Best ways to cope with loss of mother

Hey as a few of you asked me to keep you updated on my day at work today I will let you know how I’ve got on lol.

I absolutely hated it and I lost my rag about half an hour into my shift and ended up texting my previous manager asking if there were any chance of me going back there and she said she’s asked the main manager and she’s said she will look into it and they’ll let me know.

I started my shift doing some planning for the activities and I thought this isn’t so bad until a carer grabbed me and said that they are short staffed and I need to go on care and I said to her I’m not here for care I’m here for activities and she said she didn’t care and that I’ve been wrote down on their list.

I just thought to myself I’ve had enough of this and got my phone out and text my previous manager whilst I was angry. I’m not sure I’ve made the right call here but it is what it is.

Later on I had the hostess bossing me around telling me that everyone has to go round giving drinks out once in a while and I’m looking at her thinking who the hell are you, this is your job it shouldn’t have anything to do with me.

I decided to knock on for the manager to ask her when I’m going to be filling out paperwork for my wages and other things and she said to me “why now, you don’t get paid for another month yet but I’ll print it off for you” I’m just there thinking because I’m not staying here and I want bloody paying"

I will also mention this morning when they got me serving breakfast they expected me to know exactly what I was doing, for a start I don’t know all the residents names yet and some of them need thickner otherwise they could choke.

I have never experienced anything like it and whilst I really don’t want to go back to my previous employer it’s the lesser of 2 evils and I am so done now.

I’m in till 7pm tomorrow and I’m dreading it.

Lol get this also, I actually made a few brews for some of the residents and the hostess started questioning me about that, I just said to her one of them asked me to get them one and because others so her getting one they were all asking.

So in other words she was annoyed about me doing her job, I am so confused what do these people want from me :woman_facepalming:

That is ridiculous I’m surprised you managed to keep your cool all day and not leave! I’m confused also why you were listed on the carers list they should contact bank carers in that case instead of roping you in to do something that you’re not trained or hired to do. Also yes it sounds like the hostess just wants to tell you to do her job when she is busy and doesn’t want to do it all herself, confusing for you that she asked for your help earlier in the day then didn’t want you helping later on. The place sounds like a bit of a shambles and I feel sorry for you and the old people in there relying on all of them to be honest. But you need to think about yourself and I’m glad you reached out to your previous manager, I’d say if you don’t hear back by Friday give them a call and ask if there’s any update. Yes it wasn’t perfect but sounds like you would be a lot more relieved to be taken back to your old employer and again there’s no shame returning to an old job if you go back and anyone asks, you’ll have a lot of stories about why you have left this job to tell them at least and that will help you maybe chat to everyone in your old place a bit.
I don’t think anyone would blame you if you called in sick tomorrow but if you go in just try keep out everyone’s road! Also the current manager sounds strange, first thing we do in our place is have new employees fill in an employee information form which is their contact details next of kin and bank info for their wages!
Hope you’re okay tonight at least you made it through today x

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Well done you for texting. That’s a really good step forward and hopefully you can go back. Even if it’s just for a while til you’re sure of your next career step.

Sounds like you’re doing a good job in your current place, despite the circumstances. Keep your chin up, sometimes we have these awful jobs to go through to push us towards something better. I was so badly bullied in my last job that I had to be signed off. It forced the situation and found a great job after that. It’s awful to go through, just please be careful of burnout.x

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That’s so upsetting you got bullied at your old job, you’d think after high school stuff like that would stop. Glad to read you’re in a better job now. And you’re right sometimes we find ourselves in bad situations to push us towards something better x

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Its lovely to hear of your Robin Amy, I hope that is a good omen and it is always good to see them, ware are you upto in the book, not read any today, been trying to put a reading table up in my lounge and things have not gone well with it(broken screw driver did not help) weather is going colder tonight but will probably warm up tomorrow
with the storm but I dare say it is freezing with you, like you I am concentrating on keeping going and it is time to put on thicker socks, use a fleece lined hood and put your gloves on when you go out like your mother did, keep little one well wrapped at the halloween party,enjoy those toffee apples and have fun.speak to you soon



Thank you so much guys! I honestly have got myself into a right pickle lol

They have an inspection tomorrow, they better hope and pray that the inspectors don’t ask me anything. I may end up being more honest than expected.

