Any older widowed without children (55+) here ?

Morning Lola,
Thank you for your message.
I had some fast food or microwave food.
Stayed at air bnb or hotel.
I don’t know what my future will be.
I can not stop wondering why my partner’s family didn’t want me to speak to them.
I tried not to think good days with my partner as i easily got emotionally broke down. But i don’t want to forget about everything with my partner.
I wanted to get through bereavement but i am scared of loosing my partner completely by not thinking of my beloved one.
I can only trust my partner in the UK. My partner is the only person who cares about me loves me protects me, guides me.
I repeatedly confess and pray :
I am sorry for everything I did to my partner whoch upset hurt annoyed badged, repelled my partner.
Please forgive me.
Thank you for everything my partner did for me.
I love my partner always and forever from bottom of my heart.
Rest peace in heaven.
I miss my partner.

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Sorry for your loss.
Unfortunately my husband unexpectedly passed away 7 weeks ago. I’m also experiencing the hate from his family who hasn’t reached out to me and the rocky relationship with my spouse. If only I did or said this. All the guilt and then top it off with the family hate. The situation is unbearable. The only thing I have is my dog and trying to not get the house taken away from me. Everyday is a challenge getting out of bed and I’m taking one hour at a time. Sending you strength.

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Sorry to hear yours.
You have the dog and house to live.
Our dog was taken away by my partner’s ex. House is there, but my key was taken away, i was forced to leave the house. I am homeless.
I have no protection, love, care from my beloved partner.
I would like to live on the street as long as i were with my partner.
But now i have none.

@JasonJason. Jason, how are you today ? Glad to know you are in Airbnb, a warm place. Do you have other family members you may contact in other country (no need to tell me here, too private) ? Just a suggestion, try to get in touch with them too. You may find some surprises there.

And I want to wish you a better day today… hang in … big hug…

Hi Lola,
Tha k you for your message.
I currently stay at a friend s tiny flat.
I have no complaint but we did have arguments as i stay too long we are not compatible. I get annoyed easily.
My parents are in another country where i can’t go back immediately due to some reasons. I blame myself for that.
I am overwhelmed i know.but I tried to sort things out i don’t know what decision i should make.
I have no hope or purpose of life.
I am punished i know, i deserve it.

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@JasonJason. HI Jason, it is hard I know. As you can see, I have not checked in here to connect with members on this thread. I have been quite low… so it does go through cycles and very challenging. Keep hanging in everyday, may be one day we will come out and see the light… may be a purpose again. Take care, keep going.

Thank you.

@JasonJason How are you today ? I have been away from the forum for a while due to some issues in the family. So just checked in now, to see if everyone is hanging in … grief is very hard… keep going ok.

Thank you.
I am trying. But hope is far away.
It’s very pain.

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I can relate about the hope is far away. People say one day at a time, but that one day is very painful. Please keep reaching out to us. Sending hugs


I am very overwhelmed by everything.
I don’t know.

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@JasonJason Jason, the pain changes over time, It is for me now… that I am not feeling its cutting sense every second as first two years. So it is going to get better. And your thinking clarity will also improve as time passes. You have time to figure out purpose and life later. For now, you are mourning…let it be. Please do not put more pressure on you. Hang in.

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Sorry for your loss Julie … never stop talking to him ., x

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My husband died suddenly of a heart attack whilst on holiday. It will be two years in June.
I have a disabled son, but he doesn’t live with me,but I do see him often.
I support l am lucky because I still work l am 65 in March.
But what I am going to do when I retire is voluntary work at least twice per week to make me get up and mix. You may not like dogs but what helps me is my dog and cat. They stop my house from being empty.
It’s not easy and I still have bad days but l think of what Geoff would want me to be like.
I took every day one of a time and depending where you are on this grieving journey will depend how raw the loss is. After over a year l am beginning to carry my grief but everyone is different xxx

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@Jeanine1 What you say makes me think of how little animals are so important to us. They are like angels that comfort us, yet also so attached to us. It is not just food that they are around, they actually do love and miss us. Thank God for His provisions through his creation. Take care … I am still looking for direction, not sure how to go alone.

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I lost my husband 9 weeks ago and tge pain is very raw. I have my doggie Stanley that has been helping me get through the lovely nights.

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Sorry for your loss.

Thank you Jason. It’s been a lonely and sad journey. Something I’m struggling with all by myself. How have you been holding up?

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Not good.
Loneliness, helplessness, homeless.

I am so sorry to hear that. Feel free to reach out whenever you need to chat.