Being on my own

Aw @Lind101 sorry you are sad. We are all the same you know. Like you fed up with it all. Go make a cup of tea or coffee and try to relax a bit with a bit of t.v. or music. Take care. We’re all here for you xxx


Horrible way to live your life isn’t it? Getting through a day at a time until things start to feel “better” :disappointed:
I’m not sure things will ever get “better” tbh. Don’t get me wrong I’m functioning better now than I was in the beginning but the empty feeling inside just isn’t going anywhere. I miss him terribly.

I’m making an effort to see people but honestly it just all feels so pointless. Everything I do feels pointless. Life just feels pointless…I don’t want to live however many years I have left without him. I’m ready for my time to come.


But @LostLil you’re only 38 ? Youre same age as my eldest daughter :wink: You still got some life left yet xxx


Hi I feel the same as you if that is any consolation. Struggling to make sense of what my life is now. I don’t seem to fit anywhere and everything seems pointless. I try to fill my days with jobs that need doing, seeing friends etc but I’m really just going through the motions. The weekends are the worst as I don’t have any routine and everyone else is getting on with their lives. Hopefully it helps a little to know there are lots of feeling the same. Life is miserable! Sending hugs.


I agree with you - its do rubbish snd i feel like i dibt git in anywhere either but @LostLil is only young. And i want her to feel bwyyer about herself - that all is not lost ! I know its sooo hard … only too well xxx


@Deb5 I agree @LostLil has to have hope of a meaningful future. I am 55, we have grown up children and grandchildren. I can’t see any meaningful future for me. Hopefully that will change with time. Sending hugs.


@Lonely that is so lovely to have such caring neighbours. Not sure anyone would notice if I was trying to dig to Australia😂


That made me laugh jan i thought the same no one would notice if id died tbh xx


Aw bless you . I hope she continues to support you ? Yes its so hard doing anything isnt it because it makes you feel more alone in a way :frowning: i always been pretty independent but just knowing he was back at home or was on his way home from somewhere makes so much difference. Its this long stretch of knowing hes not here that is so very hard to handle and makes me cry cos i miss him so much x


Hello my lovelies,

Like you all my life feels so pointless.
It is the loneliness, and missing , it’s just excruciating isn’t it , nothing we do can escape it

Yesterday I had to go and see my parents . We met in a pub half way between where we live. ( They are over 2 hours away …all my family are)
To be honest more for their benefit than mine. My mum wants to think she can ‘fix me’ . No matter how much I’ve tried to tell her how I feel she doesn’t listen.
As you might remember from other posts my husband was really quite poorly for the last few years.
Yesterday my Mum was trying to tell be about an article she had read about someone explaining their grief ( a sudden one) and she said to be …well easier for you , you knew he’d die and really if you think about it you were lucky to get as long as you did considering how ill he was the last few years!!
MY MUM!!! while sat next to my Dad…so still got each other.
I couldn’t respond… probably Lucky I didn’t !!!

Today I have had two invitations to go out…one to a family bbq, and one for a coffee with a few of my oldest girlfriends
( And these actually from the 2 people who have helped me the most, been totally on my side throughout - one my boss and the other my beautiful, closest friend)
I just don’t want to go to either. But it’s okay because they both understand.

I just feel so so sad and lonely today.

Hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


I just noticed @Jan17 you were married as long as me ! Its awful isnt it ? I miss his physical body you know … i miss everything about that man when he used to give me cuddles ! What a damn waste ! What a waste of life to take someone who was so loved !!! I dont get it :frowning: xx


Yeh as you say easy for her to say isnt it ! This is what people do ! My mum is starting to get on my nerves at moment ! Im giving her a wide birth. Her and my dad were divorced decades ago and she doesnt really understand what its like to lose a man you still loved so very deeply xx


I tried to convince myself that if there was an afterlife then I would be ok but I’ve finally realised that an afterlife isn’t going to make things any better for me in this lifetime. I still have to spend the rest of my life without him, missing him, thinking about him and the life we should be living together. I’m never going to talk to him again, hug him, kiss him, cuddle up on the sofa with his arms around me.
I’m never going to enjoy any of the things we used to do together ever again. For this lifetime at least he’s gone forever :sob: A good man who was truly loved and wouldn’t hurt anyone just dropped dead just like that.

Even if there is an afterlife I’ve no idea how that will go. Lots of mediums say different things and I’m still not sure I believe in anything anyway. We won’t have the same relationship we had here on earth.

Like you say what a damn waste of a wonderful mans life :broken_heart::sob:


I know … its truly heartbreaking. God bless us all . Big hugs xx


@Cathphil people are so bloody insensitive! I find it surprising that the people you thought would be your biggest support are not. I have a lady I work with and an ex neighbour who have been wonderful. Whereas people I thought were my best friends not so much. Maybe they don’t know what to say? But they should think before they speak. Sending lots of hugs. Xx


@Deb5 we were marrried nearly 35 years and together a few years before we married. I miss him so much :broken_heart:. We had a great marriage and I couldn’t have asked for a better husband. I miss his cuddles, his company, the practical things he did, the financial security, absolutely everything. Sending hugs. Xx


Nah dont think its that ! You’re very generous - i think they just cant be bothered to put themselves in our shoes xx and i agree the people thought were gonna be good are rubbish! Xx


You are lucky that someone would notice that you are not answering the phone. My friends and neighbours are so busy that they would not notice seeing me for days.


Yeh same here @Jan17 we were together for 2 years before marrying too ! He kept asking me to marry him and in the end i did :slight_smile: xx


Aw @Annaessex i know people are so wrapped up in themselves these days arent they ? I dunno whats happened to "love thy neighbour " xxx