You will come through

You are very welcome, I am pleased that I have helped in some way. Stay strong x

There are no time limits to grief Trisha, you have to do what is right for you. I started a new job too early really and have found it hard but I had no choice financially. I didn’t want to live on my savings and we were having work done on the house when John died so I had no kitchen, just an empty shell of an extension. It still isn’t finished but is getting there slowly. Go back to work when you are ready, I am very hard on myself because it is just the way I am, but even I am learning to accept that I need time and space to deal with life. It is difficult because to people around me it probably seems like it was ages ago that John and Mum died, but to me it is still quite raw at times, and they don’t realise it. Mum’s inquest dragged on and has only just been completed so that has been hanging over me, but I kept it to myself mostly. We all deal with our problems in a different way, and there is no right or wrong way to do it, we just have to do what feels right at the time. Keep your chin up, you will come through it x

Michelle, so nice to hear from you. I do so hope that life will improve for you and your little ones. They say that God doesn’t give you more than you can cope with but it does seem to be overwhelming at times and you wonder what he has in store for you next. I have a strong feeling that you are a brave person, stronger than you realise. I hope that you will look back to these times in years to come and realise just how well you did in fact cope and it will make you strong and you will have found happiness by then. Take care and keep posting, we are all here to help if we can. I am sure it will help you to ‘talk’ things through.
Take care Pat xxx