Best ways to cope with loss of mother

Jess, calm yourself, you have nothing to apologise for,the best book to read is probably the survival of the sole, and you should read it, probably the best researched book on the subject around, I am lending my copy today to one of my customers who is clairvoyant,I will let you know her views there is a considerable amount of anecdotal evidence around to support the notion that death is not the end, not even the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning(sorry if I sound like churchill post defeat of Ronal at Allermaine) a lot of it comes from people who had near death experiences, also from people who have had meetings with spirits of people who have passed on, there was a terrible incident in Enfield in August 1977 ware a family was tormented by a poltergeist that ended up throwing a 14 year old girl from her bed and is regarded in paranormal circlers as a genurin haunting(the vast majority of spirits, like most people, are friendly and inocuras and mean us no harm) as I have said to Amy, not all mediums are jenurin and up to the mark and some can cause real sociological harm so be careful who you go to, 5% are excellent, 30% are ok and 65% are frankly piss artist and in my book should be barred from practicing, only use those who have an international reputation, a long track record and know there stuff, that way you are pretty safe, I am sure we will see are loved ones again, in the fullness of time and I think Amy’s mother from what she says has made astro contact with her, we will all get there in the end, hope your old job is working out. thinking off you.


Good morning guys! I haven’t started back at my previous job just yet. I’m just waiting for my dbs check, it’s like starting a completely new job which seems crazy to me seen as I was there for 4 years and I was gone 2 weeks before asking to go back.

The fact I’m having to jump through hoops is annoying me especially seen as I’m not so keen on going back there.

I’m really not looking forward about going back there as I’ve had time to think I’m only going back to keep people off my case!

Speaking of astral experiences I do have sleep paralysis attacks and have on a number of times felt myself leave my body but I do not know if this is just me hallucinating. I have actually tried using this to find my mum on the other side but I’ve had no success yet :frowning:

Hi, Tim hear, what you are experiencing while you sleep is probably astro travel, the sole leaves the while the body sleeps and this apparently helps recuperation(no one knows how yet and we still do not know the mysteries of sleep, it is a subject of major research and our modern tech lives do nothing to help it, the days before electric lighting there were far fewer sleep problems then know , when it went dark in the old days people tended to have there evening gruel round the fire and go to bed, partly to keep warm unless you kept the fire in all night and partly because there was no light and as most working people were laborers they tended to be tired and no radio, tv, laptops, social crap all the rest of it to distract them, give them night mares or otherwise keep them up, and by and large if you managed to avoid illness and accident it is amazing how healthy people were in those times and sleep deprivation was not an issue(can lead to dementia in later life and is todays biggest killer) yes, modern living SHOULD CARRY A GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING because it is bad for our health
and the stress of modern working conditions and life in general is not good for us, I know jumping through hoops is annoying, frankly what they are doing is restarting you, I am afraid you just have to klive with that and grim and bear it for a bit, I have gone back to my old job myself so I know what thats like, I was a driving instructor for a year and had to leave it on health grounds and return to my old job, I had been teaching my bosses wife how to drive, good pupil but lacked confidence and not driven for ten years since she had epilepsy(after ten years it is very unlike to reoccur) and it was a little sareal talking to her in the office shortly after I resumed my old job as a printer engineer, but in many sways I did not mind it, good pupils drive you round the bend, bad pupils don’t make the corner!!(I have a wicked sense of humor, in times of adversity it comes into its own) lent my book today to my clairvoyant customer The survival of the sole, she rang me within the hour to tell me she is already getting vibes and being clairvoyant will get much m ore from it then me.
take care


Thank you Tim, I think I may have to get this book myself! And you are so right about modern day living now.

I’ve always had a deep feeling that this isn’t supposed to be how it is. I do think the people higher up know more than us in regards to an afterlife. Like why are they hell bent on science proving anything like that hmm

But they choose to hide it from us because how else would they control us if we knew the truth! That’s a whole other subject though lol

I’m what they called a conspiracy theorist but a lot of things I’ve worked out for myself have became true, that’s all I’m going to say on that subject!

