About the Losing a partner category

It is absolutely heartbreaking . I cannot accept he has gone . It is so lonely I hate it .I’m like you together for ever and all I’ve ever known from being a teen. You are in my thoughts x


Perfectly summed up x exactly how I feel💔 together from 15 for 37 years 🥲x


No getting over this. Together from 18 for 42 years. xx


I am new on here. Have had a couple of bad days. From the 5th March to the 27th me and my partner of 36 yrs had moved, I had a birthday, then my darling fell and had to go into hospital. We got married in the hospital on the 23rd, and he left me on the 27th. Thought I was doing alright, but the last 2 days have been rough. I still have so many boxes to unpack from moving, but I cant motivate myself. I spend the day sleeping on the sofa, I am so tired. Am told it is part of grieving, feel so down.

Oh nenny, thats so awful. You are right, it is part of the grief but it doesnt make it any easier. Its early days for you. Keep talking on here as there are some amazing people to talk to. I found it a great help. You will go through lots of emotions. Early days yet. So sorry for your loss x

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Oh Nenny my heart aches for you . As Bubba says, it’s very early days for you and you’ve been through a terrible trauma which takes its toll
in many ways. My husband died over a year ago and and I still have bad days, frequently out of the blue and unexpected, which can knock me for six. But I do believe we women are pretty strong and resilient and we somehow learn to cope with this life we find ourselves living. It will be particularly hard for you , having moved so recently but don’t put pressure on yourself , it’s very normal to feel apathetic and have no energy or inclination to do anything in the early days. Sleep is a great healer, it enables you to shut off , so just go with it , rest and make sure you eat properly and give yourself permission to just be.Everything can wait, there’s no rush , and gradually you will start to come back to life and find the energy to get something done. I just had the goal of doing one thing at a time, sometimes something really insignificant but it gave me a sense of achievement and took
off any pressure once it was done. Sometimes I then felt like doing one more thing and so it went on. One thing and one day at a time. xxxx


Thankyou so much Bubba and Bjane. I also have a great family if and when I need them, but it also helps to talk to someone you dont know.

Nenny, this is a great website as we are all going through the same grief. Keep talking, always someone on here to listen. Its helped me a lot. X


Yes Nenny you’re right, you don’t have to filter in here, everybody understands and you know you’re not upsetting anyone here. Sometimes you can’t at certain things to family as they are grieving too. Everyone on here is so supportive and caring, I’m so glad you found this site. Take care of yorselfxxx

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I.am.so sorry x You are still.in the eaely throes. Please don’t be hard on yourself.

I married my beautiful quirky favourite person ever 9n 21st August 2020. He became ill in September but then, diagnosis on.22nd October to leave me 13 days after…

All.our situations differ, shock and trauma has left me mentally drained x Take it easy x

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I am so sorry, you didnt have him long either. I have had a horrible few days, seems to have got worse over the last month. I hope it does get easier, for me and everyone else on here. Just dont feel like doing anything. I keep seeing things on TV that I know Tom would like, and wanting to ask him things. Sorry, I cant write anymore.

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Hi I have now been without my husband for 5 months and I am struggling with all kinds of emotions. Just need to read of other peoples emotions so I can relate to them, and not think I’m alone with the feelings.

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You are not alone. My Tom went 3 months ago, and it is still hard. I want to tell him things that have happened and things I have seen. To make it harder, we lost my niece on Friday. Brought it all back. I always think the first year is the worst. My sister put a picture of Tom on fb the other day, of a picnic we all had last June. It was only 1 year ago, and we were having such a good time. So painful. I reached out for him in bed the other night.
But we must all go on. I have a good cry when I need it. Then think he would not want me to be sad. You are further along than me, so I hope it gets easier for both of us. Good luck, and keep your chin up. Xxx

I also find I am having dreams of him leaving me, and I am so angry with him. Then I wake up still feeling angry for a few seconds. Strange. Xx

Thankyou for replying my Gerry would not want me to cry for him but its so hard not to. Good luck to you also xxx

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Thankyou for replying. I haven’t dreamed of him at all yet, I keep hoping I will, I hope your anger will subside, i can understand you feeling like that , it’s so hard. I keep looking for signs from him. I’ve had a Robin and butterfly hoping that’s from him . Have you had or seen anything ? Keep stronge xx

No I haven’t seen anything strange yet, except a couple of bumble bees caught in my net curtains, which come to think of it is very unusual. He said he would keep his eye on me, so you never know. We always say it’s our dad when we see a rainbow. I would love to hold his hand o e last time.
We will get through this, and they will both help us to. Xx

I really hope so. I would just love to give him one more big hug. We shall just have to stay strong. Thankyou for replying xx

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I am doing the same as you I lost my partner 12 weeks ago suddenly and I could care less about how I look I have never been like this always make up hair done now it’s like what’s the point he is not here to look nice for . I feel so lost with out him he was my world and I miss him beyond belief .
Sending hugs

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I only wash and do my hair when I go out, or if someone is coming here. Unlike me at all. I, like you, think what is the point. Hopefully it will get better. Hope it gets better for you too. Xx