Best ways to cope with loss of mother

Hope you are ok Amy. :innocent:

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How has your day been Laura?, took my family friend to optician this morning and helped neighbour in garden in afternoon.
How was the allotment today, did you go on a bike ride?.

How is your mum?.

Tim xx

Hang in there Amy.
Do it for yourself, do it for Romy.
I am sure your mum would not give in and role over, and neither would my mum.
Dig deep, search for the hero inside yourself, don’t let the buggers win!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Tim xx

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Hello Tim ,
No I haven’t . I’ve really hurt my neck and back . I am off tomorrow so I hope it’s better so I can get outside . I’ve only managed a walk this week .
I don’t even know how I did it . Probably feeling tense and stressed for so long … how’s things with everyone ? X

Yes would definitely recommend it! Thoroughly enjoyed it
Been watching One Day on Netflix over the last few days also, and it was excellent. Really emotional.

Hope you’re all doing well. I’ve had quite a busy week and very glad it’s the weekend.

Amy xx

Hi Jess

You definitely handled the situation fine and better than some people would have. Try put it out of your mind now and don’t pay her any attention she doesn’t deserve to take up any space in your mind

Amy x

Hi Tim
I am okay thanks :innocent: how are you ?
Hope everyone is OK this week
Amy xx

Ps I love father brown! Excellent show
How did you get on setting up the surveillance cameras?

Hello Amy.
I like the advise you gave Jess, spot on. :innocent:
Got Ruby again as sis-in-law has gone camping with the ‘owls’
Sending you picture of Ruby, she will not leave me alone and is almost a suraget grand child

All the best.


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Hi Amy.

Not done it yet, I am looking for something that would not look out of place like a clock with a hidden camera.

Will let you know how I get on.

And how is Jess tonight?.
Did you get the pic of Ruby?, she will not leave me alone.
Hope your neighbour is still ‘keeping the peace’ and you can dismiss her from your mind for good.

Hope your working situation will improve.

Freezing tonight! :cold_face: fed up of the weather now and yes I got it, I replied not long ago!

Not heard a peep from the neighbour which suits me lol

Got a lot of things to sort, also I’ve finally cut my half day which will come into effect next month, I’m looking forward to having more time to heal myself! Bit worried though because when I mentioned maybe increasing my hours once I’m better in myself she told me it might not be possible as she will be taking someone else on as someone is leaving.

Hi Jess, sorry you are so cold tonight, I think a frost is coming and I would run your heating for an hour if you can to stop it from freezing up.

Well, you have finally cut your hours to 2 days, flesh and blood can only take so much and while your boss is taking on someone else it will be interesting to see how long they last, my impression is they have a high turn over rate.

Try to keep warm in your house (I ware a one piece tracksuit with a fleece lined hood, a pair of self heating AND military grade socks as well together with blue overalls if it is really cold, my nose still feels as if it has an ice cube on it!! :cold_face:

Blessings to all. :innocent:

Tim xx

Just at work today. Seeing all the mothers day decorations is killing me, I’ve been through one mothers day without her already but seems worse this time round! Probably cause I was still in a state of shock last time round! Very tired today my cat keeps waking me up coughing, need to get her booked into the vets ouch going to cost us lol how are you all today?

Hi Jess, Yes, mothers day is a kick in the teeth for us all on this site :persevere:, and is a bit like being on the losing side of a cup final and having to que and watch the winning team being presented with there Gold medals (SICK :bomb:!!!)

Its a little bit like 'Go to jail, NO MOTHERS DAY LUNCH :exploding_head:!!!, do not pass go, do not collect £200, but very sadly for us, IT IS NOT A GAME,BUT A TRAJIC FACT, and we have all suffered, and to some extent have all been damaged by our experiences in one form or another, and we all have issues,otherise we would not be on this site.

About your cat Jess, I recall the cat coughing like mad in Fawlty Towers many years ago and Basil was of the mind it was poisoned kippers :scream:, until the chef told him it was coughing up fur balls :crazy_face:, winter is coming towards its end (believe it or not) and your cat is probably madly pruning its self and inevitably ingesting fur in the process :scream_cat:, you may well find that is the problem, and not quite as cataclysmic as you fear. :heart_eyes_cat:

Cannot advise you about tomorrow, I would have said stay at home and stay out of it, but for you Jess that is not an option,just try not to let it get to you.

Blessings to all :innocent:


She’s had the cough a long time now and we took her to the vets a few months ago and they provided us with some antibiotics and anti inflammatory pills. It settled for a little but then started again, she has since been back to the vets for blood tests which all came back fine think the next step would be having her sedated so they can have a proper look at her throat.

That’s the thing when we lose someone so close to us it changes us forever and it’s almost like the old version of us is gone forever!

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Jess, go to the top of the class!!! :innocent: you have hit the nail on the head, the old version of us HAS gone forever, like a snake shedding its skin,and we will never be quite the same, that, is what intense grief does to us, it really does alter are brains permanently, and in ways that science is only just starting to comprehend.

Light sedation is the word, general anaesthetics can be tricky with cats and it is easy to give them to much, hope your moggy is OK, how is Dobby?.

Try to keep your chin up (not allowed to say ‘pecker’) I know tomorrow will be difficult and the place will be mad with people seeing there mothers and you will be rushed off your feet and it will be stressful, but for a lot of them it will be probably there final mothers day, I pray forbearance and fortitude for you, and will remember you in my private prayers tomorrow, I AM NOT GOING TO CHURCH,BUT STAYING OUT OF IT.

Blessings to all :innocent:


P.S Watching father brown with my mum is among my happiest memories, strange but true, something very bigiling about the series.

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Hi , I know have not lost my mother . I am already dreading Father’s Day .
Think of those special days you had with your loved ones … as Tim says they walk with us still

I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow xxx

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Bless you Laura, and thank you.
Thinking of you too. :innocent:

Tim xx