Best ways to cope with loss of mother

Hi Jess, Lisa Williams in her book ‘Life among the dead’ described a reading she gave a business man just before he went to New York on business sent by his company, she warned him of being amongst fire and destruction and that he would be in danger, also that his return flight would be cancelled and that for a time he would be stranded in New York, but she could not tell him why.

Her client was indeed in danger on his twip, and was not far from the twin towers when they were hit by aircraft and bought down, she came within an ace of predicting 9/11!!!, his return flight was indeed cancelled, as were ALL non military flights in and out of the USA.

Your sun flower experience was much gentler and kinder, but probably the same principle applies, must have been a very disturbing reading for both of them, If I were him I would have done what he did and would have felt compelled to go because someone else would have gone in my place.

Jess, you mentioned looking for another medium, ask your circle tutor for a list of clairvoyants in the area.

Blessings to you, I hope work is bearable for you.


Thanks Tim for your kind words .
.please let us know what happens with your eye . My Mum recently had an eye operation . Hopefully you won’t need anything like that .
I am going to join you in hibernation . I just wish I could sleep a bit more as it helps .
Love and blessings to you as well xx

Laura, what you are doing is so positive, your Dad is no dought looking on and very proud of you.

Is your Mum ok?, I hope I do not need an operation, and if so it is something they can fix with a laser, Mrs T had a detached retina problem and a laser system fixed it, in my case it is not the retina but changes in the eye due to age and as there is no loss of peripheral vision it is unlikely to be macula degeneration (one they can treat, the other they cant) as was made very clear in a Doc Martin episode (‘Why did you not come to me earlier you nincompoop!!?..etc’) he would be a grate military doctor, but NOT Cornwall sevi street, no bedside manner and frankly sometimes rude as his school teacher wife has said.

I had some St Johns tea and hibernated for 4 hours, then finished fixing a clock in my clock room and if it keeps time during the night will take it back to its owners at Church tomorrow(probably strike 11 o’clock during the sermon)

Been a bit of thunder this afternoon but all quiet know, glass is going up again, forecast is for light rain and snow.

Going to have my dinner then go to bed.

Blessings to you, have a restful night.


I’m sure you won’t need an op my mum had a Macular hole and although harmless I think the op was uncomfortable but she lost all vision in one eye and could only see wavy lines . It’s sorted now .
I hope my Dad is proud of me . I think he is . I live for him now and all he taught me he was such a wonderful person .
What is the weather like where you are now ? I’ve seen there is snow at Windermere . Such a wonderful place I hope to go there again one day . My husband asked me to marry him there !
Love to all this lovely group xx

Tim another pic of my cat Meg ,as I know you like cats she is 13 now and loves to lie by the fire all night !


Hi Tim and Jess, I wasn’t feeling too good yesterday (the troublesome thoughts) so I didn’t post on here. Thank you for your kind words again. Sorry to hear Tim about your dash to A&E about your eye, at least it’s not a detached retina. I haven’t read Lisa Williams books or seen her on YouTube, will have a look. I have heard of her. There are loads of famous mediums out there, such as James Van Pragh (who is American but quite into the old British Mediums such as Leslie Flint who gave Direct Voice sittings. A Spirit voice filled the room whilst he sat quietly in trance. I met the English Mediums the late Derek Acorah and Tony Stockwell, who still teaches.

I didn’t really learn to Channel it just happened, although being able to quiet the mind in a state of meditation helps. Again it’s trusting that it’s another energy wanting to speak and not coming from your mind. My parents were into all this stuff and trained to become Spiritual Healers. My Mum was a Christian and we used to go to the local Methodist Church when young. Dad would like to have believed but did not like all the rules involved in religion, even in Spiritualism. My Mum’s grandmother was a medium, it skipped my grandmother and the gift was there with my Mum, who used to do Trance in a group.

I didn’t know you could get St. John’s Wort tea, I’ll have a look for that. I prefer taking herbal remedies rather than prescribed medicines but I might need the anti depressants for the moment. I did see some of your pictures and I might have a look when I feel guided and feel a bit better in myself.

