About the Losing a partner category

Hi it’s my Birthday today and a year ago
It was my 60th and Tony my partner died suddenly on the 26th so
My birthday is a constant reminder of losing the love of my life, xx

Debbie birthdays on your own is hard I’m 67 on wed my children wanted to go for meal but spoke to them yesterday there coming here instead lv annie x x

Everything seems so hard. X

Hi completely relate, same here lost hubby last year. Have good days , helps to work , but had a bad day yesterday. Is it me I know I’m loved by family and friends …and I know they’re there… but I kinda feel like a leper .

I understand what you mean but I think we sometimes put barriers up then end up feeling bad because we didn’t achieve what we thought we might. For instance I refuse to cry in front of my son or his family because I know it will set them away, but as soon as I close the door when they leave, the tears come! I appreciate I’m putting extra stress on myself but still do it


I’m the same joyce C I’ve stopped crying in front of family @ friends and now I’m at a stage were i cant cry anymore just feel sad all the time. I dont think it’s good for us.
Hope you to are feeling a little better Plopps. It’s so hard. Love to you both

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Widowed 14 months ago. Thought I was managing to cope then Covid struck. 11 days solitary isolation has at times made me feel I was going mad. Freedom today

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Dear Carole2

So sorry that you have had to also endure the virus. I am at 18 months and can honestly say it is getting worse. The health issues are only increasing due to the stress. This life is so unbearable without our loved ones there to support us.


It’s been years for me. I thought I would cope. But it’s no good, I only want my husband back.


Hello, I lost my darling husband in January this year, he had leukaemia amd couldn’t have any treatment due to having suffered two brain bleeds and pneumonia, he fought through it all, but couldn’t fight this nasty cruel disease! He was 61, we have been married for 35 years, and I was 18 when we married, I have never known anything different ! I’m utterly devastated, im lucky to have my 2 sons still living at home with me, but it’s not the same, I miss Andy every minute of every day, we did everything together and had so many more plans, it’s a comfort to know we are all in the same boat, but it’s so hard getting through each day, I want to just go to sleep and not wake up, I cry when I’m alone, and sometimes when I’m driving I just burst into tears! I can’t go anywhere we used to go together at the moment as it’s so painful, I have his ashes at home with me, and all his clothes are still in his wardrobe, how do we all get the strength to get through each horrible lonely day, he told me I must plod on, im trying very hard to do that, but it’s not easy, im totally heartbroken and alone


Hi Karen
It was six months yesterday that I lost my June my wife of 43 years my soul mate and best friend. My life is a mirror of your comments except we never had children. I’m totally alone these days. I cry everyday for June and my shortcomings and faults. June died very suddenly and unexpectedly in front of me from a previously undiagnosed problem having fought prolonged health troubles. My life as I knew it ended that night within minute. I cannot sleep without medication and have begun counselling at my request. I have yet to receive a formal diagnosis but it’s been said I am suffering the effects of PTSD. I try to keep busy but it’s the quiet moments that it hits nome badly. All we can do is to keep trying to get better and to live with the grief we all feel. I wish you comfort and peace Karen.


Hi Shiney999
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my message, it’s comforting to know we’re not totally alone, even tho we are if that’s makes sense. Andy and I were married for 35 years, I was 18 , ive never know a life without him! He’s always been there, always did things together, he was a rock! Life is terribly cruel! I miss him every minute of every day, I have a constant ache in my heart that never leaves me, today hasn’t been too bad a day, but it’s the nights, I cry and look at his photograph, I wear his T shirts to bed so he feels close to me! I hope you get peace and comfort too


Peter I lost my husband in 2018 he was only 47 , its very hard, Also talk to your boss tell them how your feeling. Don’t be embaressed to cry its totally normal , but in time it will get easier, and you start to live what I call the new normal. Have you got family you can speak to if not maybe consider getting some help speak to your doctor , there is help out there thoughts and prayers for you xx


I have lost my partner a month ago suddenly in front of me he was only 55 I feel lost and alone in a bubble


So sorry that you have lost your husband, mine died eighteen months ago. Only just retired. Try and keep yourself busy.

So sorry for your loss,my husband died 16 months ago and it doesn’t get any easier but keeping busy keeps me sane,it takes time to find new interests, exercise classes helped me and I joined various organisations, and you have to push yourself to find a different life, give yourself time to grieve and my heart goes out to you losing your soul mate is so devastating, Say yes to all the help that’s offorded.

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Thank you, i have disabillitys and it makes it hard to get about.

I know i lost my partner sudenly in April this year the pain is unbearable, i dont know how to cope with it. i hope everyone whos feeling like this can find peace.


Thinking of you. It is very hard to have to cope with life when our soul mate dies.

Thank you x