Any older widowed without children (55+) here ?

Hi @LolaA,

Thank you for asking. My energy level has picked up as the week has progressed but the waves of intense sadness and feelings of loss continue. I’m sure you know what I mean. Just getting through the days as best I can, depending on how I feel.

I hope you found it a tiny bit easier to get out of bed this morning. Whatever, the cold can add an additional challenge.

@JerryH I am glad to hear that you have gained some more energy… this is also what I found, it is a big challenge area. I understand that my thyroid free T3, freeT4 & TSH has something to do with mine and constant grief. Low thyroid hormone is apparently common for our age group (from my research), even when it is within the lab range, it does not mean we necessary feel well…And yes, I know what you mean… it is very hard, perhaps we need to keep an eye on our health too, now that we only have ourselves to watch over ourselves… sigh, : ( .

Thank you for your tips, I did do what you have shared, today it worked somewhat better. Tomorrow would be another day…

Intense of sadness and feelings of loss appear to be constant deep in the chamber of my heart. So some days, I have this numbness lingering while thinking of a way out. I hear you, getting through the days… must be very hard for you too. Hug…I believe our love must be still around us, we just cannot see them… because we can only visualize and sense certain range of frequency. Love does not die… only our bodies… hope this can comfort you a bit…(my learning from NDE experiencers).

What is the temperature over there now ? We are hovering around 0 and -2 degree celcius here… Please dress warm, and lots of hot drinks… soups with bones and meat. vegetables would be very good for us now…

Take good care…

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@Vancouver, how was your move ? Just checking in with you… sending you some warm hug and positive energy, Stay well.

Oh , my heart aches so much today… I am looking for my beloved G today, everywhere in my mind, memory, heart. He feels so close, just like yesterday. I am watching Finding Nemo, the animated movie, my heart strings are trembling with yearning and pain. God help me and all of us. Not sure how long I can keep going like this, I need to see him ! dying inside…

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Hi @LolaA,

I am sorry you are feeling particularly bereft at the moment. I do understand this intense yearning … ghastly, very challenging to endure until it subsides somewhat.

Ha! Finding Nemo … somehow I often end up watching Scooby-Do animated movies when feeling like this.

Sending you best wishes. Somehow you find the strength to get through the hours.

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Sorry for your loss.
I don’t have children I don’t have house.
I don’t have car.
I lost my partner recently.
I am depressed everyday.

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Hello @LolaA - so sorry for the delay - it has been non-stop until now. How are you doing? The loneliness can be really tough, I know - the gap, the absence, the silent rooms and the sense that time stretches before us into infinity and we will be alone forever. I really get it - I know this feeling.

With Christmas gaining pace everywhere, carols, music, late-night shopping, lights twinkling, everyone else enjoying it all, those of us grieving can feel so out of step, out of place, out of sorts - it is hard. The one good thing we can hold onto is this site, this place of fellow travellers who understand us, who hold each other close, even though we haven’t met in real life.

My friend, I hope your day goes well and that you find in each day that pocketful of happiness that Richard E Grant writes about - advice that he had from his wife Joan, as she was dying.

Let’s step out into this day together, looking up if we can and going forward. Loads of love, your friend and fellow traveller, Vancouver xx

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@ everyone here, thinking about our time during this holiday… can be exceptionally hard for us … so here is an image for us…talking with the Heaven, perhaps the dove is the soul of our beloved.

May God send us human angels… to comfort us…

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@JerryH, Hi Jerry, thank you for your wishes. And sorry for the belated reply. I have been in a really low funk while trying to deal with some urgent paper work. Today I pushed myself to say hi to everyone here… thinking this is Christmas Day here in Canada. And we those without children are particularly lonesome… So happy holidays to you.


@Vancouver, so good to know that you have moved successfully. Good Job : ). Thank you for your encouragement… the silence is what I live with everyday, and feeling stuck…in this time and space.

Sorry for the late reply… also here… I was in a deep funk.

I really do not like Christmas now, I bought some roasted food and fruits, vegetables for me to hunker down in my place,so I do not have to be reminded how other people live… And hid from few invitations which I felt would trigger my grief.

Why us ? … it will always be my question … for the rest of my life…

I hope the same for you, keep swimming … and find some time to rest…it can be all so exhausting …

Chat again.


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@JasonJason I feel for your loss. It is very hard. What happened ? You can always chat with us here… there are many of us on the forum who would understand and encourage you.

May God gives you lots of comforts… and that He will find good shelter for you… and send human angels to keep you company.


How is everyone doing ? Just to check in with us all… during this holiday time. May we be loved and comforted…

@Ava2 How are you doing ?


Thank you for all yiur messages here.
I spent first xmas on my own at a friend’s place.
I went to church xmas eve twice, xmas day once. Will go there on boxing day.
I miss my partner meantime I am trying to put my partner in my heart and to think of my partner less and less.
Maybe that is foolish way to do.

May I ask if I am entitled to bereavement benefit? We are legally married still. I don’t known the definition of separation here. But i was not physically around my partner for the last 3 weeks . But we been living together for over 14 years.
Is it about the money, yes,but it is not.
I am feeling things around me related to my partner all are taken away from me.
Any one knows if I am entitled still?
Also I don’t have my partner’s NI number.

@ JasonJason Whatever way you find it helpful to cope is good. Nothing is foolish.

I am from Canada, so not familiar with your UK system. Perhaps you could start a new thread just to ask this question i.e. How to get Bereavement Benefit ?

Thank you Lola.

You are welcome. Keep going… ok. God is with us, even though we do not see Him.

Will go to church later this afternoon.

@Ava2 I am going into my third year, but still feel quite stuck… as to what to do next…And the grief just seems to go deeper, is meshed up with my heart and soul. Some days, I would just want to leave this world…Really, finding another purpose, not sure if I can do that alone again, Hoping I can find that this coming year,

Great to see that you are cared for, if you can get it, it is so needed… there may be times. of drought, And all the love you receive, give can be this reservoir that gives you much strength. Please take care, likewise send you light and peace. XX

I had thought to go with my partner.