What I miss.

Hi sharrona

I know exactly what you mean when you say flat and going through the motions, that’s me exactly.

I then have days where nothing imperticular sets me off but the tears come and won’t stop.

At the moment I just can’t stop thinking about the fact that’s it’s been nearly 8 weeks since I last spoke, touched or smelled my husband, Ian.

It’s heartbreaking :heart:


Morning Oscar. My partner of 28 years passed away last Oct. I also found it extremely upsetting to have her name removed from bank accounts etc, It all seemed as if you were erasing her. My house is up for sale . I found having to request Land Registry to remove her name from the deeds one of the worst. As for the bills she did everything on line and I had no idea how to do any of that. Her brothers helped me, and still are, with the technology and slowly Ive managed to get to grips with it but I still have to have heip. I mean who knew what a PDF was, Not me thats for sure. Best wishes to you.


I’m lucky I love technology and my wife had written down all the passwords etc. In a book that was in our safe but yes taking her name off everything was harrowing also our car was motorbility in her name so to see that go as well was hard so many memories in that car. I’m over 2yrs in now but never a day passes without me shedding a tear for me the first year was ok for me grieving wise because I got diagnosed with prostate cancer it never rains and I had all that to focus on.


My car was registered as disabled as Jo couldn’t walk more than a few steps and she had a parking badge . Of course thats all been taken care of now . It was on my to do list along with everything else . Sorry to hear about your cancer. Best of luck with everything.


Pat had a blue badge and the car was motorbility so I also had to buy a car. I’m in the process of getting a badge for myself as I have mobility issues now.


It’s been a few weeks since l wrote on here, l am seeing a counsellor at the moment, thinking it would help, but l am beginning to feel it will not, my partner Micheal died 20/12/2020, he went in a diabetic coma never came round, but l have to say it’s no easier now than it was then, l don,t really live, l exist get up walk the dog eat walk the dog bed. To be honest its no way to live, l,m 66. I keep thinking it will get better tomorrow but it never does,


So sorry, I think that’s the only way we get through by hoping it will be better tomorrow. My husband passed away exactly a year before in 2019 :broken_heart: unexpectedly, he was poorly but supposedly not life threatening.
So where am I after 2 years?
To give you some glimmer of light, I am doing a lot more, I have some good friends & our best friends have been great. I’ve started to accept invitations although sometimes I want to back out at the last minute. The grief doesn’t overwhelm me all the time now, though it’s still there, I think we have to come to terms with the fact it always will be, but I can keep it inside better.
But I’m still jealous when I see couples holding hands. When you hear your friends who are still couples planning their holidays or trips out, you’re smiling on the outside but breaking on the inside.
The price of great love is the journey we’re all on & we do the best we can.
Talking is the best thing, I didn’t go to a counsellor but often wonder whether I should have. I have met a couple of people down at the churchyard & we talk together & share experience as we’re going through the same thing. This platform has been a great help to share with others too.
Sending love & strength xx


It’s been 4 years now since my husband Phil passed, sometimes I’m ok and sometimes it’s terrible even though I have lots of good family and friends :disappointed:


Thank you for sharing how you are dealing with your loss two years you have managed to carry on I’m 9 months and it is a horrible thought to think future but day by day I guess it is so helpful to read messages on here we will always have our memories they can never be taken
Take care xxx


Lost mine 2yrs ago she has no grave that was our choice and I think that helps me because her ashes are in The river Mersey. I would like the same done with mine although I haven’t told anyone because I don’t want anyone trampsing off to Liverpool because my only real connection is my wife. I also didn’t go to counseling because I got cancer and it’s not really me to air everything in public. I miss her every day and will do till I die. I do the same walk my dogs sit in front of TV eat then walk dogs again that’s my life they say it gets easier with time but I don’t believe them.


I’m in Exeter so I have pm you


Hi Julie,
I live in Truro, lost my lovely husband of 35 years very suddenly 16 months ago. I too have been unable to find any local groups to meet. Plymouth is not so far really. I work full time but perhaps we could arrange something xx