Thank you again.

Hi Laura, nice happy pussey!, fine looking healthy cat (my mum had one called Timmy treakletoes, it was rescued from an local army barracks during the war and she had it for 19 years!) thats a pampered and well looked after mogee, thanks for the picture, I will put that on my screen saver.

Snowing hear and icy so not going out to church this morning but staying in and hibernating, porridge for breakfast this morning and one or two indoor jobs.

If the weather with you is like hear then stay in and keep warm if you can, danger under foot from ice etc.I have not stepped out of the house for several days other then to bring the milk in.

Hope you enjoy your Sunday and thanks again :smiley:


We’ve had 3 inches of snow here which is all It takes for things to stand still around here .
Glad you like Megs picture .
I was supposed to be going to a church service today for families who have lost loved ones with it being a difficult time of year. .i hope i can still go .
Stay warm everyone xx

Hello Zhug and how are you today?.try not to worry too much about things, something tells me you live alone like me since your husband past.

There are a lot of live alones in the town ware I live near Grange and it is basically because family members live away or have died(usually a mixture off the two) the town is colloquially known as ‘Gods waiting room’ and was one of the reasons why my dad would not move to Grange, the average age is around 74 so by and large most are OAP’s by definition.

Leslie Flint was a legend and very very few mediums can do what he did, he was to the clairvoyant world what Noel Coward was to show business, films and entertainment.

Regarding channeling, it just happened to Lisa Williams, she had been hired for a party to do readings, she was on the last one and very tired(it takes a lot of energy
as you know) and she was under the impression she had fallen asleep, the client was most impressed, who said her grand father had been speaking to her via lesa in
Bengali, a language she had no knowledge off, if that is not proof of the afterlife then I don’t know what is.

The methodist church these days is much less regemental then it was, but most ministers are reluctant to acknoledge clarevoyance, a minister I spoke to in church recently admitted to a contact with her mother after passing, but would not elaborate and put it down to the greaving process, I mentioned about Dowding of RAF fighter command having the knack of knowing what the Luftwaffe were doing beforehand and she would just say ‘Its very difficult’, just wanting to acknowledge that some people have that genurin ability because the bible describes us as sorcerers and of the devil. religious heresy and all that, rubbish, no wonder in so many places religion is still in the dark ages.

There was a girl in Russia who had mobility problems, but she had the ability to diagnose and heal just by laying on her hands, no medical training, but people came to see her from far and wide and she always heeled them, (I suspect Christ was the same know thinking off it)

Know about St John tea, I got it off ebay(proberbly other sites as well) just put in ‘St John’s Wort tea bags’ in google and ikt will take you too it.

Hope you enjoy your Sunday, stay warm and safe.

Blessings to you.


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Don’t take unnecessary risk Laura, the last thing you need is a broken leg!, when it comes to inclement weather discretion is often the batter part of vala, go out only if you really have too.

My sis in law rang to say her power is off and she is unable to get the car out, otherwise she could have come to me for some dinner, she has made herself a bit of tea on her gas stove and gone to bed with the dog(good idea)

I have set my gas stove up in the kitchen and have a torch with me at all times during the darkness, I am half expecting the power to fail some time.

Monday tomorrow, nothing planned or expected, will take the day as it comes.

Hospital trip ion Tuesday, take a haversack with waterproofs, a book and charged up electric tooth brush in case they keep me in, along with torch,my mobile phone and battery charger pack.

PS.Any one know what has happened to Amy and AmyC?, not heard from either of them for a bit, anyone know anything please?.

Stay warm and safe everyone, if the weather inclement DO NOT GO OUT UNLESS YOU REALLY HAVE TOO, some 2000 people are styranded in there cars in cumbrea and the police have asked people to stay off the roads., I have a sleeping bag, torch, and emergency supplies in mine, if you must go out be prepared and make sure your phone is charged and working.

Blessings to all, stay warm and safe.


