About the Losing a partner category

Dear Sheila,

Thank you for your reply. Grief is certainly a rollercoaster. This is my first time on the forum. It’s good to talk to like minded people.

I have some good friends but no supportive family.

Best wishes,


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Dear Christina,

Many thanks for your reply.

I totally agree with your thoughts, Covid has not helped the situation. Meaning more isolation and no face to face contact. After Pat died, it was like hitting a brick wall.

This is my first time on the forum and it’s good to talk to people who understand.

Best wishes,

Alan x

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Yes it is good and I understand the lockdown made things even worse. Tony died in January , then lockdown, it was cruel

Keep going and thanks for reply.

I lost my husband to cancer 5mths ago I miss him so much he was my rock . I feel lost empty and numb. My world feels so empty without him. My son was murdered in 2018 . My husband was the one holding me together. I feel heartbroken and I can’t function. I just want to runaway and hide


Hello Lottie, my deepest sympathies to you , you have had so much sadness, my darling husband also passed away this year and it is like life ending ,we were so close and I just feel numb , the tragic passing of your son must be so hard to bear , hope you find some peace

Sorry to hear of your sad losses. I also lost my husband this year. Difficult to try and start a new life x

I just don’t know how to move forward. I’m dreading Christmas

I feel so vulnerable since my husband passed away,could always depend on him when things went wrong,I still feel in shock,hard to believe he is not coming back,it’s a struggle to keep going every day,miss him so much its painful

Christine x

Christine 38
I know how you feel. Just getting out of bed is an effort. I have no interest in anyone or anything. It’s almost as if the world has stopped moving.

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I’m 52, lost my wife in June. Can’t stop grieving.

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Morning my beautiful husband died 13month ago in our bed I lie on the pillow he passed on I feel close to him when I go to bed you take of yourself lv annie x x


Know what you mean. I lost my wife June just over 4 years ago and I still have the nightshirt she was wearing when she passed. I sleep with it under my pillow. Never washed it as would feel it was washing her out of it. Like many on here we get it, if you told that to a family member or friend I’d get strange looks but it just keeps her that wee bit closer. Hey at the end of the day it’s not hurting anybody and keeps her still nearby, though she’s never far from my thoughts.
Take care

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Tony passed unexpected last February 2 days before my 60th Birthday I sleep with Tony’s pants under my pillow sometimes I even wear them whatever helps us to get thru we must do . People who haven’t experienced such loss may find it strange but it will happen to us all at some point in our lives and we all cope or get thru it days in different ways ,


My wife of 39 years and the love of my life passed away last April. I have her dressing gown hanging from a hook on my bedroom wall next to her beautiful picture. I don’t think there’s anything strange about this. We all do what we need to keep them close. After 8 months I still can’t believe she’s gone. :cry:
Thinking about you all and best wishes

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Gary it’s not strange I have johns slippers and dressing gown at side of bed and a big picture of John on dressing table whatever makes us feel better annie x

I have my husbands pyjama top dressed on his pillow next to me. Makes me feel like he is next to me when i am trying to sleep. I put his aftershave on it so that i can smell him to. We all do what we have to for our memories. X

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It’s how we get through pictures of John in every room makes me feel I’m close to him I have the pillow he passed on and I cuddle that when I go to bed lv annie x

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I have her pictures all over the house on her own or with me and our daughters and grandchildren. I thought I was improving but the last week I cant look at them without getting emotional. I seem to be making one step forward then two steps back. I dread waking up, it’s 8 months and if anything I feel worse now.

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Hi Gary sorry for your loss its been 11 months since lost my hubby I was coping OK ish or so I thought till.xmas new year then bam feel terrible again so I get it x

A year now since my husband died. Thought I was coping fairly well until Christmas. Surrounded by family I suddenly burst into tears, felt that I had to distance myself so came home.

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