When visitors leave

Where are you based

I feel the same, i can’t enjoy anything anymore I keep wishing I wont wake up, loneliness is the most heart wrenching place to be after your loss. People text or stop by but they have their own lives to lead. Nobody truly understands unless it happens to them. Big hug for all of you suffering, wish I could help you all.


I feel exactly the same, sometimes I feel I am on another planet.

I feel lonely and alone. More alone I think

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I don’t know if this will help you. This week l started writing to Stewart. I found a notebook and have written as if I am talking to him. There are lot of tear splashes and I am sad at the time but afterwards I have felt that I was closer to him. It doesn’t matter what you write nobody else is going to read it! It seems to help me a little anyway. Take care :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I have done the same I write every day what I have done and let her know standards are not dropping. I also describe what I have cooked so she knows I did watch and learn. No one will ever read them but she knows

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Christina 47
I can connect to both those feelings . Life is continuing but I’m not connecting to it (being on another planet) being alone . It’s different to being lonely . People are around at a distance but the feelings of being alone leaves you feeling hollow empty and very sad even on days you may be in company.

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Thanks for your reply. We both feel the same, it gives me comfort because when I am in company I should embrace that, but finding it difficult, without that special person

Their is always that empty chair that empty presence it’s heartbreaking :broken_heart:

I say quietly to myself where are you. You should be here. I miss you so very much .

But I also wouldn’t want him suffering it’s a conflict I don’t think I will ever resolve .

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Hi Wilderness, I do not enjoy being in my home at the moment. I go for long walks as being in the fresh air helps.

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I’ve stopped calling it home it’s a house now with just me in it.


Been out tonight, laughing at a comedy club. Now home. WTF? Where is My Steve? I’ve never experienced anything like this.

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christina47, Wilderness and sad girlfriend I know how you feel as my home is no longer our home or my home . The silence when I get back kills me every time I open the door as I’m waiting to here my Gail’s voice saying hi sweetheart did you have a good day and I’ve cooked dinner so come and sit down is now nothing and no voice so I have put the TV on just to break that pain barrier so I feel that some else is in the living room . When I have to have my days off I do what a few of us on here are doing and that’s going for a long walk and when I go to my mum’s I can go for a walk a long the beach but when my Gail died I went to the beach and talked to her and just sat on the wall telling Gail all that’s going on and how I’m feeling which then set me off crying all afternoon on my own with the sun on my face and sea splashing . Nobody is on there own on here as we are all here walking the same lonely path that no one except all of us will ever understand. If I had the power to bring us all together to chat and feel like we aren’t alone any more I would. It was two ago last year that I lost my Gail who I still think about but it’s time which is helping plus the support network that I have around me that’s also helping plus people at work giving me a cuddle every time I see them bless them. I’m here for you all as I’m a very caring chap so don’t be afraid to talk to me if you feel lonely or lost or empty


Hi Dave 101,

I am suffering badly after my partner passed away in January. My family want me to accept my situation and move on. I am trying, but seem to feel worse as weeks pass by. I was married twice before but they both passed away. My first husband in 1998 and my second husband in 2019. Cannot see any future for me.

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Your most recent loss was only in January your likely in the grip of grief, and your previous losses may well be impacting on your current grief.
Your family would have experienced grief being alongside you but don’t seem to understand each loss will be different and you will be different.
You’ve experienced so much loss be gentle to yourself.


Im the same dont want to hear what my friends have been doing with their lives and partners and what their plans are, the holidays they have booked and when they ask what have you been doing or what are you doing at the weekend i just want to scream at them but i dont i just sit and listen and nod


@Bunny2 hi. Im back to work tomorrow after two weeks off. Im dreading it . Not for the work . But for the talk from everyone . What they and their partners been doing and where they have been . I have even been getting whatsapp pictures sent to me . Yes i want them to enjoy their lives , because one day they might not have a life , like me , i just hope no one asks me if I had a nice time . I dont know what that is anymore…All xtake carex


Bunny \Broken
That’s also me I can’t do normal social conversation and I also don’t want to hear it from others. Everything has changed there is no normal . I have stayed off social media when my husband was going through treatment and haven’t returned.

I feel conflicted about it my loss is not theirs , their lives continue untouched but please look around read the room wear the shoe for a few seconds.
How insensitive people can be even those that profess to understand your grief.


Just be you don’t try for others. Time will show your love for him and that will never change. Always remember you are still together just in a different way x


Me too I miss his voice so much
Tomorrow the 18th will be just as heartbreaking for me as it it my Tonys Birthday I am not sure how I will be probably like last year as he passed away in the January I was so lost.

sending you hugs