Widowed no children

Hi … you know it seems wrong at any age ! ;( its rubbish for us all on here cos we miss our other half so much xxx


U hav lost the love of yr life, & u wont see it now but u find love again as u only in yr 30s. Grief takes time.
So dont give up hope & take care.

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See debs as a life long friend tells me a new start. & as i said u will start over again, even if it does feel like the end of the world. X


I dont want a new start though ;( loved his company but i knew for a while there was something wrong … i kept telling him to go to drs … but typical man ! In end he did but it was too late by then :frowning: just miss him :frowning: its very boring living a life alone :pensive:


I’m 38 and in the same situation as you. We never wanted children either. We liked going away and doing our own thing. After he passed away four weeks ago I did wonder if we should have had kids then I thought to myself that if we had they would have already lost their father and would only have me. If anything happened to me they would have no parents at such a young age.
It’s horrendous to lose someone you love at such a young age :broken_heart:


@LostLil he has 2 young daughters who are now sadly without the best dad in the world. And that breaks my heart. I just hope I’m able to maintain a relationship with them as I think that will help. It’s just so hard.


It is hard. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in my life. Have you kept in touch with them since your partner passed? Yes I can see how it would help to keep in touch x

@LostLil i saw them a couple of days after as me and his ex were going to the funeral home. I’m hoping to see them this weekend as it’s his youngests birthday tomorrow


Its is just an existence. After we lose our loved 1s.
& no matter what any 1 tells u, nothing takes the pain away.
I was with my husband 30 years, & I still miss him everyday after
5 years. He was my soul mate. Best time of my life.


@Deb5 like you I don’t want anyone else as my husband was everything I wanted and no one will match up to him. If he could hear me now his head would be big as I never actually told him how much appreciate him when he was here as thought we had another 25/30 years together. I got him down the doctor but sadly too late also. He worked till the day before so never knew how ill he was. Now feel like I have a life sentence as hate this new life which I didn’t ask for😭


@Vancouver how I do love your posts! As a relative ‘newbie’ I knew I had found the right place to be when yours was the first post I read when I found myself landing here in February. You give me hope. inspiration and courage not be afraid, to take a step into this unknown and unchartered territory, to tackle new things and in time the hope to be able to smile and dance again. And even if I fail, (as I often do) pick myself up and give it another go. Thank you, and long may you continue to ‘dance all night’. Your Tom would be proud xxx


@sandi - thank you for this lovely message - it got me off to a great start this morning! Thank you for being there for me and for all of us on here - together we will get through these tough days and it will be ok x


Same here for me. Married 44 years and lost John suddenly. I have a lovely family and good network of friends but life without him sometimes seems pointless. My home is paid for and I have no money worries but all that does not make up for my loss. I would gladly in a heart bear live on the streets if I could have him back. Except for my family not much means anything to me anymore. I just plod one day after another with no real purpose. I do volunteer locally and that makes me feel a little better helping people and giving something back.

Tough isn’t it ?
Much love


There are always shelters who
Would be grateful for you to take on a dog that has been house trained, like 4/5 years old x

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Oh @Sarlyn my heart breaks how can they treat you like this ?! Surely they should accept you were a BIG part of Jim’s life and he would want you there .

I’m sure he would be very ashamed of them right now . Heartbreaking, I’m so sorry xxxx


Thank you, it was so hurtful and yes Jim would be mortified. As if grief isn’t hard enough as it is, without the distress other’s can cause us.
Thankfully I now don’t have to set eyes on them again x