner was content with his life and what he had achieved travelled a lot when he was younger… something I’ve never done… he also died of heart failure but didn’t know he had it! As he had crohns and kidney disease just put the breathlessness down to his kidneys… I still feel robbed of him he was 68 no age… I wonder if I’m at all normal it’s been 10 months now and I’m managing days without crying and getting on seeing friends planning trips ect… when I’m reading people’s posts on here that are still so upset I feel guilty…


Dear @Ilovehorses
You must never feel guilty.
Our grief is a personal and unique journey. I used to feel guilty because in the beginning I didn’t cry much at all. And I used to read on here about people who were crying all day ALL the time. I just kept thinking what’s wrong with me, why am I not crying?
At one time I actually stopped coming to this site for a few months because it became a bit to overwhelming and all consuming, and I couldn’t deal with it.
I needed to come to terms with my own grief. I haven’t done that yet.
I’m still learning, grief is a process .
There’s no end. But we all deal with it in our own ways. No right or wrong way. Just our way

hugs to you :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Dear @SadGirlfriend
You are brave to forage and experiment with cooking with what you find.
I’d be too scared I might poison myself!

I did make a decision this weekend though.
I’ve decided to try a dairy free diet for a few months, and see how I get on .
(I’ve been vegetarian since I was 18, almost 59 now!)
I don’t really know why but it seems like a positive step I’m taking … I’ll see how I go :woman_shrugging:

Love, hugs and strength to you

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A dairy free diet is a great way to lose weight, as well as kinder, after all milk is for calves and we grew out of a milk based diet when we were weaned as babies! (Or should have.) I love looking for different ways of preparing food, it’s fun.

Don’t feel guilty.

When you write about what you have achieved it gives hope to others that one day they will be able to do the same.

Rose x

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