Wishing for death

I completely get it, I lost my wonderful husband 16 weeks ago, i feel like you do, I go to bed at night & hope that I don’t wake, I never imagined I’d be in life without him and I never imagined grief could be so horrendously painful, so I completely understand why you say that & I think it’s a part of our grief cycle to feel like this ( & grief is personal & individual) & although all we want is to be with them again, we know we can’t be yet so we get up each day & try to carry on because we have to, but it doesn’t stop the pain of them not being here & wanting to be with them. Sending you big virtual hugs x


I feel like this often and understand completely but would never add to my family’s and friends heartbreak following the recent loss of my beloved husband, father, brother in law, uncle and dearest friend to so many. My Paul helped others so much and together with our daughter we raised lots of money for charities - especially children’s premature, terminally ill and young cancer patients. It is an honour to help these brave people.
I won’t let him down as l know his greatest fear was that l would crumble without him and to be honest I am not doing well, but l will be back to him when my time is right. In the meantime l will honour his memory as best l can. I miss him every waking moment of every day. I hope you feel a little better soon. Sending warm hugs. cc


Hello Chris I’m sorry for your loss and pain. I myself would never act upon my thoughts, they are just thoughts that go through my mind. It’s very early days for me and I go through waves of grief, often angry that he’s gone and left me on my own. Sending hugs to you xxx


I understand how you feel, but having just been diagnosed with cancer myself, I can assure you it is not the answer!
Now, I have the pain of being without him, and the pain, both mental and physical, of this disease that the powers that be think it’s ok to put on me! Sometimes, I wonder what awful thing I could have done to make this happen.
Believe you me, when you know you are going to die, the one thing you want to do is live!
So, try to make the most of it, hard though it may be.


Oh I’m so sorry xx

Oh Ann, I am desperately sorry to hear that. You do talk a lot of sense though. I hope and pray that your suffering is minimal. You take care. Love and hugs. xx

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I’m so sorry, Ann. How much crap can one person have thrown at them? It’s just so unfair. Big cuddle to you x.

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I have felt like that every day since he died. I go to sleep every night hoping that I don’t wake up.


Amy3 I feel the same I just cant imagine going forward without him, sending you a hug xx

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Thank you. I know the support on here will help.

I know, it’s so hard. I don’t feel any different now after nearly 2 and a half years than I did on this day. At least you understand. People think that you should be over it but when you spend your life with one person and then they are gone life is never the same. I am so sorry for your loss I really do understand how you feel.


Thanks Kate. Yes it does seem unfair, but I suppose there is no reason why it shouldn’t happen to me. ‘Life’s a bitch and then you die’ is a phrase that I use a lot! Thanks for your concern.

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Hi Jean8, thanks for your support and concern. Onwards and upwards is the way I am trying to go and the friends I have made on here will certainly help.

That is so lovely, my friend. You have a wonderful way with words and always make me feel better! Hugs

Hi Ann
What can I say. But what wise words you have written.
So many members wishing their lives away but this is not the answer. Finding a way to cope with our grief makes more sense to me.


I made a big mistake by selling my house and moving. I have family but that doesn’t make up for my lovely husband. I have no one to talk to because I don’t want my family to know how I feel. I am also in constant pain. I have no life. All friends quietly dropped away when he became disabled. So I have no friends. He died very suddenly, we weren’t expecting it and I think I am still in shock 2 years on. Every single day is miserable.


Being overwhelmed, missing our partners , a life change, what’s the point etc etc - we can all understand this but “wishing for death”?? No. I feel that’s a knee jerk reaction to your grief.

I became “me instead of we” after many many years together which I’m so grateful to have had.
Words can’t describe how much I miss my husband but I now have to find a new path to walk.
One day at a time.

G. X


Grandma That is how I feel and I also feel so sad that people have such terrible times that they think like this. I look back to my Grandma she lost my grandad when he was 66 and she was 63, she died when she was 96. During that time she never had another relationship as she adored my grandad they had been together since she was 12 and he was 15. However after her initial period of grief she did lead a fulfilling life never forgetting Joe, this is how I want to be. My husband went to such lengths to make sure I would be ok it would feel like letting him down. We all grieve differently but the one thing we have in common is grief when it is raw it is overwhelming. I get the me instead of we


Being I instead of we is so very very hard after 53 years .


I feel l can’t start being just ‘Me’ after meeting at aged 17 yrs and being together 50 years with 48 yrs of wonderful marriage. It will always be ‘We Two’ because we came as a pair. I miss my darling Paul so much and will love him forever. :two_hearts: