Hi Laura.
My mum had dementia and it went all the way, a dementia death is terrible, it is clinically speaking a crucifixion, in a crucifixion you ultimately drown in your own fluids as your vital organs fail and fluid builds up in the lungs and around the heart and eventually the heart can take no more and renders up the ghost(this is NOT medical advise Seaneen, its a hard clinical fact!!) she had to be heavily sedated and I had to check the driven syringe was working properly, along with monitoring her sats, heartrate, and watching all the time for signs of pain, no one should be called on to do what I did for a relative, but I have had the technical training and there was no one else to do it, and that was round the clock, 7 days a week for her last months.
Be thankful for small mercies Laura, your ant was spared that, and you would not have wanted to deal with that, and no disrespect, possibly would not be able to, it took a bad tole on my health and is probably the main reason I am on this site, and that applies to most of us, not just a bereavement, but all the trauma before, during, and after the fact, as well.
Your priority is your mum, and yourself, and you need to take care of both, you have your own family and they need you.
Glad you are getting your transport sorted out, hopefully your brother can keep your dads van on the road, no dough he used it in connection with the allotment so its a family ‘air lume’.
Made some lovely soup tonight, tins of peas, carrots, tomatoes, new potatoes and a tin of sardeans all blended up, best soup I have ever had, I ate it with a fork!!!., best of all I have only had half of it, so rest is in the fridge and will have it tomorrow if the fancy takes me, it lifted my spirits on this cold, dark, winters day, I am longing for the spring,
Next winter I should have a nice warm snug to keep me warm, much better then trying to heat the whole house which for one person is antisocial and uneconomic.
Looking into making candles commercially, something productive and a nice warm winters job, I will set up the equipment in my clock room.
Blessings to all Laura, including the cat!, thanks for the communication, keep your pecker up and be kind to yourself.
Tim xx