Chat and support

Just catching up on the hundreds of messages from after my phone went to sleep mode and I have a few queries/comments…

Happy birthday Liz, I know the first one without your other half can be hard but I hope you find some glimmers of happiness today. Mine was seeing a full moon on my morning walk with the dogs…

Rose , I am so glad that Tony is up and about this morning and knows how much you love and spoil him.

Now the query… What is a liberty bodice? Never heard of one… I am not that much younger than some of you but am at a complete loss, maybe it was because I went to an all boys secondary school…

Hope everyone has as good a day as possible, hands available if needed…Pete


Thankyou Flo
You made me smile so thats good
Love and hugs
Liz x x

Thankyou Ron
My granddaughter will be here soon, she’ll cheer me up

X x

Hi Jane 2

My hands are there for you

X x

Always here Jane 2 just one little step back from the edge should do it.

Hello all,

This conversation has moved on a lot from the original post. I’m just letting you know that I’m going to rename this thread now to better reflect the conversation, and move posts which were replying to the opening post over to this thread:

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Thankyou Pete

Yes I should think the fact you were a boy would explain why you didn’t know about liberty bodices.
They were stiffish vest like garments that had hundreds of tiny rubber buttons to do up.
This was well as a vest. Supposed to keep our chests warm I think.
So to be honest I don’t know why boys didn’t have to wear them
I suppose it was because us girls were such delicate little flowers .
Yeah right :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Love and hugs
Liz x x

Hi Liz,
It appears admin have bounced us to under a new thread called chat thread💁🏻‍♂️

Hi Ron yes I saw that.

As long as we don’t lose our thread

Most of us have already lost the plot :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If you look at the top its Chat and Support

X x



So sorry you didn’t sleep, Liz. Sending birthday hugs; a very hard day for you, but we’re all here for you. xxx

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Just noticed you write Catrin, what things do you write about.

Guten Morgen Liro, hast Du gut geschlafen? I hated Latin and managed to forget it. Well, there was not nuch to forget anyway.

We lived in Holland near Enschede for 6 months in the 60s. They spoke in Dutch to us and we in German to them. (It worked well.)

I have lived here in England for 44 years now. Where did the time go?


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Poetry and short stories. Sorry, no bodice-ripping yarns! I take workshops, do book reviews etc. Helps to eke out the pension.

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That should probably be liberty-bodice-ripping yarns…

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Guten morgan Nick.
I had to go to Holland quite a lot when I worked for Laura Ashley. I learnt one word. No idea how it was spelled. Smaglich. Which I believe meant the equivalent of Bon appetite.
I failed Latin twice. My teacher thought I should try again. Squeezed past French and learnt a little German. When working in Germany came across 2 people looking lost in my hotel. They asked in German where their room might be. I managed to tell them I thought it was across the car park which I was very proud of.
My French improved when I worked in Paris for 6 months although project language was English.
My brother is the linguist. Speaks Norwegian and Swedish fluently. A bit of Greek and some Russian but can’t grasp French, Spanish or German. He is a published poet. Won a times sonnet competition. Works in stained glass. Does marquetry. Paints. Has 2 OU degrees. Both firsts. He was a right dunce at school.
I admire people who can speak a foreign language.

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That’s disappointing Catrin no Jackie Collins😂
Seriously it must be so rewarding for you hope it continues.xx


Back from the Drs with more tablets and go back to see him in 3 weeks. Despite telling myself I wouldn’t cry this morning I did when he started asking me about how much support I have, I told him I have good family support and about this wonderful group. He thinks I am doing well in such a short time.
Lots of love
Jane 2

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And you are doing so well Jane we are all proud of you,let’s just all keep going.


We lived in Germany for 7years before moving to Scotland, we loved it and were sorry to leave. My husband was in the Army.
Jane 2

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