I think you will see your mum again and you’ll get the chance to reincarnate after, possibly you’ll get to decide what roles you play and yous would probably pick for her to be your mother again. I think our mums and dads wait for us and perhaps the extended family grandparents would have reincarnated already. Not sure though remember time will be so different from here, and even though we’d be waiting years to be born again it likely won’t feel like that. Could feel like minutes. We won’t ever know for sure and that’s where the doubt comes in.
I’ve also had sleep paralysis I used to get it alot but I haven’t in recent years. I hope you do get to meet your mum that way but I understand your skepticism and there’s nothing wrong with being a little skeptical just try your best to keep some faith that there’s every possibility she’s waiting on you. I still can’t get over my baby saying bye to her gran 20 minutes after she’d passed she was only 21 months at the time far too young to have the understanding that I’d left to go to the hospital as she was ready to go.
I think once the big stressors in your life pass Jess you might feel more peace and faith that your mother isn’t far away. I don’t think the work stress is helping your mindset but it can’t be helped right now.
Can I ask what your sleep paralysis dreams are like? I’d float and fly in mine and go see people I knew I’d fly into my mums bedroom and my dads house. It’s such a surreal feeling.
Amy x

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Let me tell you something else Jess, the powers that be are lying to us, not just about the afterlife but udo’s and everything else as well
and they manipulate the world economy to suit them, and not the masses, they all have a common weapon, fear, its like chicken run and we are the chickens, there is so much truth in that animated film and we too have to find a way of building our own ‘flying machine’ to escape it, I too am a believer in conspiracies, and no, we are not free, our liberties are being steadily eroded by the state as they cynically move to get more and more control of our movements, soon you will need permission to put the heater on in your car, they are already forcing motorist to use air conditioning on a hot day and increasing pollution and cost in the process, I suppose if you are a motor cyclist it does not matter how hot or cold you get?, BONKERS!!!, we are some of the best people in the world and we allow ourselves to be led by donkeys.

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Hey Amy I’ve had plenty of flying dreams when I was a child. When I wasn’t scared lol

For the past goodness knows how many years I’ve suffered with sleep paralysis and it’s always terrified me. I didn’t really try to leave I just led there until I woke up. I could see my surroundings though.

It hasn’t been long since I started trying to leave but I’ve had one where I’ve floated up and started shouting “mum”.another one where it felt like I fell out of my body to the side of my bed and I was like “oh hell no” and went back to my body and the other night I actually managed to get to my window and I tried flying off but I got scared and went back lol

It feels very weird but some studies say it’s just hullucinating from being half asleep and half awake but it certainly feels real at the time.

When I was younger and got sleep paralysis I enjoyed it I loved flying I’d go out my window and everything! then as I got older they started to scare me and I’d actively try to stop it happening and wake myself up. I wish it would happen now though as they’re quite lucid dreams and would feel amazing to meet my mum like that.
I’ve read it’s your mind has awoken but your body hasn’t although I’m not sure that really makes sense as you’re still in a dream like state.
Hope you’re having a good day and hope you’re feeling a bit better.
It’s weird how you can be having an alright day and it just hits you all over again. Been thinking how long life really is going to feel now especially when I’m older and my daughter has grown. It is a horrible thought thinking we’ll live out our lives now and could be here a long time without our mums here but we will just have to try and find some peace somehow.
Amy x


Hi Amy, how has your day been?, just reading what you said to Jess and yes it can hit you again out of the blue, can be something you see, hear on the radio or just a thought, the ball in the box gets smaller, but it never goes away and know and then it touches the inside of the box, have you finished the book yet and what are your views on it?, I am not sure I want to reincarnate, I think once through this world is enough for any one and I do not fancy doing that, my mother used to have sleep paralysis, said it felt like being paralysed and unable to move, not done much today and feel under the weather and a bit depressed, is your throat better?.
Lets hope for better times for all of us, you may well have 60 years ahead of you,
Take care


I hate knowing that I could have years left before I see my Mum again. Another thought I have is that I could very well live longer than I knew her for!

Reincarnation doesn’t sit right with me either, I do not want to come back to this world! Some mediums have told me I could end up coming back with my Mum but the roles could be reversed but that doesn’t sit right either as I always wants her to be my Mum, I couldn’t imagine it any other way!

