What I miss.

Hi Gillie

This so echoes how I feel. However busy or not we make our days, we are still on our own and have to return to an empty house.

Julie x


Morning Montague. I feel your pain. I too, miss being a couple, going to cinema or out for a meal, planning a holiday and just having someone there with you.


Morning hope you can all get through another day so hard alone read all messages and we are all struggling donā€™t think it will ever be any different xx


Morning everyone, i hope you all find, at least, a small piece of comfort today - even if it is just a message from this forum to help you get through the day x


It is comfort from hearing from you all on here thank you hope your day goes ok shame we can not all have a coffee together we would not feel different like I do when Iā€™m with friends who have normal lives still I donā€™t feel normal any more xxx


Yes I totally agree, having a coffee would be lovely :heart::heart:


Hi everyone

It would be so lovely to meet up with others in a similar situation. I have looked for local bereavement support groups but canā€™t find any that meet face to face. I did come across a ZOOM group but Iā€™ve never felt comfortable using that technology.

Also, you can never replace actually being with a person and talking.

Julie x


Very true we could help each other as we all in same boat xxx


The hardest part I found when I lost my wife just over 2yrs ago was the first weeks when I had to do everything register the death then informing all the authorities then dealing with funeral arrangements then I found my wife had sorted that out. But she ran the house so I had to go through all that taking her name off of things was hard it seemed so final and it was even the bills she had sorted so it would be easier for me I knew she was a remarkable woman but it wasnā€™t till she was gone how remarkable. Thereā€™s not a day gone buy that I havenā€™t shed a tear for her.


I met a few people down at the churchyard whilst visiting Derek. During lockdown no one could tend the cemetery so I organised a group of volunteers to look after it until they could resume. I meet up with a couple of them still & itā€™s good to be able to talk freely. If I see anyone visiting a grave whilst Iā€™m there, I do offer conversation. I can tell if someone just wants quiet time but more often than not they want to talk. I was speaking to a gentleman who had just buried his daughter aged 29 last week. It made me feel grateful for having the time I did with Derek. He was only 59 but talking to that gentleman put it in perspective to someone who hadnā€™t really started to live their life xx


There was a piece on the one show last night about an organisation called good grief and the cafes they have set up. Made me think how good that would be to meet up with people going through the same and who really understand. I looked online but none in my area and couldnā€™t find anything like that here. I wouldnā€™t feel comfortable doing zoom xx


Yes I watched it and also looked to see if there were any in my area but there arenā€™t sadly.


Hi Rose45
I agree donā€™t think it will ever get better our husbands were everything life is so sad,every day is just another to get through
I still have this sick feeling my heart is broken,not sleeping well

Christine x


Hi everyone

I live outside Plymouth so is anyone nearby and happy to meet? I donā€™t mind driving.

Take care,

Julie x


Hi Julie, Iā€™m in Birmingham so itā€™s a bit too far sadly. Xx

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Iā€™m near Blackpool so a bit far too but itā€™s a nice suggestion x


Iā€™m in Kent so we not close shame been a hard day hope itā€™s been better for some off you xxx


Hi, Iā€™m all the way up in Yorkshire so Iā€™m very far away :heart:

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Iā€™m in County Durham even further away xx


15 weeks today I lost my partner. Gone at 50. They took a piece of me with them. I still canā€™t believe that itā€™s happened, as it just doesnā€™t seem real. It feels wrong somehow. I know that heā€™s gone, but when I look at his picture and heā€™s staring back at me, I canā€™t quite comprehend it. How can all those times we shared just be gone and all those times that we were yet to share, will now never be. Iā€™m neither happy nor sad. Just flat and going through the motions, feeling disconnected when Iā€™m with others. Wishing strength to all who find themselves in this most hated of circumstances.