Where Are You?

Nearly 11 months in and it still takes my breath away every single day that you’re not here. It physically hurts, like getting kicked in the chest every day so I cant breathe. How can it be true? Every single other person we know is here, breathing and living their lives. It just gets worse every day. Its not denial its disbelief. I just cant face another year without you. xxxx


My husband died 15 months ago and I feel exactly the same that this can’t have happened to me, lots of hugs xxx


I know I’m the same

11 months tomorrow, how did that happen?

I miss you so much

X x


I feel the same. 8 months since my husband suddenly died from a heart attack, out of the blue, with no warning. I need him so much xx


It’s 7 months for me since my Bill died. I don’t know how I can face a future without him. I really don’t want to :broken_heart::broken_heart:


12 months since I lost my spouse. I am grateful for the “better” days. I don’t call them good, because they’re not, but I’ll take better vs the bad ones. I might have a few weeks I feel somewhat better but then an awful few and then better, then not and so on. It just has a mind of its own and nothing I can point to triggering it.


So sorry! I understand how you feel. 21 months in I feel the same, miss him at every breath, everyday is such a drag, wishing he would be here beside me 24/7…miss you and love you so much my angel :broken_heart:


Me too, he’s never off my mind and it hasn’t been any different in last 15 months. I might have a day when I don’t cry but can’t see any future without him after 55 years xxx


Me too, its been 8 weeks today since I lost my beloved husband, the tears haven’t stopped and I feel like half of me is missing, i just want to be with him


Take care everyone…sending bug hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


It was 9 weeks yesterday since my husband died suddenly aged 61.He’d been retired for a week. I’m heartbroken, I miss him so much. I cry every day. Today I cried because my brother sent me pictures of him and his wife away for the weekend, it’s another reminder that i’ll never get to do that again with my husband. Everything is a constant reminder that he’s no longer here. I have a wonderful family and friends but I feel so lonely it’s hard just being me when it’s been us for 37years.:broken_heart:Sending love and hugs to all


Hello my partner of 30 years passed away July 2024. I am still in shock from it all, completely heartbroken. I have 2 young daughters who are also heartbroken. As time goes on it becomes more and more unbearable. He is the love of my life. I find it difficult to motivate myself and feel myself with drawing from everything in life.


I’m so sorry for your loss @Girlnanny

Life is so unfair. Your husband snatched away from ou so young

It is very early days for you.
You are on this horrendous journey. Like being on a rollercoaster, lots of dips, the occasional high.

You have done right coming on this forum.
Everyone on here understands, we are all going through the same heartbreak. All at different stages

You can say what you like on here. No one will judge, we just support each other

There will be many triggers but gradually you will find that you are coping, day by day, hour by hour.

Please remember that tears are good. If you want to cry, then cry.
Please keep posting, this site had got me through some very dark times

Love and hugs
Liz x x


I’m so sorry for your loss @Presley

You are so young to have lost your partner and with 2 young daughters to care for.

I can only say please keep posting on here You can open your heart here and everyone will understand

At the moment all you can do is take one day or even one hour at a time

Gradually you will find that you are coping, please don’t be afraid to cry, crying can really help. You mustn’t bottle it up.

Have you any family or friends that you can talk to?

Keep posting on here it does help.

Sending love and big hugs
Liz x x


Thank you for your support and kind words x


You will find support here

X x

Thank you. It’s made me realise I am not the only one going through grief of losing someone close. The last few weeks since Christmas I have had a leak in the roof, a broken wardrobe and last night my boiler stopped working, my radiator also has a leak. I have an engineer coming tomorrow but having to deal with things on your own is crippling when you are not able to cope with your emotions due to loss. My partner would always know what to do, who to ring. He always had a friend who could help. The leak in roof has been fixed and wardrobe replaced but sometimes it’s like “please god give me a bloody break” I tell myself take a deep breathe you’ll be ok.


I know how you feel

It’s pressure upon pressure.
I wonder if it’s some sort of test.

We don’t know how we’re going to cope, but we do.
Because we have to I suppose

Roger always fixed things and knew what to do, and like you if he couldn’t he knew someone who could
I’m totally clueless but I do have good neighbours

We will get through this. Somehow, I keep telling myself that, and looking back I suppose I am coping. I don’t like it but I manage.
There is no altetnative and we owe it to our lost loved ones to carry on
But it’s not easy is it?

Sending big hugs
Liz x x


I’m struggling so much as well.
Neil sorted everything.Its only been 3 months .It’s difficult trying to deal with day to day stuff nevermind the slates off the roof and greenhouse glass due to the storm .I hate being on my own,just knowing that things are never going to be the same .Please all try and stay strong


Hi @AnnGal

I’m coming up for a year, I’ve never had to do anything as hard as live this last 48 weeks alone.

But as you said we’ve got to be strong.
I didn’t think I was strong but I must be to have got this far

You will be ok, just take every day as it comes and try and keep busy

X x

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