I have been busy doing stuff out at my house whilst I’m off work and trying to keep myself occupied but I can be so busy but she’s always on my mind no matter what. So when people tell me I’m better off at work it’s a waste of time lol :woman_facepalming: think it’s just the way I am, I’ve always been a overthinker. No wonder I’m constantly drained :confused:

There’s so many theories about the afterlife and it makes me feel so stressed out with confusion, I just want to know for sure that my Mum is still out there in another form. It’s weird cause I couldn’t imagine her simply not existing!

Hi Jess, my clarevoyant costomer who has just read Lisa’s book rang me this morning to tell me that her mother had a near death experience, my customer said her mother described it exactly as in the book!, just thought you might like to know that but I must say going through this world again is not something I wish to contemplate, once is enough for anyone!!!., hope you are sewreviving your job and you are not too stressed, stop blaming yourself, life has a way of throwing curb balls and if we feel too anxious about things we sometimes find them harder to do or we cannot do them ( like Chloe Brennon finding she could not lift the Dinnie stones last summer, even though she has done it in the past) she admitted afterwards it was purely mental, that’s an extreme example I know and non of us were intended to lift 1/3 ton accept in dire emergency, sometimes we are are own worst enemy and it happens to all of us because we are human, and for better or worse we are constantly influenced by the environment and by those around us, take care, take time, and listen to your intuition, but try NOT to over think situations,sometimes to much knowledge is to much information and we get swamped and stressed with it, doing things on a ‘need to know’ basis is often better ware you just have and know what you need to do the job and combine that with a little common sense, that usually gets resalts. as for the years ahead of you, wish not your time away, but go forth into the light and sease the day, you are considerably younger then me and for you the sun has not yet reached its zenith, the best way to honour your mother is for you to make a success of your life, I know life can be a crop of shit at times and we wish we weren’t hear, but IT IS ALSO A GIFT, and is prechas and should be nurtured and cherished, we are all Gods creatures and that includes colleagues who you might despise and hate, try not to hate them, it only destroys you from within and is probably what they want.
Take care and try to enjoy your day.


Glad to hear you’re trying to keep busy even though the thoughts are still in your mind it’s good to keep busy. But I understand work won’t help distract you. You need to do what’s right for you easier said than done when they all want you back to work :frowning: remember you just really need to do what’s best for you Jess don’t bow into the pressure
Me too the thought I’ve got a full life ahead of me makes me sad now. Without her. I’m glad I have my baby and I know she’ll make my life feel full but I’ll always feel a bit empty now. I truly hope my mums watching over and yours too.
Reincarnation freaks me out also but I think if it does exist, our souls would agree to our roles Jess so if you want her to be your mum best believe she will be!
Take it easy take every day as it comes and when you’re down please do something that brings you some joy. I’ve got a peace Lilly a friend got me when my mum passed and I’m putting a lot of time into caring for that. Anything that makes you happy just try make time for that. And remember anything’s possible I’ll be surprised if this is it, this life I mean. We were somewhere before this and I’d reckon we go back there when we pass and hopefully get the choice to wait for our loved ones if we wish to do so.
Love amy xxx

Hi Tim
Sorry I’ve not been on a lot been busy. Buying a lot for my daughters birthday and Christmas as they fall around the same time. Been trying to keep myself busy I have had no time to be reading but best believe I will read it from what I’ve read it’s a brilliant book and I want to get journey of souls too.
Hope you’re having a good day. I bet once we go we get time to rest and reflect and decide if we want to reincarnate I don’t think it would be forced upon us.
It’s sad thinking I’ll live a long life and like Jess said live longer than I knew her :frowning: but I truly believe we’re here to learn and I guess we’re going through the learning process right now learning how much our mums and dads for @Laura8 meant to us, and learning how to go on without them in some capacity :frowning: there’s so much more to the world than we know and I’m holding onto the belief my mums right next to me and always with me. I think we were somewhere before birth and when we go we’ll go back to that place again.
I’m still not feeling great but there are bugs going about think I’m picking up the lot! And my dads almost finished our garden he’s really proud but today we took my daughter to a restaurant with a soft play area and me and my dad sat at our table watching her play with other kids he said he loved it and we’re gonna start doing that every week to get us all out together.
Amy xxx