@Universal I know exactly how you must have felt in that job. I have had work place bullies in most of my jobs and it does no good to your mental health.

I’ve only recently started sticking up for myself because I’ve had it up to here with it now. I don’t know why some people are so cruel. I try to get on with everybody in life so don’t understand why I’m treated the way I am at times.

The thing is cause I’m going through such a hard time it’s making me miss my Mum even more, I just want a hug from her and for her to tell me that everything is going to be alright.

Just saying if If I may Amy and Jess that bullying in the work place is something I have come upon and experienced, there is something about the office culture that brings out the worst in some people who need someone to hate in order to fulfill there tiny little minds and they are usually obsessed with the likes of East enders or big brother, I was more then capable of dealing with them in a military capacity, but as they never tried anything like that I never had that justification, much as I would have loved it, and I had no desire to go to prison on there account, neither would I want to lower my self to there level, there was one particular college I had problems with in the UK and I am sure steps were taken behind the scenes to keep us apart and that was one reason I was sent to the Irish office, that became my year in ireland, in many ways my best work experience and while I would not want to repeat it glad of the experience, an interesting year in many ways, based in port Marnock, North of Dublin, drove all over mostly the republic fixing label printing machines and often getting B&B ‘on the go’ usually making my own arrangements, I like the Irish, they do not have invisible horns growing out of there heads and are often more straight forward then most English, you Amy are Scottish I believe?.my mothers best friend was Scottish, from East Kilbride, and had things been different she would have married him, he became a very good friend of my mother during the war when his rifle regiment was in the Furness area .
Have a good evening.


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I’m sorry you experienced work place bullying also :frowning: in my current workplace I experienced it slightly… but it all came to a head quickly and I thought I’d be fired as I had a confrontation with the person who was in management and had been there way longer than me! In the end we hashed it out and I really like the girl now. I think confronting can backfire or work wonders. You need to stand up for yourself whether that be reporting to hr or speaking to the person about it and in my situation upper management got involved. Upper manager even said ‘why would I fire you over this!’ First thing I asked when I got pulled in ‘ so are you letting me go then’ :sweat_smile:
I’m not far from where your mum is from Tim! I don’t wanna say my exact location on a public forum of course but I’m from around that area :slight_smile: my partner is from strathaven and his great grandads monument is there, his dog got a dickin medal for his bravery if you search rifle man khan you can read the story. The monument is very beautiful we go up to visit it alot. And my partner, well my dog belongs to him now, she is utterly obsessed with him, so I think dogs loving these men runs in their family!
Love and blessings
Amy xxx

I should say it’s a really beautiful story and ending, the dog rescued my boyfriends great grandad from drowning. After war dog went home was never the same. A celebration was held in strathaven and when the dog seen his war companion again, he wouldn’t leave his side! The family gave the dog over to my boyfriends great grand dad and the dog stayed the rest of its years in strathaven with him :slight_smile:

I think any highs or lows you’ll have in life you’ll feel this way Jess, you’ll wish your mum was there to talk to. I just remember my mum would tell me no matter what I said or did she’d always love me, crying on her lap over break ups or just her being there with me when I was down. It is really unfair that we lose that one person who was just the most caring and loving person to us.
So glad you took initiative to contact your ex employer though and didn’t sit on it. I think you need out of this current job asap
Oh and definitely be honest with the inspector tomorrow xxx

