
Thank you. Today is turning out to be a tough one. Xx

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I understand. Yesterday I went into the garden and like you thought of us last summer xx

Big hug xx

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Sending a big virtual hug your way x

I feel this way also.
The schools are finishing up this week and we would normally be packing up to go away on a family holiday with my youngest plus whoever else wanted to come. .
Just canā€™t face it this year and just so sad that last year we were on our way to Madrid and the Costa verde, and had a wonderful time. Such good memories but now just sadness.
Hope everyone can find a little peace in something today xx


Last Christmas was my first alone Peter died suddenly in our garden last summer.Anyway about the tree we always loved it so I put it up and was so glad I did it brought back many happy memories.On the day I didnā€™t see anyone my choice but I donā€™t have any immediate family.Itā€™s too early to be worrying about a tree but I did too.


September will be tough for me. We always went to Cornwall or Devon on the Thursday around the 7th.

Iā€™m thinking of you all today and sending you love, hugs and strength

Liz x


I try not to think about Christmas as when I do I dread it.

There are also other important dates before and after.

A strange thing, last Christmas I wondered if it would be our last Christmas together.
I donā€™t know why. I told myself not to be so sad and silly.


One night, well, most nights, he was snoring. I couldnā€™t sleep and I gave him an extra hard nudge. He did stop, but then it came into my mind that one day I might give anything to hear him snore.
A few weeks later, just before his cardiac arrest in bed, he started to snore, not a normal snore, it was a horrible sound. Then he stopped breathing.


Our brains do silly things donā€™t they.
We nearly didnā€™t go on holiday last year as Roger wasnā€™t too well (we didnt know then how ill he was)
But he insisted that we did. He said it could be our last one. I said donā€™t be silly.
Why did he have to be right?

Love and hugs

Liz x x


Its the same for myself. And now it is sunny it is reminding me of our last holiday.
I do not want to go far from the house as I think i am leaveing her behind, thinking she should be with me.


Iā€™m the same. I went to my stepsons and fet awful leaving him behind. But I was going by coach so I couldnā€™t take him
Now I have a bracelet and a tiny urn with his ashes in so heā€™ll always be with me

Sending big hugs x


I feel like that, I am supposed to be going to stay with family in Weston Super mare, we did this every summer, I too am reluctant to leave our homeā€¦It is all so hard to deal with, all so sad and heart breaking. I am only 7 weeks in how can i stand this for the rest of my life !.


I think it will be well over a year befor I will leave the village for a day letalone a week or two for a holiday.


This all sounds so familiar.

Sending you all hugs xx


I feel the same. I donā€™t want to go too far from the house. Iā€™ve been invited to go on holiday but I will be the odd one out without a partner. Iā€™m not ready for all that as I think I will be sad thinking about him and wanting to be home.

Time seems to be standing still. I canā€™t think too far ahead. I donā€™t feel like me as something has died inside. I keep being told time will heal, however, it wonā€™t change the fact that I will need to learn to live with just myself.

Big hugs to everyone.

Liz x


Donā€™t think about Christmas Rose,itā€™s a long way off and you never know how you will actually feel until these dates arrive.I tried to ignore the actual day last year but I must admit it was a terrible day for me ,we had 38 Christmas days together and nobody could make it easier for me .

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I donā€™t even want to think about Christmas in 2 weeks time my lovely Chris would have been gone a yearā€¦ he kept saying last year we need to get married as Iā€™m going to be dead before my dad ( who was 101) of course I dismissed it he was only 67 my brain told me thereā€™s no way his dad would outlive hereā€¦ and here I am alone and missing our 33 years togetherā€¦ you take them all for granted until there gone!
I have arranged to take all my kids and there partners away for the date he passed on the 8th I know I couldnā€™t cope aloneā€¦and Iā€™ve booked a holiday for me and my dog to Devon in Augustā€¦ we never went away in August so the date felt safeā€¦ always May, july and Octoberā€¦ sending love to all on here x


Well done for planning things.
Itā€™s a lovely idea to take the family away on the anniversary.
Iā€™ve already decided I want to take the family for a meal on Rogers birthday. In September
Thats the next big milestone for me and Iā€™m dreading it.

Take care x

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Thankyou lovely idea :slight_smile:
Iā€™m not sure what I believe but Iā€™d like to think Rodger and Chris are with us watching
Keeping us safe xx

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Donā€™t overthink about Christmas -
itā€™s six months away.

Deal with your "day to day " concerns - and take each step as it comes.

G. X

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