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The snow thawed a little and we all got there . 8 of us . It was so emotional but lovely . I will take my mum to the carol service in a couple of weeks .
I haven’t heard from Amy . I hope she is ok . Xx

Mum also met 2 ladies who have also recently lost their husbands . I think it helped her . I will start taking her to the coffee mornings every week .xx

Thats a lovely idea for your mum Laura, get her out and give her some company, glad you got to the church ok.

Not heard anything from the other reguler group members for a bit, seem very quiet tonight.

I will wait another hour then close down if no contact.

Have a good evening.


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Yes hopefully we will all reconvene this week xx hope hibernation is going well x

Depends what happens this week, I might be kept in on Tuesday when I go to hospital, depends what they find.

My mums pulled out all the stops today first I visited my Grandma and I was looking out her back window and asked her to show me a Robin and of course one turned up straight after.

There’s a well known medium who was giving away free readings throughout December and I put my name down not expecting to be chosen but I asked my mum to make it happen and put a message out to spirit and low and behold she picked someone else but they didn’t answer their phone so she chose me next and this is after I wrote to my mum saying how much I wanted to be picked.

My reading was spot on and she told me things she shouldn’t know! I really needed that!

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Your mum is watching over you Jess, you have just had the proof of it that she is still with you and walks with you every day.

Any news from Amy and AmyC?, I am a bit concerned that it is a few days since I heard from them.

Blessings to you and have a quiert night, I am sighning off for know and going off the air.


Hi Tim, thanks for your lovely message. And I hope your eye is alright. Glad you got it checked out. I am going to start the St John’s wort tomorrow. Have to call dr for my daughter she’s still coughing alot hopefully get anti biotics as been over a week now. Our wee robin has been about our house all day today out the back and front garden (I think it’s the same one) comes up to the window and watches in its magical. Even my dad and boyfriend both believe it’s her or a sign from her. As we’ve never seen a robin in our garden before never mind it being here most days coming to the windows etc it’s lovely. I’ve purchased a proper bird box for it now as they have specific ones they use so hopefully it moves in :slight_smile:
Feeling alright just now obviously still get down I started crying today with the Robin when it appeared at the front window I couldn’t believe it. Just that it appeared the morning after she passed and hasn’t left, it’s really nice to think it’s a messenger.
Not long til my daughters birthday and then Christmas shortly after so I am looking forward to that, it will be hard but I know my mums still here in her own way as yours will be too
Amy xxx

That’s amazing Jess! I’ve also been seeing a robin in our garden a lot it showed up the morning after my mum passed and since it’s been in our garden alot and my dads been seeing one when he’s out walks. It followed him into his shed one day and wouldn’t leave, so he’s fully convinced now it’s a sign from my mum.
Glad you’re believing it is your mum, it must be hard on the other side to reach out but I imagine they do try their best to give us signs that they’re still around us. It’s so magical and part of me is just so amazed and humbled that there’s more to this life than we could ever conceive, and we will not know how it all works until we also pass. But I imagine it will be scary to pass but also peaceful, and hopefully our mums are waiting for us when it is our time. When I speak to my mum now I say thanks for waiting even though she’ll be waiting a long time, I know she’d wait a million years to see me again if she had to. There’s a song we loved from twilight movies and some of the lyrics are ‘I have died every day waiting for you darling don’t be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years and I’ll love you for a thousand more’ just makes me think of her and that she would wait that long for me if she had to :white_heart:
Hope you’re doing okay and the signs are bringing you comfort
Amy xxx

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Also re the St John’s wort and drug interactions all I take is an allergy tablet which I can stop at this time of year whilst I take it so I should be fine, I only plan to take the stuff for a month or so to see how it works and if it does I might continue a low dose for a while. I got 2 different strengths to try to see what works for me.
And with the weather it is a beautiful white December here, it’s very cold but it’s lovely. I think I’m working from home all next week and only in office one shift til I’m off for Christmas, but with the way the weather is I’m not sure if trains will be cancelled. Will see how the weather is over the next couple of weeks if it keeps snowing I don’t know if I’ll be able to travel in. We’ve not been out much still as everyone in the house bar myself is loaded with a cold so been keeping my daughter indoors to keep warm.
Amy xxx