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Amy, prima facia if she was in the capacity of your line manager she had a duty of care to you, any bullying in the workplace on a subordinate is actually unlawful harassment and a criminal offence, we are not talking hear about telling someone off for messing up(which should never be done in front of others) but punitive abuse that often involves belitaling, being given extra duties not yours to do,made to stay behind after hours to do extra jobs unpaid etc, bullying takes many forms and if you are too tough to beat up then they look for other methods, and frankly one just has to be pragmatic, to be honest I did not have a mortgage to pay or a family to keep and the pay was abysmal and to make it worse I had to drive huge distances to and from jobs which often involved early morning starts and not returning till late at night, it was worse then boarding school, and yes, I have put a knife into a bullyboy, part of growing up I suppose, I should have been more assertive in the work place and as a general rule I avoid conflict if I can, but when the chips are really down I do what I have to do and that included subjugating a street thug on one occation, the french built ‘the glowy’ we built ‘The warriew’ and britain ruled the waves for decades afterwards, the warriew never firing a shot in anger, that is the ultimate art of warfare, to subdue the enemy without firing a shot,its wonderful to hear of your boyfriends grandfather and his dog getting the dikkon medal, something to be very proud off, presumably the medal is still in his family,Hoping you are having a better day Amy.

Love and blessings :heart_eyes:


@Jess1 how are things today Jess ? Hope you are all doing as ok as can be today @tim007 @Universal @amyrose92 Xx

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I am alright today it feels weird it is my mum’s birthday this Friday but no gift to buy or lunch out to look forward to but going to take her flowers up and take my dad out or go a walk with him. I had a nice night tonight though took my daughter out for Halloween and she loved it so I need to try and remember I still have her she keeps me going. Hope you’re okay too x

Hey Laura I wish I could say that I’m okay today for a change as it gets old saying I’m still down all the time but I’d be lying if I said I was fine.

Truth is whilst things are wrong in the new workplace, I also don’t think I’m confident enough for it anyway.

Like tonight children came trick or treating and the manager asked me to show them around. I don’t have any experience with dealing with children and in all honesty it’s just not my bag lol.

I was way out of my comfort zone and hate every minute of it and I’m glad today is over with now.

I’ve realised that this will probably be a regular thing and I’m questioning my choices now.

I’m not feeling very well with stress tonight and I’m worried I’m going to have a break down and actually suprised I haven’t had one yet.

I do think grieving is a huge factor to how I’m feeling and I’m pretty certain its made me more sensitive to problems. I have always been hypersensitive but this is something else :(.

I hope you’ve had a better day though x

Hi Tim definitely we need to stick up for ourselves. It must be especially difficult to go through difficulties in the workplace while also dealing with grief on top of that. It never got to bad for me I am happy in my work now and yes the medal still in the family I’m sure it’s amazing to think about how much that dog loved him
Hope you’re having a nice Halloween we took my daughter out and had a nice night she went as tinker bell it was lovely
Amy x

Aw Jess :frowning: it is hard being left to do that especially if you don’t have experience with kids and it’s not your thing. Especially when you’re not in the mood for celebrating anything. I am not sure if you’ve said before but have you contacted your gp about how you’re feeling? Maybe something they could recommend and possibly giving you a line off work soon so you don’t have to worry about it. A girl I went trick or treating with tonight is signed off just now I think indefinitely until she feels better her dad has being diagnosed with cancer and she’s not coping well. No shame in signing off even though you’ve not long started you need to just do what is right for you, your mental health is more important than work
Amy x

Hey love someone gave me an idea that I intend to use and I thought I’d share it with you.

On special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas’s, easter ect I am going to get a lovely box and write cards to my mum and place them inside it.

Goodness that was horrible as I was writing to you all of a sudden I just thought about my Mum saying that she was scared to die and my heart sank for a moment then.

I don’t know why but it made me panic :pleading_face:

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So difficult , did your old boss reply about you going back there ? Would you be more suited there ?

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The main manager is looking into it for me and I did leave for a reason and in all honesty I don’t think I’d be very keen on being back there but surely it’s got to be better than this x