Being on my own

Gorgeous dogs. I have a westie, he’s 15 and sadly not doing very well now and I am dreading yet another loss, don’t think I could cope. He is my little soulmate and as got me through so many down times especially having no family.
My birthday is next month too on the 7th and I’m already anxious just thinking about it but a friend is taking me for a spa day, just hope I can get through it


I often ask myself how has everything changed beyond recognition in the blink of an eye? It’s still all so unreal, I constantly walk round in a daydream like this isn’t happening and then that sharp pain of reality hits me in the stomach and literally takes my breath away. I feel like a lost soul that doesn’t belong anywhere


Ditto .it hits me first thing in the morning and at night


@Sarlyn same here. I don’t feel I really fit in anywhere now. I feel like a hanger on or an inbetweener. Even when I go out with family I feel uncomfortable. I just want him back and that can never be. It hurts so much. I can’t bear this loneliness. His absence is so overpowering at times I feel like I’m drowning.


Coming to consciousness in the mornings, after the blessed relief of sleep, is even more hateful than the long evenings. How on earth do we keep getting out of bed?
I make myself get up, shower, do my hair and make-up and dress as nicely as I can because it is what I have always done and my dear one expects no less.
After that, sometimes I am spent. It’s all I can do. Mostly I try to accomplish some necessary task but AWAYS, there is a sense of waiting, putting things off until …
It’s like waiting for a hospital appointment to be over. Perhaps I’m waiting for the door to open to let me out. I know my love can’t come back.


Yrp i find mornings worse cos i remember hes not here ! Usually at night im too tired after running around after my puppy all day ! I suppose at least i sleep :slight_smile:


No youre not coming across as spoilt. Youve lost your other half who made you happy ! We’re programmed to find love of our life arent we and when they are gone its devastating ! All the time we have invested in them and loved them and then to have that taken away ! Its massive ! God bless xx


Ones a chihuahua and one is a malchi. Went for one and came back with two. Wouldn’t change them for anything. Its my daughter aderlaide who is holding Teddy n George


No apologies needed. Its 2 1/2 years since my Pete died and I just feel so alo e. Lovely weather & I think it would be lovely to have a day walking in the Dales but then I remember I’m alone, its so hard. Guess we all wish for our old lives back - if only!!


Aw … have you not anyone you can go with ? Xx

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You put into words my current existence :people_hugging::broken_heart:


I am nine months in to this nightmare. I have dreadful days when I don’t want to live anymore. But, just occasionally, I feel a little lighter, as if there’s a chink in the black clouds that push me down. Those moments are few and far between but give me some hope that maybe I am moving towards a kind of acceptance.


Hi @Rozzie sending :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::broken_heart::hugs: yes we have to hang on to thise little moments of positivity :hugs:


Yeh im 5 and a half months in … long and painful road isnt it ? I dunno how i got through it tbh but i have ! Its still rubbish and still horrible not having person you loved here but i guess we have to keep going and keep on being so very kind to ourselves !:heart: xxx


Deb5 this group has been a lifesaver when i was in a dark place.with the help of you all family and friends i,m slowly coming out of the darkness .yes i still have bad days but I can hear sue saying come on don’t be sad and dry your tears I am here for you as i know you are here for me and i want you to hold the promise you made me to .plus i promised not to do anything stupid like trying to join me when its not your time yet .so get baby blue sorted out


I love the blue colour. Very nice bike.


My husband’s favourite colour …deep breath get it sorted :people_hugging:


Its nearly done

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Nearly sorted

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I am so sorry we are all going through this. I feel exactly the same. Not sure if I can go on. People keep saying, take one day at a time but that doesn’t help. Every minute of every waking hour is agony and I can’t stick it any more.