When visitors leave

Get up wish him a happy birthday get on with your day. Cry tell him how much you miss him and talk to him he will always be with you in heart and mind make the day about him and you x

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My husband passed away 4months ago and it would have been his birthday on the first of this month and it was hard but I went for a meal with one of our sons and then made it about him and me . This journey we are on is not easy .

I am glad that you have some one to talk with

Thanks you we all need a support network in times like this don’t we however good that network is or how big or small as living with the constant silence which surrounds us daily now is not easy to live with and the pain of missing the one we love .

I am happy for you. I however have no one at all since my wife passed all friends and family have cut me for no reason. I guess they may think I would be a burden. Never mind I have our home and memories.

I have had the same with family myself which is painful but that’s their choice but my husband wouldn’t wanted me to cut myself off even when I feel like it sometimes so I try and spend time with people that have been there for me although they lead very busy lives themselves I appreciate all they do . I am living in an area where I know no one which doesn’t help but I still try and remain positive as I know it’s what hubby would want . Perhaps when you feel ready it’s only been 4 months for me we are all ready at different times you will find some support I hope so because we all need it .

It’s been over a year now and no contact at all since the funeral Al full we are here for you and other such nonsense. Nothing not a text call email letter nothing. As far as I am concerned they can all rot in there pathetic little lives I will have the last laugh