Any older widowed without children (55+) here ?

It has no meaning for me to stay, to be honest

Do you have somewhere else you can go?

Not reall, apart from hotel or air bnb.
I used to have a home with my partner.
Now i am homeless.

Hello @JasonJason,

We’re so sorry for the situation that you’re in. We’ve sent you a private message with some support options you might want to explore.

Please take good care,

thank you for replying.

That’s why we are all here. We are living this nightmare together.

I would hoping naively to get help with accommodation i can pay for . But i can’t trust others.

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Just making sure you are ok?

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Hello my friend. Just seeing how you are doing. Please reach out when you want to chat. We will be here for you

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For everyone here… to share :heart:
Stay safe and may angels find us… in our grief


@ katecatherine Yes, I have that for very long time, could not think properly. And I did not want to see anyone, even though I could really use some company. Now the daily crying stopped, but my heart still aches everyday… my beloved is always on my mind. And I still wish that the whole world would just stop, or disappear… Very sorry for your loss, please try to find some Widowed friends to meet in person, even just for coffee, it may help you…Take Care, God bless.

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Thank you Lola A for your reply. I like you don’t want to be around people,but sometimes I have to. It is so hard to be without my lovely husband we did everything together. Now I don’t know who I am any more. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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I love that post on secondary loss. No one knows what we are really going through until they have walked in our shoes. A second can change your entire life.

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Catrin I’m in the same boat my husband was my life, I have no relatives we didn’t have children I’m sorry to say I probably neglected friendships during our 31 years together. I don’t regret spending all my time with him but I’m paying the price. I’m still in denial he was taken so suddenly and unexpectedly by whatever was done to him. The depth of grief is matched by the depth of love we shared. He died just before Christmas and I will be waiting months to get results and possibly longer if there’s an inquest. I can’t move on I don’t want to move on. I cry if I think of him I try not to all day but it’s such a lonely life now


Thank you for your reply . I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard living without them. I cry every time I look at his picture. Like you we did’nt need anyone else in our lives, we enjoyed each others company we were a team. You are so right now I’m paying the price. To tell the truth right now I don’t want to be around people. Sending love to you.xx


@[katecatherine@TearyWidow @ Marla56It is so hard to even think of living by ourselves again. We are suddenly dropped from the sky to the pit… bewildered and wounded. I am sorry for our losses and pain.

And I believe those without children are more at risk due to not having a daily emotional support/love that would allow us the space to ground our disorientation and pain. Older friends may or may not be around us during this critical time. Truthfully, I also find it challenging to connect with them now, because my life has changed, and I have been deeply transformed… while they are in their usual lives that I no longer relate. Perhaps I have become this alien on this planet earth. And how do I tell my friends that I am weary of new connections, because my heart has been shattered into million pieces, and cannot take another blow of heart break…even though the aloneness is so deafening.

May God see our widowed hearts especially those with very little support… that God has mercy and grace on us, take care of us. and send us loving angels and new friends to protect and keep us company. Amen.

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@ JasonJasonHow are you doing, We have not seen your posting for a while… thinking about you…please stay well, one step at a time… We care.

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It is so lonely living on your own again. I’m glad I found this site to get me through the difficult times since I have no children. I thank everyone on this site for the support. Hugs to all.


It is lonely I’m so glad I have two dogs and they’ve been such a comfort plus I have to get up everyday and get out and walk. I’m sure they and the routine have saved me. In all seriousness I’ve wondered what’s the point in going on and then there are their furry little faces


I relate to you about fury faces; my cat keeps me going. She is like an angel in disguise. Take care.

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