A mixture of general chat

I know what you mean about getting started in the morning/afternoon :roll_eyes: you get so lethargic and the less you do the less you want to do. You have filled your day ok keeping up the chocolate stash is always a priority :joy: that’s a shame about Lauren’s driving lessons :roll_eyes: hopefully all be back to normal by November :joy::joy: I have been ok today thanks much better than I was at the weekend so that’s a bonus. I think the recent hoohah took our mind off things and gave us another focus for a wee while :wink: just checked and he’s still being vigilant but silent :joy: TV is crap tonight :frowning: x

I know can’t go through a day without my chocolate :joy: yes probably November next year at this rate :joy: glad you’re feeling a bit better it’s amazing how a bit of hoohah can work wonders , better than the crap on the telly :joy: hopefully more laughs, and popcorn :wink: xx

You did an excellent job, V, Daisy is beautiful x

Thanks Mary, was quite pleased with the result. I should have taken a ‘before’ picture :grin: x

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Our Jonty’s Mummy and Daddy x


Beautiful couple Mary no wonder Jonty is so gorgeous :heart_eyes: it’s in the genes

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Thank you dear V x

beautiful picture Mary.and they look so very happy to.

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Thank you, V and Ian,
I do agree with you, it is kind of both to say such lovely words, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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What a lovely photo , is he your son Mary ? X

Thank you Steph He is our grandson, he was 31 a couple of weeks ago, I think both of them were about 28 when this photo was taken. He his grieving very badly for Stan and will not talk about him. He rang me last week and I tried, but he changed the subject. Stan and Kieron were best friends too. :cry: :cry:

Oh it’s so sad, it’s so hard to know that they’re hurting like that :cry: one of my daughters changes the subject, she can’t bare to talk about him.
Your grandson is very handsome xx

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So sorry you can’t get to see your grandchildren Steph. It’s so awful being kept away from those we love most when we need them most! This situation has never happened before and goodness knows what effect it will have on all of us. As if unbearable grief isn’t enough to deal with.
Sometimes I think it’s easier for our children to talk to their friends rather than us . Chris is very good at helping me with the practical side of things (tax today) but he hates me going over what happened to John and when I say things like ‘if only I’d done this or noticed that’ . My elder son is much better at talking and convincing me I didn’t miss anything leading up to John dying and that we owe it to him to do what he can’t now. Both of them help me in different ways. In all families we’re all trying to protect each other.
Hope you have a better night.xx

Dear Mary, I wonder if your grandson is anxious about upsetting you on the phone and not being there to comfort you. So many levels of grief across the generations and desperate not to upset each other.
I agree it’s a lovely photo. Xx

Thanks jobar,
I think my daughter probably does open up to her friends more, I know she doesn’t want to upset me, it’s horrible that it has all come to this, all I want to do is talk about Tim, and when you have to ‘tip toe’
around people ( not my daughters) because of fear of awkwardness or upsetting anyone, it kills me, we shouldn’t have to feel like we can’t talk about them, I try to understand, if I was on the other side of it, but it’s just heartbreaking.
I feel for your son’s, bless them, they are helping you so much, my heart goes out to them, my daughters and your sons are far too young to lose their dads.
The warm days that we’ve been having have been upsetting, as Tim loved the garden and I’m trying my best to keep it looking nice for him, I don’t want to let him down, I still think he is going to walk through the door, as for sleep, my mind is constantly going over everything, until that stops, I don’t think I’ll ever sleep properly again .
My thoughts are with you jobar, I’m always here to listen, thank you for being there ,
Sending love xx

Hi Jobar,
Did you get my message back xx

Thank you jobar.
Our grandson and his partner invited me to spend Christmas day with them, together with his Mum and Dad, I was very touched when I saw that he had set a place for Stan. Scarlett had had a black and white photo enlarged and framed of Stan nursing Jonty, when he opened it, he could not stop crying for his granddad. He held it together whilst we were there, I was hoping that it was the start of the ice melting inside of him but I was wrong. :cry:


very touching and heartfelt,lovely gesture Mary.
chip off the old block hey.if only all families could be as supportive and show lots of love.

Thank you dear Ian.
Our Kieron is a chip of the old block and although our daughter and son are in their 50’s, they are too x


Mary, what a great photo, I love looking at them all ,
Thanks for sharing xx