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Hi to all,

I am in the same boat atm, my mum passed away in January and still fully in my grief still. It hasnt been the great journey and i been spending my time with my dad. The hardest bit is now when it is nearly Christmas(my mums favorite holiday). I thought my grief was on the right path, unfortunate this week particular has been triggy with all my emotionas flared up and my headaches come back and eating more to satisfied my emotions. I feel like no one understands where i am coming from. My new work been great and gives me the support i need and comfort. My family have been fabulous as well we use all being a tight net and open relationship we all can grief together. I am hoping after every first anniversary bit of my mum it will get little easier and we can try and live through the grief. My mum wouldn’t like seeing me like this and i try and put brave face on seek my life like it should. I carry on best i can and take one day or even on hour a day feeling positive as my mum was very positive person. Hope this helps you all.


Thanks @amyrose92 I have also been gardening after taking on my Dads allotment … I’ve dug it all over for winter it’s hard work but helps me … it’s very healing there .
Latest pic …

I’ve also donated to a charity where they add a Christmas light to a huge Christmas tree outside Lincoln cathedral for your loved one and you add a message - quite a nice idea i thought … so it’s helped me a bit today … I visited it last Christmas- never did I imagine I’d be adding my Dads name to the tree this year :sob::sob::broken_heart::broken_heart:

Hope you guys @tim007 @Jess1 are ok as can be …
Laura x


Hi Tasha thanks for the message. You’re right it’s good your mum was a positive person keep a hold of that in your life and live as she would, positively. I try and remember my mum your mum alike would have lost their mothers and they kept on living a nice life even though they will have struggled as we are, they too went through it and were still positive influences on us.
My mum only passed in September her funeral was October and her birthday in November so every month lately has felt like another anniversary I think in life I’ll mourn every year this time of year. Christmas is hardest one as everyone expects you to be happy but it sounds like you have good family around you and keep supporting each other. Try your best to enjoy Christmas as your mum would talk to her as if she was there as she could well be there with yous watching. And if you’re down remember too that’s okay Christmas is a lot of pressure to be happy and often alot of people are down missing their loved ones or feeling alone like they’re missing out somehow. New years will trigger me leaving my mum in 2023. My mum and dad always spent the bells together so I’ll make sure im with him at midnight and sit up and have a drink with him if he feels like it.
Feel welcome to message on here anytime too some of us just check in on each other. And know you’re not alone this is a universal experience we will get days we feel like we’re not coping and others where we will enjoy happy times. As time goes on I will have to hope that the anniversaries are easier to cope with but I think in all honestly it will still be heartbreaking maybe not as bad as the years pass by though.
Hope you’re okay
Amy xxx


Aw that’s beautiful Laura I love his garden!!! Wonderful you are looking after it he’d be so proud.
And the message on the tree that’s beautiful. You’re doing really well and celebrating his life by keeping his garden beautiful and putting the message on the tree is really special since he went there with you before.
Glad you’re keeping busy and the gardening is giving you some healing. It’s such a great hobby and i think with the message on the tree you should make that a new tradition if you can to remember the place you’s would go together this time of year :white_heart:
I’m doing okay been down recently having it hit me all over again. Been busy myself though which helps. Christmas and even life won’t be the same ever again but I love that you put his name on the tree honestly think it would be a lovely new tradition to keep doing that a lovely way to remember your father
Amy xxx

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Thank you . I have also had a bad week so this has helped me today .
So very difficult what we are all going through xx

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Definitely it’s hard but little things like the message on the tree lovely way to honour your fathers memory, and can I say brave of you to go there as it could be a trigger to be there when last time he was still alive and there with you, So be proud of yourself even though it’s hard you’re still keeping busy and making new memories too. I’ve had a slightly better week work wise and getting out but been crying on and off and just sinking in that she is really gone. I still imagine her across the road in her flat it’s hard to fully comprehend she’s not just across the road anymore. We finally got her stone sorted today what we want on it we put it off for a bit as my dad said it makes everything feel more final but we picked a nice message he likes to go on it.
Take care and hope you’re feeling well
Amy xxx

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Hi Amy
Thank for the message. Last few days been hard and my emotions flare up feel like back to april time when grief really hit me the most. Its has been so steady last few months but this week has really shock me again with it. I am glad i am not the only one feeling like this and now got place where i can express and feel safe to do so and others know what to say to each other. Tasha xx

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